Mitt Romney 2012

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Homer Simpson Votes for ...
 Homer Simpson Votes For... 

Homer Simpson Votes For...

President Obama, or Mitt Romney? Homer decides

(Newser) - Just how will Homer Simpson vote? The burning political question of 2012 has been resolved in a promo clip for The Simpsons' new season, which shows Homer casting his ballot for ... Mitt Romney, but not without some regret, Politico reports. After pressing Romney's name on a touchscreen, Homer reads...

Latest Meme: &#39;Texts From Mitt&#39;
 Latest Meme: 'Texts From Mitt' 

Latest Meme: 'Texts From Mitt'

Fake Romney talks about spray tans, makes car roof jokes

(Newser) - First there was Texts From Hillary , now there's Texts From Mitt. As you can imagine, these texts are a little less badass, a little more rich guy. Dreamed up by Nick Douglas at Slacktory and spotted by the Huffington Post , the fake Mitt sends texts joking about his birth...

Romney Needs a New Boss
 Romney Needs a New Boss 
Peggy Noonan

Romney Needs a New Boss

Peggy Noonan thinks candidate needs to 'get his head screwed on right'

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan raised some eyebrows earlier this week when she called Romney's campaign incompetent . "I was being polite," she writes in today's Wall Street Journal . "I really meant 'rolling calamity.'" Noonan says almost everyone agreed with her dire outlook, including some midlevel...

Ann Romney to Mitt's Critics: Stop It

'You want to try it? Get in the ring,' she says

(Newser) - This hasn't been a great week for the Romney campaign, but Ann Romney has had quite enough of hearing fellow Republicans criticize her husband. "Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring," she said during an interview with Radio Iowa yesterday....

Obama: 'You Can't Change Washington From the Inside'

And Mitt Romney quickly pounces

(Newser) - This one is shaping up to be the soundbite of the day, courtesy of President Obama. At a Univision forum in Miami, the president said this when reflecting on his first term:
  • “I think that I’ve learned some lessons over the last four years, and the most important

Romney, Obama Are Cartoon Characters
Romney, Obama Are Cartoon Characters

Romney, Obama Are Cartoon Characters

They're both becoming demagogs; bring on Homer Simpson

(Newser) - Mitt Romney says his 47% comment was inelegantly stated. "But he's being modest," writes Michael Kinsley in the LA Times . "It was a perfectly elegant summary of the views of a cartoon conservative, which is what Romney took his audience to be full of." Indeed,...

Sorry, Pundits, This Race Isn&#39;t Over

 Sorry, Pundits, 
 This Race 
 Isn't Over 
karl rove

Sorry, Pundits, This Race Isn't Over

Romney's '47%' flap will blow over, says Karl Rove

(Newser) - As pundits were pronouncing Mitt Romney's chances all but gone yesterday, Politico summed up the thoughts of one skeptical Dem strategist this way: "It ain't over until Karl Rove sings." Well, Rove weighed in on the matter today, and he's not singing. The fuss over...

Romney Pinching Pennies on Ads

Obama backers outspend Mitt in key states

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and the Republicans have made plenty of big fundraising headlines over the summer—but with restrictions on political cash, Romney's already facing some financial hurdles . The indebted campaign is holding back on advertising spending at a time when the candidate may sorely need it. President Obama and...

Tim Pawlenty Ditches Romney for CEO Gig

He'll head up powerful financial services lobbying group

(Newser) - Passed over for vice president , Tim Pawlenty is getting out of Team Romney altogether and cashing in: He's stepping down as co-chairman of Romney's campaign to accept a job as CEO of the Financial Services Roundtable, one of the most powerful lobbying groups in DC, the Hill...

Romney: I'm All About 'the 100%'

Candidate repeats new favorite line over and over

(Newser) - Mitt Romney wants to make absolutely sure you know that he's not for the 1%, and he's not against the 47%: The candidate is for all 100% of the US. He repeated the figure four times last night during a speech in Florida, starting with this declaration: "...

