Mike Pezzano

2 Stories

'Rand Paul Stomp' Stars in First Ad

So 'scary' it's running after 10pm, say Dems

(Newser) - Smile, Rand Paul bruisers, you're on TV—again! The takedown and head-stompin' of a protester by Paul supporters is starring in its first political ad. But bizarrely, the Democratic Party finds it so "scary" for kids that it's only running after 10 pm, a spokesman tells the Washington Post...

Meet the Man Who Took Down Rand Protester

Mike Pezzano wrestles Laura Valle wearing 'don't tread on me' pin

(Newser) - The tackler who wrestled down the Rand Paul protester for a head stompin' was not part of a campaign security detail. He was just an American voter who believes in open carry gun laws and, it seems, using force when ... necessary? Tea Partier Mike Pezzano , sporting a "Don't Tread...

2 Stories
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