Edmund Morris

2 Stories

Reagan Biographer Who Mixed Fact With Fiction Dies

Edmund Morris won a Pulitzer for Theodore Roosevelt book

(Newser) - Presidential biographer Edmund Morris, best known for writing a book about the life of Ronald Reagan in 1999, has died. He was 78. Sylvia Jukes Morris, his wife, said he died Friday in Danbury, Connecticut, a day after suffering a stroke, the AP reports. Morris' career took off with the...

Cursing Presidential Historian: Americans 'Lazy, Obese'

Edmund Morris not a fan of Bob Schieffer's question

(Newser) - Face the Nation got a little excited today, with host Bob Schieffer provoking presidential biographer Edmund Morris to curse on air and then slam the American people. Asked during a roundtable discussion what Teddy Roosevelt would think of today’s politics, Morris responded, “You keep asking these presentist...

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