Rick Snyder

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Detroit Files for Bankruptcy
 Detroit Files for Bankruptcy 

Detroit Files for Bankruptcy

It's the biggest municipal filing in the nation's history

(Newser) - Detroit just entered the record books for all the wrong reasons. The city's emergency manager today filed what is the biggest municipal bankruptcy in the nation's history, reports the Detroit Free Press . The city is seeking Chapter 9 protection from creditors owed about $18.5 billion. (The exact...

'It's a Sad Day': Detroit Gets Emergency Manager

Kevyn Orr thinks he can turn city around in 6 months

(Newser) - A DC bankruptcy lawyer now has more say over Detroit's future than its mayor or city council. Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder today named Kevyn Orr as the city's emergency manager, following up on his unprecedented move to put the city's finances under state control , reports the Detroit ...

Michigan Governor to Declare Detroit Emergency

Announcement expected at noon today

(Newser) - Ah, Detroit—it's miserable , murderous , and, as of noon local time today, likely officially in a state of financial emergency. Per Mayor Dave Bing, Gov. Rick Snyder is set to declare that emergency today, which is expected to result in Snyder appointing a financial manager who will seize hold...

Union Nostalgia Won&#39;t Cut It in Modern World
Union Nostalgia Won't Cut It in Modern World
charles krauthammer

Union Nostalgia Won't Cut It in Modern World

Charles Krauthammer: Lower wages better than unemployment

(Newser) - It might be "shocking" that Michigan of all places is now a right-to-work state , but it was also "inevitable," writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Expect the rest of the Rust Belt to follow suit, because while it's nice to look back fondly on the...

Anti-Union Movement Is Bad News for America
Anti-Union Movement
Is Bad News for America

Anti-Union Movement Is Bad News for America

Harold Meyerson: This is politics, not economics

(Newser) - Michigan's new anti-union law isn't about economics or creating jobs, much as its GOP supporters would like everyone to believe, writes Harold Meyerson in the Washington Post . No, this is pure politics. How else to explain that police and firefighters, whose contracts cost local governments a pretty penny,...

Unions Vow Revenge in Right-to-Work Fight

Laws headed for court battle, 2014 showdown

(Newser) - The battle has just begun over Michigan's newly passed right-to-work laws, labor leaders vowed today. Opponents of the law have already filed two lawsuits against it, the Detroit News reports, and they intend to make it the centerpiece of the 2014 election, which will see all the state's...

Right-to-Work Becomes Law in Michigan

Thousands protest in Lansing

(Newser) - It's a huge day for labor in Michigan. Gov. Rick Snyder has signed a pair of right-to-work bills that make it illegal to require the payment of union dues in order to work, the Detroit Free Press reports. The state's House of Representatives passed the bills earlier today....

Anti-Union Bill Triggers Protests at Michigan Capitol

Troopers use pepper spray as governor pushes right-to-work legislation

(Newser) - Wisconsin all over again? The nation's newest fight over unions is now under way in Michigan, reports Reuters . Republican Gov. Rick Snyder today announced that he hopes to have right-to-work legislation—making the payment of union dues voluntary—in place by the end of the year. The measure passed...

Michigan's GOP Governor Vetoes Voter ID Bills

Rick Snyder fears absentee voter 'confusion'

(Newser) - As controversy swirls over GOP voter identification efforts in several states, Michigan's governor has broken ranks with his party. Rick Snyder vetoed a pair of bills that would have called for proof of US citizenship to vote as well as a photo ID to obtain an absentee ballot. Though...

Half of Detroit's Streetlights May Go Dark

Mayor wants to nudge people to move to better areas

(Newser) - Detroit's population has shrunk 60% since 1950, and officials say it's time to condense the city. They're taking a simple approach: Light the areas where they want folks to live. Mayor Dave Bing wants to cut the number of streetlights nearly in half, from 88,000 to...

Michigan May Take Over Detroit
 Michigan May Take Over Detroit 

Michigan May Take Over Detroit

Governor may appoint emergency manager

(Newser) - If Detroit can't get its finances in order soon, it may become the biggest American city ever to be taken over by a state. Rick Snyder, Michigan's Republican governor, has appointed a team to review the city's finances. If members conclude that the situation constitutes an emergency,...

Michigan to Track Kids' Weight in State Registry

Doctors will have to report BMI stats of young patients

(Newser) - Michigan is getting aggressive on childhood obesity: Under a new initiative, doctors will be required to report kids' body weight and BMI stats to a state registry, the AP reports. The children's identity would remain anonymous, but the move could still trigger concerns about privacy or the government overstepping...

Michigan: Now Home to Stingiest Jobless Benefits

Governor Rick Snyder lops six weeks off of benefits

(Newser) - Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed a law yesterday that will chop six weeks off the amount of time state workers can collect unemployment next year—making Michigan the only state in the country to give its workers less than 26 weeks of benefits, the New York Times reports. Republicans quietly...

'Financial Martial Law' Passes in Michigan

Bill passes House, goes to governor

(Newser) - Michigan’s House yesterday passed a controversial bill that will install state-appointed emergency financial managers in troubled cities, giving each the power to do whatever is necessary to balance budgets—including breaking union contracts. One Senate Republican recently promised that the managers would only be sent to communities in need...

Incumbent Creamed in Michigan

 Creamed in 

Incumbent Creamed in Michigan

Yesterday's races a mixed bag for establishment candidates

(Newser) - Longtime Michigan Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick fell to a challenger in yesterday's Democratic primary, making her the fourth House incumbent trounced in a primary this year. In other closely watched incumbent races, Missouri GOP Rep. Roy Blunt skated to victory and GOP Sen. Jerry Moran narrowly squeaked by in Kansas....

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