
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Philippines Suspends Drug War for War on Corrupt Cops

Move follows police murder of businessman

(Newser) - The Philippines has suspended its merciless war on drugs in order to "cleanse" police forces of corruption, officials say. The move comes after a killing seen as excessive even in a campaign that has seen at least 7,000 extrajudicial killings, the BBC reports. Officials say Jee Ick-joo, a...

150 Inmates Escape in Daring Jailbreak

Islamist rebel campaign has raged for 40 years in Philippines

(Newser) - More than 150 prisoners escaped in a brazen jailbreak in the southern Philippines after a shoot-out between suspected Islamist rebels and guards, Al Jazeera reports. Six inmates and one guard were killed in the firefight on the island of Mindanao, reports the BBC . More than 100 armed men stormed the...

As Typhoon Hits, Philippines Dangle Roast Pig to Evacuees

Locals need incentive to leave over Christmas holiday

(Newser) - A powerful typhoon blew ashore in the eastern Philippines on Christmas Day as officials struggled to divert people's attention from celebrations and travel with promises of roasted pigs, reports the AP . Typhoon Nock-Ten packed maximum sustained winds of 114 miles per hour and gusts of up to 158mph—the...

Duterte: I Used to Look for Confrontations 'So I Could Kill'

Filipino leader said he wanted to show police 'if I can do it, why can't you?'

(Newser) - Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has gone even further than supporting vigilante death squads —when he was mayor of Davao, he killed criminals himself, he said during a speech Monday night. "I'd go around in Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around, and I would just...

Duterte: Trump Wished Me Success in Drug Crackdown

He says he's been invited to visit White House

(Newser) - President Rodrigo Duterte said Saturday Donald Trump wished his deadly crackdown on illegal drugs would succeed during a telephone call, and he assured the US president-elect the Philippines would maintain its ties with America—a departure from Duterte's hostility toward the Obama administration. Duterte called to congratulate Trump late...

Possible Conflicts in Trump&#39;s Global &#39;Empire&#39;: NYT
Growing List of Nations
Tied to Trump's 'Empire'

Growing List of Nations Tied to Trump's 'Empire'

Meaning lots of potential for conflicts of interest, per 'NYT'

(Newser) - With more than 100 companies with business interests around the world , Donald Trump has attracted the attention of ethics experts, who contend his possible conflicts of interest are "unprecedented" for a modern-day US president. Now the New York Times offers a closer look at some of these global projects...

Couple Abducted by Pirates&mdash;Again
Couple Abducted
by Pirates—Again

Couple Abducted by Pirates—Again

Sabine Merz reportedly killed, Jürgen Kantner seized in Philippines

(Newser) - A German couple who's spent four decades sailing the world has apparently been abducted by pirates for a second time, with what appears to be a fatal result. Jürgen Kantner and Sabine Merz—who were held by Somali pirates for 52 days in 2008, until a six-figure ransom...

Philippine Mayor Killed in Jail Cell

Man was among officials Rodrigo Duterte named on list of drug-linked officials

(Newser) - Philippine police killed a town mayor in his jail cell in a purported gunbattle, the second killing in a week of a politician linked to illegal drugs under President Rodrigo Duterte's brutal crackdown. Rolando Espinosa Sr., mayor of the town of Albuera, and a fellow inmate were shot dead...

Cops: Philippine Mayor Killed in Jail Cell Shootout

Duterte critics aren't buying explanation

(Newser) - Philippine police killed a town mayor in his jail cell in a purported shootout on Saturday, the second killing in a week of a politician linked to illegal drugs under President Rodrigo Duterte's brutal crackdown. Rolando Espinosa Sr., the mayor of the town of Albuera in the central province...

Duterte: God Threatened to Crash My Plane

Philippine president says he was warned to stop cursing

(Newser) - When God calls, it's probably wise to answer—and for Rodrigo Duterte, that means to stop swearing like a sailor. Per the BBC , the Philippines president says he was flying home to Davao from Japan when something happened to make him reconsider his infamous potty mouth. "I heard...

