
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Hopes to Find Southern Comfort in Va.

State demographics shifting blue, but Dems haven't won since '64

(Newser) - Barack Obama is seeking to become the first Democrat to win Virginia since LBJ in 1964. He's got a good shot, writes the New York Times: demographic changes favor his party, and Virginia has now elected two Democratic governors and a senator. But John McCain has the support of several...

Cindy McCain Blasts View After Grilling

It's 'out of sync' with mainstream America, says aspiring first lady

(Newser) - Newspapers and TV shows like The View are out of sync with the average American’s political beliefs, wannabe first lady Cindy McCain has declared. She blasted the media the day after she and hubby John McCain were grilled on The View about misleading campaign ads and the undisclosed number...

Obama Has Lost Control of the Election
Obama Has
Lost Control
of the Election

Obama Has Lost Control of the Election

He must skip the Palin sniping, remind voters what's at stake

(Newser) - Talk about change: John McCain is hosting celebrity rallies of his own while all the excitement has fizzled out of the Barack Obama campaign, EJ Dionne observes in the Washington Post. "It's clear that Obama has lost control of this campaign." His task, then, is "to remind...

Mugabe Expected to Declare Landslide Victory Today

Ink stain sought as protection against ruling party 'punishment'

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe is wasting little time. Zimbabwe is expected to announce today that he will win in a landslide and be sworn in to a new term as early as tomorrow, Reuters reports. That would allow him to attend Monday's summit of African Union nations with the election wrapped up....

Obama Gets Personal With Voters

Senator aims to shed pure-rhetoric image

(Newser) - Seeking to shake criticism that he’s nothing more than a talented orator, Barack Obama has spent the week meeting voters face-to-face, the New York Times reports. His massive primary-campaign rallies were energizing, but also “isolating,” said his chief strategist. So instead the presumptive Democratic nominee has hosted...

India's IT Hub Challenging Politics as Usual

Community looks to election for solution to Bangalore's crumbling infrastructure

(Newser) - For years, Bangalore—India’s answer to Silicon Valley—has endured traffic jams, power blackouts and a chaotic airport that businesses blame on politicians who’ve ignored the city’s IT elites to court rural voters. Now, Reuters reports, an updated constituency map giving urban voters more clout has hope...

Obama Gears Up for GOP Smears
 Obama Gears Up
 for GOP Smears 

Obama Gears Up for GOP Smears

Camp McCain is seeking ways to attack without seeming racist

(Newser) - John McCain is prepping for a smear campaign this summer while camp Obama, ever cool and controlled, awaits the first strike. "It's going to be Swift Boat times five on both sides," said one McCain adviser who expects Obama to return fire. McCain's challenge is to hit above...

Pa. Voters Like Tried-and-True Clinton Name

Keystone state prefers 'heritage' and Hillary by 12%

(Newser) - Keystone state voters prefer old-school to bling, Politico reports—which is why they favor Hillary Clinton by 12 points in the state's April 22 primary. “If you are going to introduce a brand new product, you don’t come to Pennsylvania,” one analyst said. “We are much...

Voters Split Over Obama's Pastor Problem

Some in Pa., Ind. hold cleric's words against candidate

(Newser) - How is the Jeremiah Wright controversy playing with voters in Pennsylvania and Indiana? The reaction isn't unanimous, but the Boston Globe finds many who say the inflammatory sound bites swayed them toward Hillary Clinton. “Twenty years he put up with that?” said one 82-year old Indiana woman said of...

Voters: Start Your Engines!
Voters: Start Your Engines!

Voters: Start Your Engines!

Millions head to polls on the biggest day of primary voting ever

(Newser) - Millions of voters in 24 states are leaving home early this morning—or taking off early—or arranging child care as they head to polls to choose their favorites for the White House, and the presidential hopefuls will be hoping their last-ditch efforts to win them over have paid off....

Giuliani Can't Connect in Fla.
Giuliani Can't Connect in Fla.

