conspiracy theories

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Scientists Figure Out What Type of Person Believes BS

This may be the first study of 'pseudo-profound bullshit'

(Newser) - This has to rank among the best opening statements ever in a study abstract : "Although bullshit is common in everyday life and has attracted attention from philosophers, its reception (critical or ingenuous) has not, to our knowledge, been subject to empirical investigation." And so researchers at the University...

Who Downed Flight 17? The West, of Course

On Russian TV, it's all a conspiracy

(Newser) - Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, downed by pro-Russian rebels? Bah. Try the Ukrainian military, who mistook it for Putin's presidential plane, or mysterious forces who packed it with corpses and exploded it in the sky. Or whatever. In Russia, Flight 17 conspiracy theories are common on Kremlin-owned or -managed TV...

11 Insane Celeb Conspiracy Theories

Yes, there are people on Planet Earth who apparently believe these

(Newser) - Conspiracy theories are not just limited to the worlds of science and politics: Radar rounds up 20 of the wackiest conspiracy theories ... in Hollywood. And yes, all of them are real (in some minds):
  • OJ Simpson, not Robert Kardashian, is Khloe Kardashian's real dad.
  • Siblings Michael and LaToya Jackson

Medical-Conspiracy Theories Hot With Americans
6 Medical Conspiracies
People Really Believe
study says

6 Medical Conspiracies People Really Believe

Nearly 50% of people surveyed believe at least one theory

(Newser) - Think a US spy agency has infected black Americans with HIV? Or cell phones cause cancer and the government secretly knows? You're not alone: Roughly half of Americans believe in one or more medical conspiracies, according to a new survey. Two researchers asked 1,351 adults whether they knew...

Diana Wasn't Killed By Military: Report

Police won't reopen investigation, info 'not credible'

(Newser) - Christmas won't be coming early for conspiracy theorists: Investigators at Scotland Yard have concluded that there is "no credible evidence" that British special forces were involved in Princess Diana's death and there is consequently no need to open a criminal investigation, the BBC reports. The London police...

Why JFK Conspiracy Theories Don&#39;t Hold Up
 Why JFK Conspiracy 
 Theories Don't Hold Up 

Why JFK Conspiracy Theories Don't Hold Up

Fred Kaplan debunks long-held suspicions of a second shooter

(Newser) - The majority of Americans believe a conspiracy surrounds John F. Kennedy's assassination. Fred Kaplan used to, too—before he debunked the theories. While they offer a bit of fantasy and comfort, the JFK conspiracy theories just don't hold up, Kaplan writes for Slate . First up: Some claimed Lee...

New Conspiracy Theorists: Snowden Truthers

Is he a triple agent, a pawn, a plant ... or hiding secrets about UFOs?

(Newser) - Edward Snowden: hero or traitor ... or part of a government conspiracy? As with every major political event these days, there is a group of Americans who see something more sinister behind the NSA whistleblower, and Salon rounds up some theories:
  • One of the most prominent is author, activist, and former

Conspiracy Theories: Why Sane People Like Them

Having low self-worth doesn't help, apparently

(Newser) - Feeling powerless in the world at large? You're more likely to believe in conspiracy theories, experts say, even if those theories diminish the power you actually have. "If you know the truth and others don’t, that’s one way you can reassert feelings of having agency,"...

America Loves Its Conspiracy Theories

4% believe 'lizard people' secretly control society: Public Policy Polling

(Newser) - It's official: Americans love their conspiracy theories. Public Policy Polling asked voters to weigh in on 20 more infamous ones, and the results show that a not-insignificant number of people believe that President Obama is the anti-Christ (13%), Big Foot exists (14%), and the planet is secretly ruled by...

Now, the Pope Benedict Conspiracy Theories

Sex scandal? Nazi history? Prophecy?

