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US Halts Hanging of Convicted Saddam Chief

Official says his work 'saved American lives'

(Newser) - The US stopped Saddam's defense chief from hanging last month, claiming Iraqi outrage inspired the pardon — but insiders say that Sultan Hashem earned his reprieve by thwarting Iraqi attacks during the 2003 US-led invasion. Officials tell Time that Hashem’s execution would be a “gross miscarriage of justice”...

Gen. Petraeus Blasts Iran for Stoking Iraq War

Al-Qaeda is primary 'wolf,' but Iran poses long-term threat

(Newser) - Iran's continued activity helping to supply battling factions in Iraq could be the biggest long-term challenge to peace in the war-torn nation, General David Petraeus tells CNN. The head of allied forces in Iraq emphasized that al-Qaeda is the No. 1 enemy to beat. "Al-Qaeda remains the wolf closest...

Iraqis Irate Over Senate Partition Vote

Resolution pushing autonomous regions prompts backlash

(Newser) - The Iraqi government is reacting angrily to a Senate resolution passed Thursday that the US push to divide the country into three autonomous regions—Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish—to reduce ethnic bloodshed. "No Iraqi is for dividing their country or for splitting it into three weak states, unable to...

US Nabs Sunni Sheik's Assassin
US Nabs Sunni Sheik's Assassin

US Nabs Sunni Sheik's Assassin

Al-Qaeda operative linked to murder of key American ally

(Newser) - An al-Qaeda operative suspected of murdering a key American ally in Iraq was captured yesterday by the US military. The suspect organized car and suicide bombings targeting tribal leaders in Anbar province, including the blast last that killed Sheik Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, a Sunni leader and major enemy of...

Sadr Group Leaves Iraq's Ruling Alliance

Popular anti-American cleric says government ignores his demands

(Newser) - A key faction pulled out of Iraq’s ruling Shia alliance today, leaving Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki with only half of parliament’s seats. Anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr says he withdrew because his bloc’s demands were being ignored. He wants a timetable for US troop withdrawal and opposes former...

Iraqi al-Qaeda Group to Track Down 'Traitors'

Islamic State of Iraq vows to kill those who align with US

(Newser) - Thursday's assassination of a Sunni tribal leader was the first in what an al-Qaeda front group warns will be the fate of all who cooperate with the US, reports the AP. The Islamic State of Iraq announced on Islamist websites that "special security committees" will track down "traitors"...

Sunnis Vow to Strike Back After Death of Tribal Leader

'Revenge on al-Qaeda,' mourners shout

(Newser) - The killing of a prominent Iraqi tribal leader and US ally will be avenged, angry Sunnis promised today, a day after the sheik died in a bomb attack. Thousands of Iraqis joined the funeral procession for Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, shouting, “Revenge, revenge on al-Qaeda.” The assassination of...

US Freeing Iraqi Detainees for Ramadan

50-80 Sunnis and Shiites will be released each day of holy month

(Newser) - As Ramadan began, the US military today began freeing some of its 23,000 Iraqi detainees—between 50 and 80 will be released each day of Islam's holy month, Reuters reports. Military brass stress that Sunnis and Shiites alike will be considered for release. "This will be a completely...

Agreement on Key Iraq Oil Law Hits the Skids

Sectarian schism again undermines top political objective

(Newser) - Agreements forged in February over a law regulating the distribution of revenue from Iraq's oil fields are dissolving, the New York Times reports. Hussain al-Shahristani, oil minister for the Shiite-controlled federal government, held meetings yesterday to try to save the compromise, but the northern Kurdish areas have already made deals...

Key US Ally in Iraq Killed in Bomb Attack

Sheik opposed Al-Qaeda, helped stabilize Anbar province

(Newser) - A key US ally in the fight against Al-Qaeda was killed in a bomb attack today in Ramadi. Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, the most influential of the Sunni leaders helping American and Iraqi forces fight the terror network, met with President Bush 2 weeks ago during his visit to Anbar...

Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed
Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed

Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed

Also, 60% say attacks against US forces are justified

(Newser) - Seventy percent of Iraqis say that the troop surge has made things worse, and 60% say attacks against US troops are justified, according to a new poll. The mood may be the most negative since the 2003 invasion. "I think that's a damning critique and an indication of the...