Duterte to US: I'm Leaving You for China

Filipino leader announces 'separation' from America

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is done with us. "I announce my separation from the United States," he declared Thursday on a visit to Beijing, adding that he will instead seek a military and economic alliance with China, Reuters reports. "I've realigned myself in your ideological flow,...

Anti-US Protest Turns Bloody in Philippines

Police van rams into Manila protesters supporting Duterte

(Newser) - A Philippine police van rammed into protesters, leaving several bloodied, as an anti-US rally turned violent Wednesday at the American Embassy in Manila. At least three student activists had to be taken to a hospital after they were run over by the van driven by a police officer, protest leader...

Duterte: I'll 'Break Up' With US, Obama 'Can Go to Hell'

Someone is displeased

(Newser) - Perhaps teeing up his next apology , Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte continued his string of inflammatory, anti-US statements by telling President Obama to "go to hell" Tuesday, Reuters reports, after the US refused to sell him weapons to continue his violent crackdown on drug dealers. "If you don't...

Duterte 'Profoundly' Sorry About Hitler Jab

'Happy to slaughter' addicts comment didn't go over well

(Newser) - Perhaps surprising no one but Rodrigo Duterte , holding Adolf Hitler up as a paragon of murderous governmental efficiency did not go over well, and Reuters reports that the Philippine president has now removed foot from mouth long enough to "apologize profoundly and deeply to the Jewish community." Duterte...

Duterte Wants to Kill Drug Users Like Hitler Killed Jews

He wants to 'finish the problem of my country'

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte raised the rhetoric over his bloody anti-crime war to a new level Friday, comparing it to Hitler and the Holocaust and saying he would be "happy to slaughter" 3 million addicts. Duterte issued his latest threat against drug dealers and users early Friday on his...

Soldier Continued to Fight for 29 Years After WWII
For This Soldier, WWII
Didn't End Until 1974

For This Soldier, WWII Didn't End Until 1974

Hiroo Onoda stuck by his orders to never surrender

(Newser) - Deep in the Philippine jungle, a lone soldier continued to fight World War II for three decades, becoming a "figure of legend" while surviving on "bananas, coconut milk, and stolen cattle." Mashable has the incredible true story of Japan's Hiroo Onoda. After the end of WWII...

British Baron's Daughter Shot Dead in Philippines

Police say Aurora Moynihan supplied drugs to celebrities

(Newser) - The daughter of a British lord is the latest casualty of the war on drugs raging in the Philippines, reports Time . Aurora Moynihan, 45, was found dead on a Manila street alongside a cardboard sign reading, “Drug Pusher to the Celebrities You Are Next.” Her sister is Filipino...

Militiaman Says He Killed Dozens on Duterte's Orders

One victim was fed to a crocodile

(Newser) - A former Filipino militiaman testified before the country's Senate on Thursday that President Rodrigo Duterte, when he was still a city mayor, ordered him and other members of a liquidation squad to kill criminals and opponents in gangland-style assaults that left about 1,000 dead. Edgar Matobato, 57, told...

Duterte Wants US Forces Out of the Philippines

He makes first public statement opposing the presence of US troops

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday he wants US forces out of his country's south and blamed America for inflaming Muslim insurgencies in the region, in his first public statement opposing the presence of American troops, the AP reports. Washington, however, said it had not received a formal request...

Obama, Duterte Meet Face-to-Face
Obama, Duterte
Meet Face-to-Face

Obama, Duterte Meet Face-to-Face

They exchanged 'pleasantries' before dinner

(Newser) - President Obama and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte met informally on Wednesday in a holding room before attending a gala dinner at a regional summit, Philippine officials say. The brief meeting took a little sting out of the soured relations caused by Duterte's intemperate language in referring to Obama earlier...

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