Mitt Romney 2012

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Goldman Donors Desert Obama
 Goldman Donors Desert Obama 

Goldman Donors Desert Obama

Financial industry throws its weight behind Mitt

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs execs and employees have abandoned President Obama in the biggest corporate campaign finance U-turn on record, a Wall Street Journal analysis finds. The firm's workers gave Obama more than $1 million in 2008—more than any other American corporation—but have given him just $136,000 this...

Romney Tax Plan Would Soak the 'Ordinary Rich'

Only the top 1% of the top 1% would benefit

(Newser) - MItt Romney assures us that his tax plan won't reduce the tax burden on the rich, but that claim leaves out a little-known divide between the wealthy and the super wealthy, writes David Frum at the Daily Beast . He says Romney's plan to make cuts in the top...

Romney on Middle East: 'Hope Is Not a Strategy'

Candidate attacks Obama in 'major' foreign policy speech

(Newser) - Seeking to shore up his foreign policy credentials, Mitt Romney delivered a major speech today in Virginia attacking President Obama's performance overseas and outlining his own plans. "The president hopes for a safer, freer, and a more prosperous Middle East," Romney declared, according to the Washington Post...

Other Celebs Who Back Teams Romney, Obama

The National supports Obama; Stacey Dash likes Romney

(Newser) - Katy Perry, Jon Bon Jovi, Stevie Wonder, and Earth, Wind & Fire performed at a star-studded Obama fundraiser last night in LA, attended by supporters including, of course, George Clooney. The president took the opportunity to poke fun at his own debate performance, noting that singers like Perry perform perfectly...

As VP Debate Looms, Biden Buckles Down

Vice president preps feverishly after weak Obama performance

(Newser) - After President Obama faltered in his own debate, it falls to his gaffe-happy second-in-command to put things back on track—and Joe Biden isn't taking this one lightly, the New York Times reports. What he's doing to prepare:
  • Biden has holed himself up in a Delaware hotel to

Romney Pulls Even With Debate Bounce
 Romney Pulls Even 
 With Debate Bounce 
gallup polling

Romney Pulls Even With Debate Bounce

Post-Wednesday tracking shows Romney narrows the gap

(Newser) - President Obama had the edge in Gallup polling immediately prior to last week's debate—but that changed after Mitt Romney walked away with Wednesday's debate. Registered voters are now evenly split, 47% for Romney and 47% for Obama, Gallup's daily tracking shows. Gallup's most recent poll,...

'Nice Guy' Mitt Moves Voters With Tales of Death

Romney shows new, friendly persona on Florida swing

(Newser) - The energetic, down-to-earth Mitt Romney who wowed at the first presidential debate is taking his new show on the road, Politico reports. Stumping in Florida, the GOP candidate has ditched his old CEO persona for a man who tells warm, personal stories about people who are dying. One was an...

Team Obama: Mitt's Debate 'Masterful,' 'Dishonest'

Plus, more debate over Jack Welch

(Newser) - Team Obama was busily spinning Wednesday's debate today, with Robert Gibbs in one breath calling Mitt Romney's performance "masterful, masterful," and in the next slamming it as just that: a "performance" that was at best "fundamentally dishonest," reports Politico . "He did a...

Paul Ryan: Let's Make America 'a Tax Shelter'

... and consider Americans either 'makers' or 'takers'

(Newser) - Mother Jones has dug up two more politically charged videos—these of Paul Ryan describing a rather Ayn Randian economic vision for America. In one , he told American Business Magazine last year that the US should make its tax rates competitively low: "Let's make this country a...

Today's Political Football: Falling Jobless Rate

Obama, Romney spar over whether the lower rate means much

(Newser) - Today's unemployment numbers were bound to surface on the campaign, considering the rate dropped below the 8% threshold:
  • President Obama: “We are moving forward again," he said. "After losing more than 800,000 jobs a month when I took office, our businesses have now added 5.