Giuliani Can't Connect in Fla.

Rudy isn't shaking hands, kissing babies, or leading in the polls

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani isn't the type to kiss babies in Florida—or even shake hands. The former mayor has run a detached, tightly controlled campaign, eschewing personal contact, avoiding questions, and rushing past crowds after events, the Washington Post reports. His brusque style is leaving uninspired voters in his wake. “...

Calif. GOP Alienates Independents
Calif. GOP Alienates Independents

Calif. GOP Alienates Independents

Barred from primary, unenrolled voters turn to Democrats

(Newser) - The California GOP decided last year to bar independent voters from its presidential primary, and the decision may cost the party dearly, the LA Times reports. Independents are welcome to vote in the Democratic primary—and once they've voted for a party in a primary, they usually stick to it...

GOP Moderates in Agony Over Key Votes

Stick with the president or try to get re-elected?

(Newser) - Moderates in the GOP are dreading upcoming votes that will force them to choose between loyalty to their president and their reelection prospects, the Washington Post reports. Upcoming congressional showdowns on the Iraq war, children’s health care, and spending will be particularly perilous to those facing voters next fall....

Dems' Miami Debate Makes Foray Into Spanish

First presidential debate translated live on Univision

(Newser) - Democratic hopefuls took part in a Spanish-language debate in Miami yesterday, having questions translated UN-style from Spanish to English, and answers back again into Spanish. Though he'd agreed to the ground rules, bilingual contender Bill Richardson couldn't resist  asking in Spanish if he could continue in Spanish, and Sen. Chris...

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters
GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

Immigration policy hurting party, says American Prospect

(Newser) - With 69% of Latino voters going Democratic in 2006, anti-immigration sentiment among GOP presidential hopefuls may only serve to turn off the remaining 30. Meanwhile, the Latino population is growing, especially in swing states. "Even Texas could become a swing state a couple of elections from now," the...

Clinton Elated Over White House Dig
Clinton Elated Over White House Dig

Clinton Elated Over White House Dig

Combative campaign ad strikes nerve with Bush, Hillary says

(Newser) - A Bush spokeswoman has slammed a Hillary Clinton campaign ad in which the Senator says that many Americans, including combat troops, are invisible to the president. But the New York Daily News reports that advisers to Clinton are delighted by the shrill reaction, as they increasingly seek to paint their...

Obama Needs to Try On a Blue Collar
Obama Needs
to Try On a
Blue Collar

Obama Needs to Try On a Blue Collar

Dem struggles to overcome ‘arugula’ rep

(Newser) - Barack Obama is having trouble appealing to the more downscale wing of the Democratic Party, a problem on display in a recent Iowa farm appearance in which the Chicagoan complained about the price of arugula at Whole Foods. More a “wine track” than a “beer track” candidate, Obama...

Gay Support Turns Off Swing Voters
Gay Support Turns Off
Swing Voters

Gay Support Turns Off Swing Voters

Endorsements hurt more than help in key states, poll finds

(Newser) - The backing of gay rights groups could turn swing-state voters against a candidate, new polls show. Politico reports that Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania voters, by a large margin, consider the support of such groups reason to vote against rather than for a candidate; no one since JFK has been elected...

Japanese PM Refuses to Pack It In
Japanese PM Refuses to
Pack It In

Japanese PM Refuses to Pack It In

After crushing defeat, Shinzo Abe holds on as political gridlock looms

(Newser) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will keep his job despite a humiliating defeat for his ruling party in Sunday's election, party officials said today. Only 10 months into his term, Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party lost their majority as voters reacted to a series of government scandals. Now government...

Sarko, S&eacute;go Shake Things Up
Sarko, Ségo Shake Things Up

Sarko, Ségo Shake Things Up

William Pfaff on how the French election knocked the country out of its doldrums

(Newser) - France has been gripped by a serious case of political stagnation, and the recent election between two bright young things—Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal—has smashed it out of its stupor, William Pfaff reflects in the New York Review of Books.

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>