Mitch Landrieu

10 Stories

Moon Landrieu's Long Battle for Integration Could Be Lonely

Former New Orleans mayor was followed into public office by his children

(Newser) - Moon Landrieu, who championed racial integration for decades as New Orleans mayor, state lawmaker, and US Cabinet member, died Monday. He was 92 and died at home in New Orleans, the New York Times reports. Landrieu was the patriarch of a political family: His daughter Mary was a three-term US...

One Idea: Replace Confederate Statues With Britney Spears

Online petition calls singer 'an inspiration to millions'

(Newser) - A few of the Confederate statues and memorials in Louisiana have been removed in the past few years, but more than 30 are still standing. A petition circulating on makes a suggestion: Replace the Confederates with statues of "an actual Louisiana hero and influential human being, Britney...

Democratic Rivals May Have Blown It With Biden
Rivals May Have
Blown It With Biden

Democratic Rivals May Have Blown It With Biden

He scared away promising rivals, writes David Leonhardt

(Newser) - A column by David Leonhardt in the New York Times on Sunday raises a provocative question with its headline: "Did Joe Biden Scare Off Our Next President?" The thinking is this: Biden's entry into the race as an instant front-runner kept promising moderates such as Mitch Landrieu on...

New Orleans Starts Taking Down 'Aberration'

Mayor says Confederate statues don't represent city

(Newser) - Workers in New Orleans began removing the first of four prominent Confederate monuments early Monday, making it the latest Southern city to sever itself from symbols viewed by many as representing racism and white supremacy. Trucks arrived to begin removing the first memorial, one that commemorates whites who tried to...

Tornadoes Destroy Homes, Injure Dozens in New Orleans

Louisiana declares state of emergency

(Newser) - Gov. John Bel Edwards declared a state of emergency in Louisiana on Tuesday after a severe storm moved across the state's southeast corner, injuring about 40 people. Edwards said he was heartbroken to see Louisiana families suffering again, the AP reports. He said seven parishes were hit by tornadoes...

Congressmen Should Try Acting Like Mayors
Congressmen Should Try
Acting Like Mayors

Congressmen Should Try Acting Like Mayors

Margaret Carlson argues that having to get things done dampens ideology

(Newser) - Americans are understandably fed up with their leaders right now, but Margaret Carlson at Bloomberg thinks there's "still a class of politician that deserves our admiration: the country’s mayors, who actually run services as opposed to running their mouths." Carlson attended a confab of these mayors...

Isaac Overruns 18 Miles of Levees in Louisiana

Slow-moving storm drenching Gulf Coast

(Newser) - Some 18 miles of levees have been overrun as a slow-moving Hurricane Isaac made landfall a second time in Louisiana, sending up to 12 feet of water through homes in Plaquemines Parish, which is located about 95 miles from New Orleans, reports NBC . Local officials are working to rescue people...

New Orleans, Feds Unveil Sweeping Police Reforms

Justice Department will watch NOLA for four years

(Newser) - The Justice Department and the city of New Orleans yesterday unveiled an $11 million, 492-point plan to clean up the city's notorious police department, in what Eric Holder called the most sweeping such reform the federal government had ever been involved with. For the next four years, the NOPD...

New Orleans Cops Abusive: Report

Justice Department slams cops for use of force, racial bias

(Newser) - The Justice Department has released a scathing report lambasting the New Orleans Police Department for repeatedly using deadly force without justification, making unconstitutional arrests, and engaging in racial profiling, among other misdeeds. "Even the most serious uses of force, such as officer-involved shootings and in-custody deaths, are investigated inadequately...

Landrieu Scion Wins New Orleans Mayoral Election

Mary Landrieu's brother, Mitch, succeeds term-limited Ray Nagin

(Newser) - Frustrated by term-limited Mayor Ray Nagin's leadership of New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina, voters elected Louisiana Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu to succeed him last night, turning to a political scion to speed up the city's recovery. Landrieu, 49, became the majority-black city's first white mayor since 1978, the year his...

10 Stories