
Stories 321 - 333 | << Prev 

Marine Gets 15 Years for Killing Iraqi

Sergeant was instigator of kidnap, killing to intimidate insurgents

(Newser) - A jury of Iraq veterans sentenced a Marine sergeant to 15 years in prison and dishonorable discharge today for conspiracy to commit murder and unpremeditated murder, the Los Angeles Times reports. Sgt. Lawrence Hutchins offered no apology for leading a mission of Marines to kidnap and murder an Iraqi man...

Ex-Qwest CEO Gets 6 Years
Ex-Qwest CEO Gets 6 Years

Ex-Qwest CEO Gets 6 Years

Nacchio's insider-trading penalty includes paying $71M

(Newser) - Qwest's former CEO was sentenced to 6 years in prison today for engaging in insider trading while the company's stock plummeted. Joseph Nacchio committed "crimes of overarching greed,'' a federal judge in Denver said as he fined him $19 million in addition to the $52 million he must...

Harsh Reality: Richie Draws 4-Day Sentence

Wrong-way starlet pleads guilty to DUI

(Newser) - Giving the cast of The Simple Life an 0-for-2 record in the California courts, Nicole Richie was sentenced to 4 days in jail today after pleading guilty to driving the wrong way on an LA freeway while under the influence of drugs. The skeletal starlet must attend 21 days of...

Bush Commutes Libby Sentence
Bush Commutes Libby Sentence

Bush Commutes Libby Sentence

President spares former Cheney aide jail time; conviction remains

(Newser) - Scooter Libby won't be going to jail: President Bush commuted the former Cheney aide's 30-month sentence for perjury and obstruction of justice tonight, but stopped short of a pardon. The move came hours after a federal appeals court denied Libby's motion for bail pending his appeal.

Chemical Ali Is Sentenced to Hang
Chemical Ali
Is Sentenced
to Hang

Chemical Ali Is Sentenced to Hang

Hussein cousin and 2 others get death for wiping out Kurds

(Newser) - The Iraqi commander known as Chemical Ali was sentenced to hang today for ordering the  use of chemical weapons to wipe out whole Kurdish villages, killing some 180,000 people, two decades ago. Ali Hassan al-Majid, a cousin of Saddam Hussein, and two others found guilty of war crimes by...

High Court Raises Bar for Investors' Suits

Companies trump shareholders for second time in a week

(Newser) - Investors who accuse companies of fraud based on executives' misdeeds must show that they acted intentionally, the Supreme Court ruled today, making it easier for corporations to have shareholder lawsuits dismissed. The decision helps protect companies against frivolous suits by clarifying a 1995 law, the Times reports, but critics say...

Abortion Doc's Killer Draws 2nd Life Sentence

Federal added to state term in 1998 Buffalo sniper case

(Newser) - A militant anti-abortion activist who murdered an obstetrician was sentenced to life in prison on federal charges yesterday. James Kopp is already serving a state term of 25 years to life for the 1998 sniper-style killing of Barnett Slepian, who performed abortions. Kopp is also suspected in four other shootings...

Judge Orders Libby to Prison
Judge Orders Libby to Prison

Judge Orders Libby to Prison

Defense likely to appeal trial court's ruling

(Newser) - Scooter Libby may not remain free pending appeal, the judge in his perjury trial ruled today, and must begin serving his 30-month sentence this summer. His defense team will turn next to a federal appeals court, the Washington Post reports, but the most pressing legal question now is whether President...

Paris Was Right: It's Not Fair!
Paris Was Right:
It's Not Fair!

Paris Was Right: It's Not Fair!

Numbers show heiress's stint in jail will be longer than 80% of similar offenders

(Newser) - Paris Hilton wasn't just  being a spoiled brat when she cried injustice on being hauled back to jail earlier this week. The weepy celebutante is in fact doing more hard time than most people guilty of crimes like hers, the LA Times reports after  analyzing 1,500 similar cases in...

Bring Justice to Libby: Fine Him
Bring Justice to Libby: Fine Him

Bring Justice to Libby: Fine Him

Bush can keep Scooter free without letting him off the hook, former attorney says

(Newser) - Former federal prosecutor and Bush 41 lawyer William Otis suggests a third way on Scooter Libby—between pardon and prison. The rule of law demands some penalty for leaking Valerie Plame's identity, says Otis, but "a sense of proportionality" rules out sending Libby to the hoosegow. The court's $250K...

Give Scooter a Jail Break
Give Scooter
a Jail Break

Give Scooter a Jail Break

One group's rooting for probation as the man who wouldn't snitch is sentenced

(Newser) - With Scooter Libby facing sentencing today for perjury in the Valerie Plame affair, Salon's Joseph Cooper asks his English class at the Webster Correctional Institution in Connecticut what punishment they would impose. The student cons go for probation, on the grounds that Libby's only crime was that he didn't snitch.

Hilton Headed To Hoosegow
Hilton Headed
To Hoosegow

Hilton Headed To Hoosegow

Heir-head violates probation, draws 45 days behind bars (not the fun kind)

(Newser) - Supply your own "simple life" joke: Paris Hilton is going to jail. After finding that the famous-for-being-famous socialite violated her probation, Los Angeles Superior Court judge Michael Sauer today sentenced her to 45 days. The sometime reality-TV star wept as she learned she has until June 5 to find...

Judge Bets on New Approach
Judge Bets on New Approach

Judge Bets on New Approach

(Newser) - A New York judge is handing down treatment-oriented sentences to defendants whose crimes result from gambling addiction, on a model introduced to address drug and spousal abuse. Offenders willing to plead guilty can choose Justice Mark Farrell's suburban Buffalo courtroom and receive lighter sentences, along with counseling and status checks...

Stories 321 - 333 | << Prev