Stanley McChrystal Rolling Stone

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McChrystal Said He Was Immoral. Trump Fires Back

'Known for big, dumb mouth'

(Newser) - President Trump is kicking off 2019 by addressing something from 2018 that apparently bugged him: comments retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal made about him in a Sunday interview with ABC's Martha Raddatz. Raddatz asked if McChrystal thought the president is immoral, and McChrystal responded, "I think he is."...

McChrystal Takes Blame for Article That Tanked His Career

Ex-general's memoir also takes potshot at Rolling Stone reporter

(Newser) - Speaking out for the first time since he resigned, retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal takes the blame for a Rolling Stone article and the unflattering comments attributed to his staff about the Obama administration that ended his Afghanistan command and army career. "Regardless of how I judged the story for...

Inquiry Into Rolling Stone Article Clears McChrystal

Pentagon finds no evidence of wrongdoing

(Newser) - The Defense Department has cleared Gen. Stanley McChrystal of all wrongdoing following the inspector general's inquiry into last year's controversial Rolling Stone article . In the article, senior aides to McChrystal were quoted as making disparaging remarks about the Obama administration; one aide, for example, referred to Vice President...

Rolling Stone McChrystal Reporter Denied Embed Post

Writer's 'not trustworthy,' says official

(Newser) - The Rolling Stone reporter who got Gen. Stanley McChrystal fired has been denied permission to join US troops in Afghanistan, the Pentagon announced. "There is no right to embed," said Defense Department spokesman David Lapan. "A key element of an embed is having trust that the individuals...

Military Honors Retiring McChrystal

General says career didn't end as he'd hoped

(Newser) - After 34 years in the Army, Gen. Stanley McChrystal left behind legions of admirers and the prospect that his reputation as a ferocious fighter would one day eclipse the costly comments that appeared in Rolling Stone. "Over the past decade, arguably no single American has inflicted more fear on...

Biden: Few Troops to Leave Afghanistan in 2011

US trying to work with reasonable Taliban members

(Newser) - Don’t expect much from next summer’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. In an interview yesterday, Joe Biden said some troops would start leaving in July 2011, but added, “It could be as few as a couple thousand troops. It could be more. But there will be a transition.”...

Gates Clamps Down on Media/ Pentagon Relations

Worried the department has 'grown lax;' top brass will need clearance

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates is now requiring even top military brass to get Pentagon clearance for contact with reporters in an order issued yesterday to military and civilian personnel worldwide. The order tells officials to make sure they are not going out of bounds or unintentionally releasing information that the...

Joe Biden Becomes Backstage Powerhouse

The 'skunk at the family picnic' has Obama's ear

(Newser) - It may have looked as though Joe Biden lost last fall’s argument over strategy in Afghanistan, but he actually emerged with a powerful, well-defined role in the administration. His position, in his own words: “the skunk at the family picnic.” Biden has been the in-house skeptic on...

McChrystal Will Retire

 Will Retire 

McChrystal Will Retire

Disgraced general's formal rank at issue

(Newser) - Gen. Stanley McChrystal will retire from the Army after 34 years in uniform and one devastating Rolling Stone profile . " McChrystal informed the Army today that he intends to retire, " said a rep, but "we don’t have a date yet or anything like that." Whether he...

McChrystal's Potty Mouth May Have Cost Him His Job

Rolling Stone piece's impact helped by vulgar language

(Newser) - What does a journalist have to do to effect a major change in US foreign policy? In the case of Michael Hastings' Rolling Stone profile of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the answer may be to use lots and lots of curse words. The piece uses "f---" 18 times, from the...

Hastings: I Didn't Think McChrystal Fallout Was Possible

McCain thinks Obama did right in canning McChrystal, and more

(Newser) - Wunderscribe Michael Hastings chewed over the fallout from his Rolling Stone profile today, Politico reports, telling CNN that he "didn't even think it was possible." He also dismissed rumblings from the McChrystal camp that he used off-the-record comments, saying, “Some of the most talked about parts of...

