Pittsburgh Zoo

4 Stories

Boy's Mauling Death Is Mom's Fault: Zoo

Pittsburgh Zoo doesn't think Derkosh family should be allowed to sue

(Newser) - The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium says the mother of a 2-year-old boy fatally mauled in a wild African dogs exhibit is to blame in her son's death and shouldn't be allowed to sue. The claim filed Monday in Allegheny County is in response to a lawsuit brought...

Boy Mauled at Zoo Lunged Forward: Witnesses

Maddox Derkosh's mother won't be charged in 'tragic accident'

(Newser) - The mother of a 2-year-old boy who was mauled to death after falling into an exhibit of wild African dogs won't be prosecuted, but authorities are still investigating the zoo for possible criminal negligence. The district attorney said yesterday that Maddox Derkosh's death at the Pittsburgh Zoo was...

Dogs That Killed Boy, 2, Featured in Zoo Calendar

Pittsburgh Zoo 'wrestled' with issue, ultimately decided to send calendars

(Newser) - Just weeks after 2-year-old Maddox Derkosh was buried after being mauled by African Painted Dogs at the Pittsburgh Zoo, the zoo sent out 2013 calendars to supporters featuring pictures of the very animals that killed him. "We wrestled with that one quite a bit," says the zoo president,...

Pittsburgh Zoo Seeks Strange Breed: Mullets

Unfortunate hairstyle gets admission discount

(Newser) - The Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium lured mullet wearers from far and wide yesterday, offering reduced admission and holding a contest for the best bad head of hair, the AP reports. The winner got a behind-the-scenes tour of the zoo, but runners-up won the more valuable prize: a free haircut....

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