(Newser) - With Pope Benedict suddenly announcing his resignation today, we've looked at his legacy and the process for choosing his replacement . Now—forgive us—we delve into the inevitable conspiracy theories that "explain" his resignation:
  • His Nazi History. Benedict has acknowledged he was forced to serve in the Hitler

Tea Party &#39;BirtherFest&#39; a Bust
 Tea Party 'Birther Fest' a Bust 

Tea Party 'Birther Fest' a Bust

Event starring Sheriff Joe, Pat Boone called off

(Newser) - If a "birther" jamboree starring Pat Boone and Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio sounds like your idea of a good time, you should have bought a ticket sooner. The September 22 event, organized by Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots, has been called off due to poor ticket sales, reports...

Social Security Orders 174K Bullets

'Routine' buy fuels conspiracy theories

(Newser) - A routine purchase request from the Social Security Administration has caused a flood of conspiracy theories, reports AP . The agency posted a notice that it's buying 174,000 hollow-point bullets, causing some to believe that it was stockpiling ammo to put down civil unrest. A retired major-general at the...

Ex-Marine Held for Radical Facebook Posts

Brandon Raub sent for psychiatric evaluation

(Newser) - A former Marine in Virginia is being held for psychiatric evaluation after posting anti-government messages on Facebook. Brandon Raub, 26, was detained for making alleged threats, and questioned by the FBI and Secret Service after authorities received complaints about his posts, ABC reports. The postings on his public profile mainly...

Megadeth Singer: Obama 'Staged' Mass Shootings

Prez masterminded killings to pass gun ban, Mustaine claims

(Newser) - We could have guessed that Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine wasn't a big fan of Barack Obama—he did kind-of endorse Rick Santorum in February —but his latest diatribe against the president made his feelings crystal clear. At a concert in Singapore, Mustaine accused Obama of "staging" the...

Breitbart Death Sparks Obama Conspiracy Theories

Some speculate he was killed over video he had of president

(Newser) - Move over, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and fellow birthers. Here come ... the Breitbarters? The untimely death of the conservative blogger has spawned plenty of conspiracy theories on Twitter and elsewhere, the International Business Times finds. Only a few weeks ago, Breitbart announced that he had damaging video from President Obama's...

Surprise! ‘Birther Queen’ Not Convinced

Father's race should be 'Negro,' not 'African,' claims Orly Taitz

(Newser) - Looks like "birther queen" Orly Taitz isn't ready to give up that title just yet. The release of President Obama's long-form birth certificate is "a step in the right direction," she tells TMZ , but she has spotted a big problem with the document: The race...

Oprah to Obama: What Took You So Long?

Winfrey addresses birth certificate issue in interview

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey sat down with the Obamas a few hours after the president released his long-form birth certificate and she wondered: Why did the president wait so long? "When it first came up, were you thinking, 'I hope I was born here?'" she asked. In response, Obama...

Move Over Birthers, Here Come the ‘Schoolers’

New focus will be on college records: Alex Pareene

(Newser) - The White House release of President Obama's birth certificate won't satisfy all the birthers, with charges of the document being a Photoshopped forgery already surfacing, notes Alex Pareene at Salon . Other diehards will accept it but develop new lines of attack, arguing that Obama is disqualified by his...

Obama Grandparents Photo: Jack Cashill Asserts It's a Fake, but Photoshop Mistake Suggests Otherwise
 Obama Conspiracist 
 Needs Photoshop Lesson 
in case you missed it

Obama Conspiracist Needs Photoshop Lesson

President may not be in that photo, but his knee sure is

(Newser) - An author on a mission to prove President Obama is a fraud asserts that a widely circulated photo of Barack Obama with his grandparents is a fake. In his YouTube video, Jack Cashill explains that Obama has been Photoshopped to appear between his grandparents, and he offers up what he...

Loughner More Insane Than Left or Right
Loughner More Insane
Than Left or Right

Loughner More Insane Than Left or Right

He embraced fringe theories on both sides

(Newser) - Analysts looking through Jared Lee Loughner's deranged online ramblings say that while some influence from the extreme left and extreme right is apparent, the only pigeonhole that fits is the one marked "insane." Some elements of the fringe right share Loughner's fixation on grammar conspiracies, currency manipulation, and...

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