Alisa Maier

3 Stories

Smart Sleuthing Led Cops to Abductor

Traced girl's new clothes to store, saw him on camera

(Newser) - The sex offender who abducted a 4-year-old girl in Missouri slipped up when he bought her new clothes. When police found Alisa Maier wandering 24 hours after she was taken from her front lawn, they traced the tags on her clothes to a local Wal-Mart, then found their suspect on...

Man Sought in Girl's Kidnapping Shoots Self

Kidnapper cut tot's hair

(Newser) - A man sought in the kidnapping of a 4-year-old Missouri girl shot himself during a confrontation with police who tracked his car to a home. Police did not identify him, nor reveal his condition. Alisa Maier was grabbed from the front lawn of her home where she was playing with...

Snatched Tot Found Alive —70 Miles From Home

Desperate mom gave chase

(Newser) - A 4-year-old girl was found alive wandering some 70 miles from her Missouri home 24 hours after her frantic mom chased her daughter's kidnapper in vain. Alisa Maier was ordered into a car by a strange man as she played outside her home with her 5-year-old brother, cops said. When...

3 Stories
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