
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Feds to Check Jails for Illegal Immigrants

Program would boost deportation, though at steep costs

(Newser) - The US government is ramping up a program to identify illegal immigrants being held in local jails for non-immigration crimes, and flag them for deportation, reports the Washington Post. Currently operating in 48 counties, the program will be screening every local jail by 2012. The program was started under President...

Demjanjuk Taken to German Prison

Nazi war crimes suspect to hear charges at Munich jail

(Newser) - Accused Nazi guard John Demjanjuk arrived today in Germany and was taken from Munich airport directly to prison, AP reports. German authorities have charged the retired Cleveland auto worker with being an accessory to the murder of some 29,000 civilians in Nazi-occupied Poland. His deportation from the US sets...

Demjanjuk Deported, Leaves Ohio for Germany

(Newser) - The US has formally deported John Demjanjuk, who left Cleveland for Munich this evening by medical transport plane and should arrive in Germany tomorrow, the Plain Dealer reports. The attorney for the accused Nazi death camp guard said it may be several months before his client is tried on accessory...

Demjanjuk Removed by Ambulance
Demjanjuk Removed by Ambulance

Demjanjuk Removed by Ambulance

US set to deport alleged Nazi; Germany expects him tomorrow

(Newser) - Suspected Nazi death-camp guard John Demjanjuk was taken from his home by ambulance today as US immigration agents prepared to deport him to Germany. It was not clear where the ambulance was taking the 89-year-old Demjanjuk, who is wanted on a Munich arrest warrant that accuses him of 29,000...

Demjanjuk Won't Contest High Court Decision

Deportation to Germany, trial now await alleged Nazi

(Newser) - Alleged Nazi guard John Demjanjuk, 89, will not seek another review of his case by the Supreme Court after the first was dismissed without comment, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports. The concession paves the way for the Ohio man’s deportation to Germany, where he is charged as an accessory...

Demjanjuk Asks Supremes to Block Deportation

Accused death camp guard argues he is too frail to be sent overseas

(Newser) - Alleged Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk, 89, has appealed to the Supreme Court to prevent his deportation to Germany, Reuters reports. A federal appeals court ruled last week that the retired autoworker, accused of assisting in the deaths of 29,000 Jews, could be deported to stand trial. His...

Demjanjuk Can Be Deported: Appeals Court

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today ruled that alleged Nazi guard John Demjanjuk can be deported to Germany to stand trial, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports. Demjanjuk’s family had argued that the 89-year-old’s poor health would make the flight tantamount to torture, resulting in a stay last month. An...

Suspects in Brit Terror Raids Freed for Lack of Evidence

Government seeks to deport men busted in touted sweep

(Newser) - Nine of the 11 suspects arrested in Britain's terror raids earlier this month have been released without charge due to lack of evidence, the Telegraph reports. The release of the remaining two is expected soon. The government is seeking to deport the men—suspected of being involved in what Prime...

Japan Deports Parents, Girl Stays, Sparking Outcry

(Newser) - The Japanese public witnessed the heart-wrenching results of the country’s harsh immigration laws, as one girl’s tearful goodbye to her parents was televised nationwide, CNN reports. Forced to choose between her parents—who are being deported to their native Philippines—and the home she was born in, 13-year...

Accused Nazi May Be Deported to Germany

(Newser) - An immigration judge today revoked John Demjanjuk's stay of deportation to Germany, clearing the way for the retired autoworker to be sent to Germany to face charges of being a Nazi death camp guard. The 89-year-old suburban Cleveland man, who came to America after World War II, is accused in...

Accused Nazi Begs US to Keep Him

He may be deported to Germany for war crimes trial

(Newser) - An American resident with a reputed Nazi past is asking the US to block his deportation to Germany, citing humanitarian reasons. John Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian immigrant who turns 89 this week, is charged in an arrest warrant in Germany with 29,000 counts of acting as an accessory to murder...

Obama Aunt Can Stay in US Until 2010, Court Rules

Onyango continues effort to appeal deportation order

(Newser) - President Obama’s aunt has been granted another year in the US, the Boston Herald reports. A judge today set Feb. 4, 2010, as the date for a hearing on Zeituni Onyango's appeal of a 2004 deportation order, clearing Onyango to live in the country until then. "Praise God,...

Deported Ex-Nazi Goes Free in Austria
Deported Ex-Nazi Goes Free in Austria

Deported Ex-Nazi Goes Free in Austria

Concentration camp guard can't be prosecuted there

(Newser) - Austria says there’s no way it can prosecute Josias Kumpf, the 83-year-old ex-Nazi guard the US shipped its way yesterday, Reuters reports. “We have always pointed out to the United States that he cannot be charged here,” said an Austrian justice ministry spokeswoman. Kumpf has admitted to...

US Deports Former Nazi Guard to Austria

83-year-old Wis. resident took part in massacre of 42K

(Newser) - A former guard at a Nazi concentration camp who participated in a mass slaughter of prisoners has been deported from Wisconsin to Austria, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. Immigration officials today sent Josias Kumpf, 83, back to his homeland, where his fate is unclear. He had lived in the US...

Ohioan Charged in 29K Nazi Camp Deaths

(Newser) - A retired Ohio autoworker born in Ukraine is facing charges in the murder of 29,000 Jews during World War II, the AP reports. German authorities allege John Demjanjuk was a guard at the Sobibor concentration camp in Poland between March and September 1943. Demjanjuk, 88, maintains his innocence. He...

Bin Laden Ally Wins Settlement For Human Rights Breach

Cleric gets $3,600 for wrongful detention

(Newser) - A radical Muslim cleric who has been ordered to leave Britain has won $3,600 from Europe's top court, which ruled his detention without trial after 9/11 violated his human rights. Abu Qatada was cleared for deportation yesterday despite fears he may be tortured in his native Jordan, the Times ...

Jail Biz Backfires for Rhode Island Town's Immigrants

Privately run jail causes discord in town full of immigrants

(Newser) - Locking up accused criminals is big business in America, but an attempt to cash in came with a high cost for one Rhode Island town, a New York Times investigation finds. The Donald D. Wyatt Detention Center, a maximum security jail, promised to bring jobs to the largely Hispanic town...

UK Deporting HIV Patients to 'Death Sentence'

Critics say British policy hypocritical

(Newser) - An African policy group is accusing the UK of deporting immigrants who were being treated for HIV to almost certain death in places where they will be unable to acquire drugs needed to survive. Advocates call the move hypocritical since Britain is a vocal backer of an international declaration calling...

Obama Will Give Aunt Her Money Back

'Auntie Zeituni' found to be living illegally in US

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign will return donations made by his aunt, who was outed yesterday as an illegal resident in the US, the Washington Post reports. Zeituni Onyango, the half-sister of the candidate’s late father, lives in a Boston public housing unit and gave $265 to her nephew’s...

Obama's Aunt Is Living Illegally in US

Kenyan aunt's application for asylum was rejected in 2004

(Newser) - Barack Obama's Kenyan aunt has been living illegally in the US since 2004, the AP reports. Zeituni Onyango—affectionately referred to as "Auntie Zeituni" in the candidate's memoir—has been living in a Boston housing estate for the last 4 years, despite having been ordered to leave the US...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>