Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri

5 Stories

Man Behind 2009 Underwear Bomb Plot May Be Dead

Ibrahim al-Asiri may have been killed last year

(Newser) - One of al-Qaeda's master bombmakers may have been killed in Yemen last year, according to a UN report . If Ibrahim al-Asiri—who was believed to have been involved in an unsuccessful 2009 plot to blow up an aircraft over Detroit on Christmas Day with an underwear bomb —is...

Al-Qaeda May Have Invented Explosive Clothing: Report

From same guy behind the underwear bomb

(Newser) - From the mastermind behind the underwear bomb , US officials now fear a new couture-based weapon: clothes dipped in liquid explosives. ABC News says senior government officials heard about the potential new threat at a briefing on yesterday's embassy closures . Two officials present at the meeting say the explosive clothes...

Officials Watching for 'Body Bombs' on Planes

Threat of surgically implanted bombs is real: officials

(Newser) - As the anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden looms, security for US-bound flights has been stepped up around the world. While authorities say that there is no specific information of an impending attack timed for the anniversary, one threat that officials are watching for is "body...

FBI Links Top al-Qaeda Bombmaker to Two US Plots

Fingerprint, forensics link Ibrahim al-Asiri to underwear bomber, cargo bombs

(Newser) - The FBI has now definitively linked top al-Qaeda bombmaker Ibrahim al-Asiri to a trio of explosives used in two recent attempts to attack the US, via a fingerprint and forensic evidence. Al-Asiri, who works in Yemen with al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was already suspected of being involved with the...

Cargo Bomber 'Aiming for Another Lockerbie'

Officials hunt al-Qaeda suspect who blew up his own brother

(Newser) - Security forces around the world believe Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri—an al-Qaeda fighter who once blew up his own brother—is the mastermind behind the bombs, and was plotting a "new Lockerbie" with his cargo plane explosives, reports the Telegraph . Both devices found on cargo craft traveled for a time...

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