&#39;Moderate Mitt&#39; Is Back
 'Moderate Mitt' Is Back 
OPINION roundup

'Moderate Mitt' Is Back

And conservatives don't mind

(Newser) - Remember earlier this year when Mitt Romney boasted of being a "severely conservative" governor? Well, he's long gone, and "moderate Mitt" is the one on a roll:
  • David Weigel, Slate : "Here’s the odd thing" about that debate triumph: "He did it by being the

Ex-GE Boss: Obama Must Be Tweaking Jobs Figures

Slew of tweets jump in on conspiracy theory

(Newser) - And a new conspiracy theory is born. The only explanation for the latest jobs data is that President Obama has been meddling with the numbers, says former GE CEO Jack Welch. "Unbelievable jobs numbers," he tweeted. "These Chicago guys will do anything... can't debate so change...

What's Ahead for 'Reinvented' Romney

Foreign policy speech, debate ads aim to keep momentum going

(Newser) - After a strong debate performance, Mitt Romney is ramping up what Politico calls the Romney Reinvention Project. "One night doesn’t transform the race, but the next three to five days can," says a campaign rep. "We just have to stick to our plan and not chase...

Romney: 47% Remark 'Completely Wrong'

He walks back remarks in Fox News interview

(Newser) - President Obama didn't bring up Mitt Romney's "47%" remarks during their debate Wednesday night, so the response Romney had waiting went to Fox's Sean Hannity instead. "Clearly in a campaign with hundreds if not thousands of speeches and question-and-answer sessions, now and then you're...

&#39;Feistier&#39; Obama Surfaces
 'Feistier' Obama Surfaces 

'Feistier' Obama Surfaces

President rips into Romney at Denver rally

(Newser) - Obama fans might take heart. The man they wanted to show up at last night's debate finally surfaced at a rally in Denver today. Stories are using words like "feistier" ( Washington Post ), "aggressive" (the AP ), "coming out swinging" (the Hill ), and "...

Romney Kicked a Clutch Field Goal

 Romney Kicked a 
 Clutch Field Goal 

Romney Kicked a Clutch Field Goal

Nate Silver thinks his comeback chances are stronger now

(Newser) - Everyone from the left to the right thinks Mitt Romney smoked President Obama in last night's debate, but how will that translate to the polls? Nate Silver of the New York Times says it's possible he could see a gain of about 3 points, about as high as...

Big Winner in Debate: Twitter

Debate was most-tweeted US political event ever

(Newser) - Last night's debate was the most-tweeted US political event in history, Computerworld reports, with viewers offering some brilliant—and not so brilliant—analysis of the contest as it unfolded. Twitter and other social media gave viewers the chance to skip the pundits' take and jump right into the...

So, Who Told the Truth?
 So, Who Told the Truth? 
debate aftermath

So, Who Told the Truth?

Fact-checkers pore over last night's debate

(Newser) - Facts and numbers were flying in last night's debate, and President Obama and Mitt Romney agreed on so few of them that "the two men seemed to be inhabiting two parallel universes," Politico observes. Thankfully, a swarm of fact-checkers have been poring over the candidates' statements to...

The Debate's Biggest Loser: Jim Lehrer

Pundits slam 'useless' moderator

(Newser) - The Denver debate wasn't President Obama's finest moment , but many pundits say there was a bigger loser: PBS' Jim Lehrer. The 78-year-old moderator struggled to enforce time limits and seemed to let the candidates—especially Mitt Romney—take control, Politico reports. Fox's Chris Wallace accused Lehrer of...

The Debate&#39;s Best Lines
 The Debate's Best Lines 

The Debate's Best Lines

'I love Big Bird,' Romney says

(Newser) - President Obama finished second in last night's debate, pundits agree, but both candidates managed to come out with a few memorable lines. Politico rounds up some of the best. Mitt Romney:
  • "Mr. President, you’re entitled to your own house and your own airplane, but not your own

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