
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Secret Gov't Airline Needs Someone to Fly to Area 51

You'll need top secret security clearance, of course

(Newser) - Looking for an exciting new employment opportunity? A secret airline tasked with delivering people to some of the most closely guarded locations in the US apparently has an opening. Janet Airlines—a classified government airline USA Today notes "sort of doesn't exist"—is seeking a Las Vegas-based...

New Airline Is Apparently for 'Stereotypical Millennials'

Organic juice, VR among Joon's perks

(Newser) - A new airline is boasting of virtual reality headsets and vitamin-enriched fruit juices aboard its flights in an effort to appeal to millennials—or rather "the stereotypical millennial," notes Mashable . Air France has launched the airline Joon, which will begin offering cheap European flights in December and longer...

Delta Flight Escapes Between Bands of Hurricane Irma

They raced the storm and won

(Newser) - A Delta Air Lines flight managed to make it from New York to San Juan, Puerto Rico, and back Wednesday by navigating through Hurricane Irma . The flight took off from JFK International Airport at 8:12am, heading toward the rapidly approaching Category 5 storm, reports USA Today . After making a...

Flight Attendants Still Have No Answer on What's Ailing Them

Thousands of AA attendants have had bad reactions since new uniforms arrived

(Newser) - American Airlines flight attendants demanded a full recall of their new uniforms last month, convinced the new attire was making many of them sick—but after a slew of testing, the airline still can't definitively say what the issue is, or if the uniforms are involved at all, Bloomberg...

Latest Turbulence in the Skies: Kid-Free Zones on Planes

Some say they're great, others say they're discriminatory

(Newser) - You can now fly on one of India's largest airlines without fear you'll get stuck in front of a screaming baby or a kid who likes to kick seats. IndiGo is the latest airline to offer "Quiet Zones" on each of its flights, with two sections of...

South America Can't Find Ex-Gitmo Detainee

Syrian native Abu Wa'el Dhiab, who had been resettled in Uruguay, goes missing

(Newser) - A South American airline is asking its employees to be on the lookout for a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who was resettled in Uruguay after being freed by US authorities, the AP reports. The alert about Syrian native Abu Wa'el Dhiab adds to a growing mystery about his whereabouts....

Flight Turns Back After Passengers Spot Rat

Rodent, stray dog, catering van made it a bad day for Air India

(Newser) - An Air India plane flying to London was forced to return to Mumbai after passengers spotted a rat on board, the airline said Thursday. Though the rat wasn't found, the pilot headed back to Mumbai on Wednesday keeping passenger safety in mind, Air India said in a statement. Passengers...

After Disasters, New Airline Works to Avoid 'Allah's Wrath'

Rayani Air is Malaysia's first Islamic airline

(Newser) - Malaysia's Rayani Air has taken to the skies with a clear bailiwick. It is the country's first Islamic airline, offering flights that adhere to Islamic rules, including prayers, no serving of alcohol or meals with pork, and a strict dress code for Muslim female flight attendants. The idea...

Airline Plans to Offer $69 Flights to Europe

Norwegian Air wants to tap into lower fees at smaller US airports

(Newser) - It's hard to find a one-way ticket domestically for $69, but if the CEO of Norwegian Air has his way, a ticket for that much may soon be available between Europe and the US, NBC News reports. Bjorn Kjos' master plan is to connect flights from smaller coastal US...

Airline Has Bad News for 'Fat' Workers

Air India wants its cabin crew to be in shape

(Newser) - Air India has bad news for crew members it deems "overweight": Time for you to find a new job. The airline is planning to cut 125 workers after warning several hundred of them last year that it was time to get in shape, the BBC reports. Those who didn'...

United Bans Flight Attendant Over Diet Coke Incident

Airline apologizes to Tahera Ahmad for discriminatory behavior

(Newser) - A Muslim woman's viral Facebook post has led United Airlines to discipline a flight attendant accused of refusing her an unopened Diet Coke because she might use it as a weapon . Though the airline initially said the issue involving Tahera Ahmad was a "misunderstanding over a diet soda,...

Flight Returns Over Knocking From Cargo Hold

A worker apparently fell asleep in there

(Newser) - A Los Angeles-bound Alaska Airlines flight had to return to Seattle today after a worker reportedly fell asleep and found himself trapped in the plane's cargo hold. Flight 448 had just taken off this afternoon when the pilot heard banging from down below, the airline says in a news...

Woman, 72: Delta Kicked Me Off Plane ... for Looking Sick

Suzanne Hays' daughter says her mother was just sleeping

(Newser) - An elderly woman says a Delta crew treated her "like I had leprosy" when they kicked her off a flight earlier this month … for looking sick. Suzanne Hays, 72, tells First Coast News she felt fine as she waited for her flight to Florida to take off on...

Families Hold Airline Workers Hostage Over Flight 370

Angry relatives stage sit-in protest at Malaysian embassy in Beijing

(Newser) - A briefing about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 became a hostage crisis yesterday when Chinese family members refused to let airline workers leave a Beijing hotel, NBC News reports. About 200 relatives of missing jet passengers took 10 workers hostage for nearly 11 hours at the Lido Hotel, expressing their "...

Airline Gives Fliers the Gifts They Want for Christmas
Airline Gives Fliers the Gifts They Want for Christmas


Airline Gives Fliers the Gifts They Want for Christmas

WestJet passengers receive gifts—some pricey—after flight

(Newser) - These may have been the best plane flights of all time: Passengers on two WestJet flights last month got a chance to talk to Santa via video before boarding—and by the time they arrived, the gifts they had asked him for had been bought, wrapped, and were on their...

Airlines Should Charge Cell Talkers $100 Per Minute

Let's stop loud conversations before they start: Spud Hilton

(Newser) - Air travel is bad enough with other passengers barging to the front of the line at the gate, greedily taking up luggage-rack space, and getting in each other's way at the carousel; do we really want to add loud cell-phone chatter to the mix, as the FCC is considering...

Watch Out for Terrorist 'Dry Runs': Pilots' Memo

Union says they're testing to see how crews react

(Newser) - An internal memo from the US Airline Pilots Association suggests would-be terrorists are conducting "dry runs" during airplane flights to see how crews react to threatening situations, reports Tampa's WTSP . The memo cites "several" such incidents, the most recent on a Sept. 2 flight from Washington to...

Airline Charges Passengers by the Pound

 Airline Charges 
 Passengers by 
 the Pound 
in case you missed it

Airline Charges Passengers by the Pound

Samoa Air starts controversial new policy

(Newser) - Sounds like Ryanair may have a competitor for most controversial airline : On Samoa Air, passengers are being charged by their weight. Rates start at $1 per kilo (about 2.2 pounds), which includes the weight of both the flyer and his or her baggage. The CEO explains to ABC Radio...

Top Afghan Airline Hauling Opium: US

US military bans contracts with Kam Air

(Newser) - Afghanistan's leading private airline has been transporting opium in "bulk" on civilian flights, the US military says. Central Command has now banned Kam Air from any military contracts, marking the first time the military has slapped drug-related penalties on a major Afghan firm, the Wall Street Journal notes....

Huge Airline Pilot Shortage Looms
Huge Airline Pilot
Shortage Looms

Huge Airline Pilot Shortage Looms

Hiring crisis expected to be worst in 50 years

(Newser) - America's airlines are going to run out of pilot to fly their planes very soon unless action is taken, experts warn. More than half of American pilots are over 50 and there are not going to be enough qualified candidates to replace the thousands of pilots who will reach...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>