Shiites Force Sunnis From Baghdad
Shiites Force Sunnis From Baghdad

Shiites Force Sunnis From Baghdad

Internally displaced ranks surge as majority seeks ‘Manifest Destiny’

(Newser) - Shiites have been clearing Baghdad of Sunnis at an accelerating rate, and those who remain live under siege. Curbing sectarian cleansing was a key goal of the US troop surge, but the forced migration has only intensified throughout the country, Newsweek reports: The ranks of internally displaced persons have doubled...

Bush Drops In on Iraq
Bush Drops
In on Iraq

Bush Drops In on Iraq

Prez makes surprise trip to Baghdad, will meet with Maliki, generals

(Newser) - President Bush landed today in Anbar Province, just west of Baghdad, for a surprise trip in advance of the September 15 status briefing on Iraq. Bush will meet with President Nouri al-Maliki, local officials and US generals including David Petraeus, CNN reports. The president was on his way to a...

US Hails Iraq Breakthrough
US Hails Iraq Breakthrough

US Hails Iraq Breakthrough

Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders announce deal on key issues

(Newser) - In what is being hailed as a breakthrough in Iraq, Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders yesterday  announced that they have reached a consensus on key political issues, Reuters reports. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the other leaders claimed to have forged an agreement on releasing some detainees, easing curbs on...

Iraq Detainees Swell by 50%
Iraq Detainees Swell by 50%

Iraq Detainees Swell by 50%

Most are Sunni, and many say they're motivated by lack of jobs, not jihadism

(Newser) - Since the January troop surge the number of detainees held by the American military in Iraq has increased by 50%, reports the New York Times. The overwhelming majority of those in custody, nearly 85%, are Sunni. And while Jihadism drives some Iraqi insurgents to plant roadside bombs, for many there...

France Eyes Diplomatic Role in Iraq
France Eyes Diplomatic
Role in Iraq

France Eyes Diplomatic Role in Iraq

New foreign minister may take on peace conference

(Newser) - "Everyone knows the Americans will not be able to get this country out of difficulty alone," the new French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, told a French radio station on his way out of Iraq yesterday. Kouchner 's 3-day visit confirmed that the French see a role for themselves...

Iraq Blasts Toll Rises to 500
Iraq Blasts Toll Rises to 500

Iraq Blasts Toll Rises to 500

Deadliest terror attack since fall of Hussein

(Newser) - The death toll from Tuesday's series of suicide truck bombings in northern Iraq may exceed 500, with scores more lying injured in hospitals, CNN reports. The attacks were reportedly launched by al-Qaeda against the Yazidi, a pre-Islamic sect, spotlighting the religious warfare that US troop surge sought to quell.

Toll Rises to 250 in Iraq Blasts
Toll Rises
to 250 in
Iraq Blasts

Toll Rises to 250 in Iraq Blasts

Massive attacks against Kurds suggest spreading insurgency

(Newser) - Officials pushed the death toll of attacks on two Iraqi towns up to 250 today, as rescuers located more victims amid rubble. “It looks like a nuclear bomb hit the villages,” an officer told the New York Times of yesterday's blasts in an area populated by a Kurdish...

Bombers Butcher 120+ in Iraq
Bombers Butcher 120+ in Iraq

Bombers Butcher 120+ in Iraq

Attack comes after bold kidnapping of oil ministers

(Newser) - US helicopters are swooping down to rescue survivors of bomb attacks that butchered at least 120 villagers in northern Iraq today. CNN reports that at least three trucks detonated in residential areas and injured upwards of 150 people, mostly Kurds. TV stations are beseeching townspeople to donate blood as US...

Maliki Calls Summit to Heal Iraqi Cabinet

PM threatens to replace Sunnis with "alternative" ministers

(Newser) - Iraq’s PM says he will try to salvage his disintegrating government by holding an emergency summit of cabinet members over the next couple of days. The BBC reports that Nouri al-Maliki is even warning Sunnis that he could refill his government with “alternative” ministers if they refuse to...

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