McChrystal Allies Say Reporter Broke Ground Rules

Military, Rolling Stone offer differing accounts

(Newser) - Stanley McChrystal's allies are pushing back against the notion that he and and his staff made their disparaging remarks on the record and had no qualms about seeing them published. They tell the Washington Post that Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings broke agreed-upon ground rules by quoting them in off-the-record...

Troops Glad McChrystal's Gone: Rolling Stone Writer

Reporter 'very surprised' by 'unfireable' general's ouster

(Newser) - The journalist whose Rolling Stone exposé got Stanley McChrystal fired says troops in Afghanistan are thanking him. "Over here, soldiers were happy that he got fired," Michael Hastings, who's embedded in Afghanistan, tells the Huffington Post . "I've had a number of people come up to me, I...

Taliban: McChrystal Firing a Victory
 Taliban: McChrystal 
 Firing a Victory 

Taliban: McChrystal Firing a Victory

Terrorist group say sacking gives it more time

(Newser) - The Afghan Taliban likes to say, “Americans may own the watches. But we’ve got the time.” That’s why the terror group is thrilled to see Stanley McChrystal exit, commander Sirajuddin Haqqani tells the Daily Beast —it gives the Taliban even more time. American generals talk...

McChrystal Burned by Our 'Culture of Exposure'
McChrystal Burned by Our 'Culture of Exposure'
david brooks

McChrystal Burned by Our 'Culture of Exposure'

Reporter plays by the new rules, and the general didn't know them

(Newser) - Used to be that public figures—politicians and military types, say—could bitch about their bosses in front of reporters, and that stuff would never make it into the story, writes David Brooks. Now it is the story. Stanley McChrystal somehow missed this development, and his "run-of-the-mill complaining" cost...

McChrystal Was Doomed From 1st Words of 'Runaway'
McChrystal Was Doomed From 1st Words of 'Runaway'
Inside Obama's Warroom

McChrystal Was Doomed From 1st Words of 'Runaway'

Obama thought keeping general would undermine civilian command

(Newser) - One paragraph into “the Runaway General,” Barack Obama was pretty sure he’d fire Stanley McChrystal. An hour after the president got the Rolling Stone article, aides were summoned to discuss the possibility. “There was a basic meeting of the minds,” Rahm Emanuel tells the New ...

Media Can Kiss Military Access Goodbye
 Media Can Kiss 
 Military Access Goodbye 
McChrystal Fallout

Media Can Kiss Military Access Goodbye

Generals will be weary of reporters

(Newser) - Journalists are going to have a much tougher job covering the war in Afghanistan in the wake of Stanley McChrystal's Rolling Stone debacle, senior National Journal correspondent James Kitfield predicts today. "There will be no embeds in Afghanistan in higher headquarters for quite a while," he tells NPR...

Lawmakers, Afghan Leaders Welcome Petraeus

McChrystal replacement likely to have 'fastest confirmation in history'

(Newser) - President Obama's choice of David Petraeus to replace Stanley McChrystal has met near-universal praise in Washington and Kabul. Democrats and Republicans alike say the general is guaranteed a swift Senate confirmation to take charge of the Afghanistan war, Politico reports. The general's confirmation "may be the fastest in the...

Smart Move, Mr. President
 Smart Move, Mr. President 
opinion roundup

Smart Move, Mr. President

Replacing McChrystal with Petraeus wins over critics

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to replace McChrystal with Petraeus is playing well among pundits on the left and right:
  • Victor Davis Hanson, National Review : "Obama had no choice but to do what he did, and the wise Petraeus move was obviously a mitigating factor. Obama’s speech, despite the customarily

McChrystal Journalist Is No Hack
McChrystal Journalist Is
No Hack

McChrystal Journalist Is No Hack

Michael Hastings' writing includes a riveting Iraq memoir

(Newser) - Why did Stanley McChrystal even agree to meet with a Rolling Stone writer? Maybe because that writer was Michael Hastings, a highly respected journalist who’s written for a host of publications. Business Insider highlights some of his more notable stories:
  • I Lost My Love in Baghdad: In this incredible

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