67% Say They&#39;re Romney&#39;s 47%
 67% Say They're Romney's 47% 

67% Say They're Romney's 47%

But it probably won't decide how they vote

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's description of 47% of the electorate as handout-grabbers wasn't exactly a rousing success with much of the electorate, an Ipsos/ Reuters poll finds. Some 43% of those polled said the video of Romney talking to Florida donors made them view the Republican nominee less favorably, while...

60 Minutes to Interview Obama, Romney

They'll appear separately this weekend

(Newser) - Well, it's almost like a debate: 60 Minutes will feature separate interviews this Sunday with Mitt Romney and President Obama, reports USA Today . CBS promises that both will get similar questions on the economy, health care, national security, and the like—and no doubt some on Romney's "...

Jon Stewart: Romney's Own Dad Wouldn't Vote for Him

George Romney spent early years on welfare

(Newser) - Jon Stewart weighed in on Mitt Romney's 47% controversy last night —or, as he described it, Romney "talking to rich people about poorer people in a manner you would imagine cartoon rich people talk about cartoon poorer people." The first problem with Romney's position: Almost...

Ryan: Romney 'Obviously Inarticulate' in 47% Video

Republicans panicking as critics line up

(Newser) - Paul Ryan tried to massage his running mate's 47% faux pas yesterday in an interview with KRNV-TV in Nevada. "He was obviously inarticulate in making this point," Ryan said. "The point we're trying to make here is, under the Obama economy government dependency is up....

Randy Newman: I'm Dreamin' of a White President

'Who knows how to handle money and start a war'

(Newser) - Just in time for the election, sometimes-satirical singer Randy Newman has dusted off his "Short People" chops with a political carol that includes the line, "I'm dreaming of a white president," NPR reports. He "won't be the brightest, perhaps," Newman croons in the...

Romney Campaign $11M in Debt
 $11M in Debt 
he borrowed $20M

Romney Campaign $11M in Debt

Primary dough dried up as he waited to tap into general election bucks

(Newser) - The Mitt Romney campaign borrowed $20 million last month, and is still $11 million in debt, reports the National Review. The campaign borrowed the money to cover expenses while waiting to tap into tens of millions of dollars in general-election funds, which it could not do until Romney was officially...

Romney Defends Remarks, as Obama Takes a Dig

Republican goes on Fox to clarify views

(Newser) - Mitt Romney took to Neil Cavuto's show on Fox News today to defend his comments that 47% of Americans don't pay taxes and see themselves as "victims" who depend on the government, reports Politico . He may be taking plenty of heat , but Romney sees this as a...

Did &#39;47%&#39; Video Cost Mitt the Election?

 Did '47%' Video 
 Cost Mitt the
OPINION roundup

Did '47%' Video Cost Mitt the Election?

Pundits analyze Romney's income tax assertion

(Newser) - Leaked video of a May Mitt Romney fundraiser—in which the candidate calls half the country self-proclaimed 'victims' —has the pundits swarming, with some saying it just might cost him the election. Here's what they're saying:
  • The video "has killed Mitt Romney's campaign for

More Romney Video: Peace in Middle East Impossible

We'd 'kick the ball down the field': candidate

(Newser) - Mother Jones has more from the Mitt Romney fundraiser that yielded yesterday's off-the-cuff footage . This time, Romney is discussing foreign policy, particularly his feeling that "there's just no way" to establish peace between Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians, he says in the tape, have "no...

Mitt Stands By Slams on Freeloading Voters

'My campaign is about helping people take responsibility'

(Newser) - Never explain, never apologize seems to be the strategy Mitt Romney is following after he was caught on a video obtained by Mother Jones calling half of American voters freeloaders. His comments, he admits, were not "elegantly stated," Romney told reporters last night in California. "I'm...

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