estate taxes

4 Stories

Bernie Sanders Wants to Raise Top Estate Tax Rate to 77%

Unveils legislation that would also expand the estate tax

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders wants to increase the top estate tax rate in the US to 77%. The senator, who is considering running for president again in 2020, unveiled legislation Thursday that would both expand and increase the estate tax, raising trillions. From Bloomberg , Business Insider , and the Hill :
  • Currently, the estate

House Dems Push for Higher Estate Tax

They want to return it to 2009 levels

(Newser) - House Democrats are likely to pass the president’s tax cut deal, but not before changing its estate tax provision. House resolve to block the bill has largely faded in the wake of a strong Senate test vote. But after meeting with rank-and-file members yesterday, senior Democrats tell the Washington ...

Are People Planning Death to Avoid Estate Tax?

Rep. Cynthia Lummis says it's the case in Wyoming

(Newser) - Rep. Cynthia Lummis claims her Wyoming constituents are literally planning to die by Dec. 31 to avoid paying estate taxes, which will be reinstated when Bush-era tax cuts expire at year-end, reports the AP . She explained their logic this way: "If you have spent your whole life building a...

Steinbrenner Heirs Will Dodge Massive Estate Tax

Billionaire, 80, died the right year

(Newser) - It's an auspicious year for Yankees owner George Steinbrenner to die—at least for his heirs. They'll dodge massive estate taxes because the federal inheritance tax law has expired, leaving legacies largely untapped by Uncle Sam. Steinbrenner's estate is estimated at $1.1 billion. Had he died last year, his...

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