Jacob Isom

2 Stories

Koran Dude Gets His Dream Honor

High Times plans a story about Jacob Isom's book rescue

(Newser) - The skateboarding dude who saved a Koran from being torched in a Texas park is getting the kind of modest honor a true stoner folk hero apparently dreams of: acclaim in High Times . The doobie bible thanks Jacob Isom for his "bravery in the face of intolerance," and...

Skateboarder Saves Koran From Torching
 Saves Koran 
 From Torching 
Dude, You Have No Koran

Skateboarder Saves Koran From Torching

'I snuck up behind him and snatched it'

(Newser) - Sometimes all it takes to stop a debate over torching a Koran is a dude on a skateboard. Texas boarder Jacob Isom has become the latest YouTube folk hero after he rolled up and snatched a kerosene-soaked Koran before it could be set aflame in a local park by the...

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