baby boomers

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'Peak Boomers' May Have a Retirement Problem

Analysis suggests two-thirds of those turning 65 don't have enough savings

(Newser) - With the "silver tsunami" upon us, more boomers will turn 65 this year than in any other time in history in the US. But most won't be able to retire comfortably at the start of their golden years, according to CBS News , with two-thirds unlikely to have the...

Boomers Throw a Wrench Into Housing Market

Older buyers have the means to edge out younger buyers in a tough market

(Newser) - With mortgage rates soaring and fewer homes for sale, Baby Boomers are dominating the housing market like a real-life game of Monopoly. The shifts in who is buying homes have been trending in that direction for quite some time, but it was confirmed this month by data released from the...

Boomers Retiring in Droves Amid Pandemic

Older workers lost jobs faster and were slower to return to workforce

(Newser) - The pace of retirements among baby boomers, those born from 1946 to 1964, accelerated during the pandemic, a Pew Research Center analysis of monthly labor force data found. The number of boomers who reported that they were out of the labor force due to retirement grew 3.2 million in...

Millennials Lag Well Behind Boomers in Amassing Wealth

Generation controls only 4.6% of US wealth, while boomers have 53%

(Newser) - Millennials are better educated than earlier generations and represent the biggest chunk of the workforce. But the financial rewards have not yet come to them. Federal Reserve data show the generation held 4.6% of the nation's wealth in the first half of the year, CNBC reports. The silent...

This May Be a Demographic 'Shock' to Boomers

Those under age 40 now outnumber their older generations

(Newser) - Sorry, boomers. Millennials and their younger siblings and children now make up a majority of the US population, per the AP . A new analysis by the Brookings Institution shows that 50.7% of US residents were under age 40, as of July 2019. Brookings' analysis of population estimates released this...

Roberts Makes a Federal Case of 'OK, Boomer'

Chief justice used the phrase in a question during arguments

(Newser) - In case you're wondering whether the phrase "OK, boomer" is over yet, the chief justice of the United States has used it in a sentence. John Roberts worked it into oral arguments in an age discrimination case at the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Vice reports. "Let's...

Fox Wants to Trademark "OK Boomer'
Fox Wants
to Trademark
'OK, Boomer'

Fox Wants to Trademark 'OK, Boomer'

Network wants to use it for reality, comedy, or game show

(Newser) - Some people consider it a trendy insult , other think it is an ageist slur —and Fox considers it a good name for a show. The network recently filed a trademark application for the term "OK, Boomer," a phrase used to mock baby boomers for being out of...

An 'OK, Boomer' Response Draws Some Heat
An 'OK, Boomer' Response
Draws Some Heat
in case you missed it

An 'OK, Boomer' Response Draws Some Heat

Boomer radio host Bob Lonsberry likens it to the 'n-word'

(Newser) - The "OK, Boomer" trend—in which members of Gen Z use the phrase to dismiss old folks as out of touch—has run into controversy in upstate New York, where a conservative radio host apparently found genuine offense in the dig at his generation. "'Boomer' is the...

Heckled Politician Pulls Out Trendy Internet Insult

New Zealand's Chloe Swarbrick wielded an 'OK, boomer' against older Parliament member

(Newser) - The war between the generations continues, this time Down Under. The "OK, boomer" phenomenon —an internet-driven trend in which millennials or members of Gen Z mock older folks they think are out of touch—took hold of a 25-year-old New Zealand politician Tuesday after she was heckled by...

Millennials, Gen Xers Overtake Baby Boomers in Voting

Baby boomers are no longer majority of American voters

(Newser) - The baby-boomer stranglehold on American elections has ended. While baby boomers still make up the largest voting block—35% of all votes cast in the 2016 general election—they are no longer the majority of voters, Courthouse News reports. According to an analysis from the Pew Research Center, millennials and...

'Camp John Waters' Is Exactly What It Sounds Like

Eclectic director is hosting a weekend getaway for grown-ups

(Newser) - Baby boomers with cash and a campy bucket list take note: Movie director John Waters is hosting a summer camp for grown-ups in Connecticut. While the first iteration, slated for the third weekend in September, is already marked "sold out" (there were 300 slots) on the Camp John Waters...

Nearly Half Japan's Millennials Are Virgins

A large number of 18- to 34-year-olds aren't just not having sex, they've never had it

(Newser) - While America might more typically worry about what its youth are doing, Japan spends a lot of time worrying about what they're not doing , and what they're not doing is having sex—at all, apparently. A new government survey suggests that the country's millennials are not only...

Millennials Now Outnumber Baby Boomers

And that could mean big changes in America

(Newser) - For decades, Baby Boomers have been the most powerful generation in the US, driving everything from culture to the economy, CBS News reports. Well, no more. According to Pew Research , Millennials officially overtook Baby Boomers to become the biggest generation in the US this month. Numbers released by the US...

MTV Names Post-Millennial Generation

Now we've got 'Founders' in the fray with baby boomers, Gen X, and millennials

(Newser) - Baby boomers, Gen Xers, and millennials looking for a new group to blame the woes of the world on, rest easy: Whether we wanted them to or not, higher-ups at MTV—or, rather, "arrogant marketing dolts at the increasingly irrelevant basic cable channel," as Don Kaplan writes for...

America Is Full of 23-Year-Olds
 America Is Full of 23-Year-Olds 

America Is Full of 23-Year-Olds

Last year, that age group (then 22) overtook boomers

(Newser) - The New York Times takes note of a demographic milestone in the US: Twenty-somethings have overtaken the baby boomers. Last year, the largest single age group in the country was 22-year-olds, followed by 23- and 21-year-olds. Boomers finally showed up in fourth place, represented by 53-year-olds. In fact, people in...

OK, Obama, Romney: Stop Lying About the Budget
OK, Obama, Romney:
Stop Lying About the Budget

OK, Obama, Romney: Stop Lying About the Budget

Robert Samuelson argues that candidates should actually be honest

(Newser) - Truth may be the first casualty of war, but it's also in low supply on the campaign trail, writes Robert Samuelson in the Washington Post . The nut of the problem: "a yawning gap between the political rhetoric and the country's budget problems," he writes. "And...

Want to Be 100? Sleep and Eat Right
Want to Be 100?
Sleep and Eat Right

Want to Be 100? Sleep and Eat Right

Spirituality and socializing also help

(Newser) - What can you do to live for more than a century? Researchers from UnitedHealthCare surveyed a group of centenarians and collected advice on achieving longevity. Here are their tips, courtesy of SmartMoney :

Downturn Slams Gen-Xers; Boomers, Not So Much

Housing prices are the real culprit

(Newser) - The recession is hurting most of us, but Gen X has taken the brunt of it—thanks to housing prices that fell off a cliff 5 years ago and are still tumbling. Consider the 30-year-old Gen-Xer who bought a house in 2006 for $250,000. That value has now dropped...

Baby Boomers Blowing Through Kids' Inheritance

Half of boomers don't care about leaving money to children, survey says

(Newser) - You might not be able to take it with you when you go, but many baby boomers aren't about to leave anything behind, either. Just 49% of millionaire boomers say it's important to leave money to their children when they die, reports the LA Times . The study by...

For Retiring Boomers, 401(k)s Fall Short

For many, it means postponing retirement or picking up part-time work

(Newser) - With the first baby boomers beginning to retire, the Wall Street Journal takes a look at how well their 401(k)s are holding up. Conclusion, in the form of a question: What kind of part-time work would best suit you in your golden years? Most households don't have anywhere near the...

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