Landrieu bugging

3 Stories

ACORN Pimp: I Was Using Valid Journalist Tactics

James O'Keefe tells Hannity he didn't do anything wrong

(Newser) - Dressing up as a telephone repairman to gain access to a federal official's office is just a "journalistic tactic," James O'Keefe told Sean Hannity last night. The conservative filmmaker, in his first TV interview since he and three cohorts were charged with trying to tamper with Sen. Mary...

Landrieu Lashes US Attorney's Busted Son

Senator: Phone tampering arrest 'very disconcerting'

(Newser) - Sen. Mary Landrieu says the acting US attorney for western Louisiana should be "terribly disappointed" by his son's arrest in an alleged Watergate-style phone tampering plot at her New Orleans office. It's "very disconcerting" that Robert Flanagan, the son of a top federal official, is among the four...

Fox Speaks Up for Busted ACORN Pimp

US attorney's son among 'Louisiana Watergate' suspects

(Newser) - Fox News has warned against jumping to conclusions after the man it would like to make a folk hero was busted for allegedly tampering with the phones in Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu's offices. The arrest of James O'Keefe "probably needs a lot of context and a lot of looking...

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