Princess Anne

6 Stories

King's Sister May Have Been Kicked by a Horse

Princess Anne is hospitalized with a concussion but is expected to recover fully

(Newser) - Another royal is having health issues. Princess Anne, the 73-year-old younger sister of King Charles III, has been hospitalized with a concussion, reports CNN . The palace isn't divulging details about what happened, save that she "sustained minor injuries and concussion following an incident on the Gatcombe Park estate"...

Trudeau, Macron Caught on Video Laughing at Trump
Trump Cancels NATO Presser
in Wake of Mocking Video
the rundown

Trump Cancels NATO Presser in Wake of Mocking Video

Trump calls Trudeau 'two-faced'

(Newser) - The first day of the NATO summit was contentious . The second is no different, thanks to video Tuesday night that appears to show a group of world leaders mocking President Trump, though he was never mentioned by name. The candid moment at the summit reception at Buckingham Palace was caught...

Group Trying to Save Ponies Recommends ... Eating Them

Eating pony meat would keep the species going by creating 'sustainable market'

(Newser) - Sometimes the solution you're looking for is right in front of your face. For example, if you'd like to save the ponies that roam the moors of southwestern England, perhaps you should ... eat one. This is the suggestion being bandied about by the Dartmoor Hill Pony Association to...

23 More Royal Scandals
 23 More Royal Scandals 

23 More Royal Scandals

Don't worry, Prince Harry, you're far from the first

(Newser) - Prince Harry might have embarrassed himself and irked the queen with his nude photo scandal—but if the British royal family knows anything, it knows scandal. Celebuzz lists 23 of the most gossip-worthy:
  • Prince Andrew dated Koo Stark, an American, in the 1980s. What's wrong with that? Well, it

British Royal Makes Olympic Team

Zara Phillips chosen for equestrian team

(Newser) - Princess Anne has long been the only British royal to have competed in the Olympic Games but daughter Zara Phillips is about to join the ranks. Phillips, the queen's granddaughter, has been selected as one of five members of Britain's equestrian team at this year's London Games,...

New Zealand Sniggers at Princess Anne 'Loaf' Hair

She kneads makeover help fast

(Newser) - Ouch. The subjects are getting uppity. New Zealanders are having a good laugh at what a local fashion designer has dubbed the "cottage loaf hair" of visiting Brit Princess Anne. And that's not all. The princes is also "boring as bat," in the parlance of New...

6 Stories