Amber Portwood

5 Stories

5 Reality Stars Who've Been Behind Bars

Including Khloe Kardashian

(Newser) - Real Housewife Teresa Giudice and husband Joe are both going to prison for fraud , but they're far from the first reality stars to spend time behind bars. The Stir rounds up more:
  • Amber Portwood: The Teen Mom was caught hitting her ex, then busted on drug-possession charges. She got

Teen Mom Star Ordered to Prison
 Teen Mom Ordered to Prison 

Teen Mom Ordered to Prison

Judge reinstates Amber Portwood's 5-year term in stir

(Newser) - A violent, drug-abusive star of MTV's Teen Mom reality program is about to be sent away to prison for at least two years. Amber Portwood, now 22, dropped out of a drug rehab program last month, and an Indiana judge yesterday reinstated a five-year sentence he imposed after she...

Jailed Teen Mom Makes How Much Money?!

Amber Portwood brings in $280K, shockingly

(Newser) - Welcome to the 21st century: Amber Portwood, the 20-year-old who got pregnant at 16, landed a reality show with her baby, and was recently jailed for allegedly beating her babydaddy , makes a lot more money than most of us will ever see. A judge ordered Portwood to reveal her annual...

Teen Mom Star Pleads Not Guilty in Filmed Assault

Amber Portwood roughed up her boyfriend on camera, faces felonies

(Newser) - Teen Mom star Amber Portwood has pleaded not guilty to beating baby daddy Gary Shirley. The altercation that was captured by MTV during the filming of the reality program shows Portwood slapping and hitting her then-boyfriend during a heated argument. All of it took place in front of the couple's...

Teen Mom Jailed for Felony Domestic Abuse

Amber Portwood could get 3 years in stir

(Newser) - A star of the Teen Mom reality series is in an Indiana jail today after being busted for felony domestic abuse. Amber Portwood, 20, was videotaped in scenes for the MTV program viciously smacking and kicking the father of her toddler daughter, boyfriend Gary Shirley, as the little girl watched,...

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