
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Mosquitoes Help Cops Subdue Fleeing Suspect

Alleged getaway driver in booze theft surrenders in a Wisconsin cornfield

(Newser) - First came the crime-fighting cows . Now, the mosquitoes. Police in Wisconsin's Fond du Lac County say they arrested a fleeing suspect who surrendered in a cornfield because he couldn't take the swarming mosquitoes anymore, reports ABC7 Chicago . "When we handcuffed him he asked us to wipe his...

Pet Meds, Laser Fences Could Tackle Insect-Borne Diseases

Scientists say isoxazolines could prevent up to 97% of Zika cases

(Newser) - Scientists are testing new ways to prevent the spread of insect-borne diseases like Zika and malaria, one of which involves sharing medication with your dog. New research funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation suggests drugs included in anti-flea and tick medications for pets could prevent 97% of Zika...

Mosquito-Borne Virus Infects Human for First Time
Virus Infects
Human for
First Time
new study

Mosquito-Borne Virus Infects Human for First Time

It took scientists 18 months to figure it out

(Newser) - A coastal virus that can cause a rash and mild fever has officially infected a person for the first time, NPR reports. Scientists say it took 18 months to figure out that a Florida teen who got sick during the Zika outbreak of 2016 actually had the Keystone virus, which...

Tick, Mosquito Infections Have More Than Tripled

Bloodsucker season is getting longer, CDC warns

(Newser) - The number of Americans catching diseases from tiny bloodsucking creatures is going up at an alarming rate, federal authorities warn. According to the latest report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of reported illnesses caused by ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas more than tripled between 2004 and...

US Mosquitoes Will Soon Have a New Pest: Mosquitoes

Biotech startup will release infected males in 20 states, DC to mate with females in the wild

(Newser) - A biotech startup has just gotten approval from the FDA to unleash a new weapon against potentially dangerous mosquitoes. The weapon? Mosquitoes. As Gizmodo explains, a company out of Kentucky called MosquitoMate will sell male mosquitoes infected with a bacterium to businesses and homeowners in 20 states still to be...

Air Force Battles a Post-Harvey Villain: Mosquitoes

They're a real nuisance

(Newser) - Texas has sicced the Air Force on a post-Hurricane Harvey enemy: mosquitoes. As of Tuesday, 1.85 million acres (that's about 1% of the state) had been coated with insecticides via Air Force C-130 cargo planes. The planes had at that point sprayed three eastern counties, with plans to...

Guy's Twitter Account Blocked After Death Threat (Against Mosquito)

It appears a Twitter algorithm, not a human, picked up certain keywords

(Newser) - A Japanese man recently found his Twitter account permanently frozen after tweeting a violent message alongside a picture of a corpse: "Bastard! Where do you get off biting me all over while I'm just trying to relax and watch TV? Die! (Actually you're already dead)," wrote...

Mosquitoes, Ticks Are Coming for Us All This Summer

Warm winter means a pest-heavy summer is likely

(Newser) - America is about to be hit with a major infestation of ticks and mosquitoes, with the National Pest Management Association's chief entomologist predicting a "pretty buggy spring and summer." Popular Science reports this year's unusually warm winter—the sixth warmest ever recorded in the US—means...

Mosquitoes Do Not Care About Your Citronella Candles

Very few repellants actually repel the biting insect

(Newser) - It isn't just nice when mosquito repellents actually do what they claim to—it's necessary. The biting insects are one of nature's top disease vectors, spreading everything from yellow fever and dengue to Zika and malaria, and a group of scientists recently set out to test which...

Mosquitoes Are Booming in US for Some Surprising Reasons

Growing cities and lack of DDT, not climate change, to blame

(Newser) - Disease-spreading mosquitoes are rapidly multiplying in the US—and surprisingly it doesn't appear to have anything to do with climate change. Mosquito populations in New York, New Jersey, and California have increased as much as tenfold in the past 50 years, and the number of mosquitoes in those places...

A 'Likely' First in Texas: Zika Spread by Local Mosquito

Lone Star State would join Florida in having local transmission cases

(Newser) - Texas health officials knew it was "only a matter of time," and that time has arrived, they now say: The state has logged its first case of Zika likely spread by a local mosquito, the Guardian reports. This news puts Texas alongside Florida as the only other state...

Mosquitoes Now Spreading Zika in Miami Beach

Five new cases confirmed in Miami

(Newser) - Mosquitoes are spreading Zika in a whole new area of Miami, the CDC announced Friday. USA Today reports five new cases of mosquito-spread Zika have popped up in a 1.5-square-mile area of Miami Beach, including popular tourist area South Beach. In fact, three of the five patients were visiting...

Sources: Zika Is Spreading in Miami Beach

Feds may advise against travel to entire county

(Newser) - In a development that will alarm Florida tourist authorities as well as pregnant women, sources tell multiple news outlets that mosquitoes are spreading Zika in Miami Beach. A health official tells the New York Times that a cluster of cases probably spread by mosquitoes has been found in the city,...

New Danger That May Emerge From La. Floods: Zika

As floodwaters recede, mosquito eggs may hatch—and bring Zika virus to the public

(Newser) - As thousands of people deal with treacherous flooding in southern Louisiana, a new danger may enter into the mix: increased risk of a mosquito surge over the next few weeks, and with them, the potential spread of the Zika virus, a tropical medicine expert tells USA Today . Peter Hotez of...

What Zika? Russia Throws Mosquito Festival

Featuring a 'tastiest,' and likely itchiest, girl

(Newser) - While fears of the Zika virus have kept some people away from the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, for residents of one Russian town the more mosquito bites the better. At this weekend's Russian Mosquito Festival in the town of Berezniki, 9-year-old Irina Ilyukhina won the "tastiest girl"...

Florida Zika Case May Be Scariest One Yet

Infection may be from US mosquito, though health officials checking every possible cause

(Newser) - There have been more than 1,300 reported cases of Zika reported in the US so far, per the CDC , but a new case in Florida is especially worrisome: The Florida Department of Health says it's looking into what may be the first non-travel-related infection in the continental US,...

10 Worst Cities for Mosquitoes
 10 Worst Cities for Mosquitoes 

10 Worst Cities for Mosquitoes

Sorry, Atlanta-dwellers

(Newser) - We're one week away from the official start of summer, which means ... mosquitoes. Pest-control company Orkin is out with a list of the 50 cities with the worst mosquito problems, based on the number of customers serviced for mosquito issues in 2015. The top 10:
  1. Atlanta
  2. Chicago
  3. Washington, DC

Hot Fashion for S. Korea's Olympic Team: Zika-Proof Attire

Training, ceremonial clothing for Rio Games to be 'impregnated' with chemicals

(Newser) - South Korea's Olympic committee on Wednesday unveiled Zika-proof long-sleeved shirts and pants it says will help protect the country's Olympic athletes from the mosquito-borne virus at this year's games in Rio de Janeiro, the AP reports. The sets of clothing will be impregnated with mosquito-repellent chemicals and...

10 Worst US Cities for Mosquitoes

Let's just throw a mosquito net over the entire Southeast

(Newser) - With the Zika virus making headlines around the world and peak mosquito season only a few months away, USA Today reports on the 20 US cities where you might as well wear a mosquito net when you go outside. The rankings of the worst US cities for mosquitos comes from...

A More Common Mosquito May Carry Zika Virus

But it's not clear whether it can transmit the virus to humans

(Newser) - The news about Zika virus just got a bit worse: Researchers in Brazil have found that a more common mosquito than previously thought can carry the virus, which may hamper efforts to stop its spread. The primary transmitter of Zika, which has been linked to birth defects and other maladies,...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>