Pentagon shooting

10 Stories

Radical US Muslims 'a Minuscule Threat'
 Radical US Muslims 
 'a Minuscule Threat' 

Radical US Muslims 'a Minuscule Threat'

Arrests down for homegrown plots, attacks

(Newser) - After the attempted Times Square bombing in 2010, many feared that radical Muslim Americans posed a growing threat to the US—but that fear is unfounded, a new report from a research group declares. The number of US Muslims charged in violent attacks or plots peaked in 2009 at 47,...

Accused Pentagon Shooter Tries to Dig Out of Cell

Yonathan Melaku charged with trying to escape

(Newser) - 10:1 odds he's a big fan of Shawshank Redemption: The Marine Reservist accused of shooting at the Pentagon and other military sites last year tried to dig his way out of jail, reports the Washington Post . He didn't come close. Officials at the Loudoun County Adult Detention...

Man Arrested at Arlington Tied to Pentagon Shootings

Marine reservist nabbed last week may have shot up Museum of the Marine Corps

(Newser) - And the plot thickens: Ballistic evidence indicates that the man arrested at Arlington National Cemetery last week may also be the man who fired shots at the Pentagon , the National Museum of the Marine Corps and a Marine recruiting office in October, authorities said today. The suspect, Yonathan Melaku, is...

Pentagon, Marine Museum Shootings Linked

Same gun was used in both cases, ballistics reveals

(Newser) - Ballistic tests have conclusively shown that the same weapon fired on both the Pentagon and National Museum of the Marine Corps, the FBI announced yesterday. Officials suspect a third shooting at a Marine Corps recruiting office this week may be related as well. “I don't think at this point...

Temporary Lockdown After Shots Hit Pentagon

No injuries reported

(Newser) - Someone fired shots at the Pentagon early today, hitting the building and causing minor damage, defense officials said. Police who protect the massive Defense Department headquarters temporarily locked down some road and pedestrian entrances to the building after a civilian reported he may have heard shots at about 5am on...

Parents Warned Cops About Pentagon Shooter

Bedell had mental issues, maybe a gun

(Newser) - The man who opened fire in front of the Pentagon last night had a history of mental illness and had become so erratic that his parents reached out to local authorities weeks ago with a warning that he was unstable and might have a gun, authorities said today. Bedell, 36,...

Pentagon Shooter a 'Brilliant' Engineering Student

John Patrick Bedell had a serious pot problem

(Newser) - John Patrick Bedell, who allegedly opened fire on the Pentagon last night before being shot and killed, was a “brilliant” engineering student with a “severe pot addiction,” according to a family friend. His mother “asked me to help,” says the former teacher. But “there...

Pentagon Shooter Dead; Vented Online About 9/11

Man, 36, also blasted marijuana laws

(Newser) - Resentment of the US government and suspicions over the 9/11 attacks have surfaced in writings and videos by John Patrick Bedell, the California man identified as the Pentagon shooter . Authorities confirmed this morning that he was killed in the attack, in which he allegedly wounded two Pentagon officers. In one...

Cops ID Pentagon Shooter, Eye Second Man
Cops ID Pentagon Shooter, Eye Second Man

Cops ID Pentagon Shooter, Eye Second Man

John Patrick Bedell, 36, showed no emotion

(Newser) - Authorities have identified the man behind today’s shooting at the Pentagon as John Patrick Bedell, 36, and are seeking a second man in connection with the incident, which left two Pentagon police officers injured and Bedell hospitalized. Sources tell AP that law-enforcement agencies—which now include the Secret Service...

Pentagon Locked Down After 3 Shot at Metro Station

2 cops have non-life-threatening wounds; suspect more serious

(Newser) - The Pentagon is locked down this evening after a man emerged from the adjoining subway station and opened fire on officers at the entrance to the Defense Department headquarters. Two officers received non-life-threatening injuries, a spokesman tells the Washington Post ; their return fire injured the shooter more seriously. The incident...

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