royal wedding

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Is Wills' Irish Title a Political Move?

Royal family may be reasserting control in Northern Ireland: Niall O'Dowd

(Newser) - William wore an Irish Guards uniform; Kate’s wedding dress featured lace shamrocks ; and along with his new status as Duke of Cambridge, Prince William has gained an Irish title: Baron Carrickfergus. Was it all a nod to the Irish, wonders Niall O’Ferguson at IrishCentral , or “something more...

Prince William, Kate Delay Honeymoon

He's going back to work after a private weekend

(Newser) - The duke is going back to work next week, so no honeymoon for now. Prince William and Kate Middleton—or the duke and duchess of Cambridge—flew off from London in a helicopter today for a private weekend somewhere in the UK, reports the Daily Mirror . But the couple won'...

Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton: Why the British Monarchy Still Matters
 Why the 
 Still Matters 

Why the Monarchy Still Matters

It ties Britain to a powerful past—and could help lead it into the future

(Newser) - On a day like today , even someone with misgivings about the British monarchy has to feel a little pride. The empire is gone; Britain’s global reach has rapidly diminished; but once again, all eyes were on London—perhaps a billion pairs, according to some counts, writes Philip Stephens in...

Royal Wedding Photo Slideshow: Pictures of Prince William, Kate Middleton's Big Day
 The Royal Wedding in Pictures 

The Royal Wedding in Pictures

The dress! The kiss! The cake!

(Newser) - If you opted not to wake up at 4am to watch Prince William marry the former Kate Middleton, now Duchess Catherine, never fear. Relive the big day in our gallery, which starts off with the photo NPR chose as the best one from the whole extravaganza. Check out the little...

British Businesses Grumble About Wedding Day Off

Public holiday predicted to cost economy almost $10B

(Newser) - Guillotine-wielding protesters aren't the only people in Britain not entirely thrilled about today's royal wedding. The British are getting an extra public holiday for the occasion and business owners complain that they're losing revenue at a time when they're trying to recover from recession. The...

Royal Wedding: Prince William, Kate Middleton Kiss on Buckingham Palace Balcony
 Newly Hitched Wills, Kate Snog 
royal wedding

Newly Hitched Wills, Kate Snog

Couple makes traditional balcony appearance

(Newser) - At long last, newlyweds William and Kate (or, if you like, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge ) have appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and engaged in not one, but two public kisses as husband and wife. Big cheer from the throngs below, but the kisses themselves? Pretty...

What&#39;s With the Hats?

What’s With the Hats? 
royal wedding

What’s With the Hats?

Maker: They're 'individual pieces of art'

(Newser) - If the press hasn’t been loud enough about the royal wedding, the hats on display are certainly making up for it. So what’s the story behind them? An eight-member team of milliners in southwest England made at least 50 of the hats, including some for the royal family...

Royal Wedding: Kate Middleton Arrives
 Wills to Kate: ‘You 
 Look Stunning, Babe’ 

Wills to Kate: ‘You Look Stunning, Babe’

The royal wedding is off and running

(Newser) - hey're married!
  • Kate Middleton has arrived at Westminster Abbey, looking gorgeous in a long-sleeved, long-trained dress. The BBC notes she's wearing a tiara under her veil, and her hair is down. Her dress was, in fact, designed by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen; full details of her outfit

Royal Wedding: Guests, Royalty Arrive for Prince William and Kate Middleton's Big Day
 Who’s Who 
 at the Royal Wedding 
royal wedding

Who’s Who at the Royal Wedding

All the big names are there—but no Kate yet

(Newser) - The guests have streamed in to Westminster Abbey to watch Prince William marry Kate Middleton. Who got the biggest cheers from the throngs outside? Prime Minister David Cameron was a hit, as was Elton John—and, of course, Princes William and Harry, who arrived looking dapper in full military regalia....

Meet the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
 Meet the Duke and 
 Duchess of Cambridge 
royal wedding

Meet the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Royal duo get new handles right before big do

(Newser) - Britain's queen has dubbed her grandson the Duke of Cambridge, making Kate Middleton Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, Buckingham Palace officials announced shortly before the spectator-mobbed wedding procession was to begin. It's customary for royal couples to be granted new names at the time of their...

Men, Women Love Wedding—But Not for Same Reasons

Women love romance, men sense of history, say experts

(Newser) - Men might be from Mars and women from Venus, but they're all drawn to the royal wedding—for different reasons, of course. Female spectators tend to be enthralled by the romantic relationship while men are intrigued by the history of the British knot-tying, say psychologists. “The royal wedding...

London Goes Bonkers
 London Goes Bonkers 

London Goes Bonkers

Ecstatic fans, posh guests in breathless anticipation

(Newser) - London morphed into one massive wedding party today as throngs lined the wedding procession route and head-of-state guests from around the world streamed into Westminster for the historic wedding of Britain's Prince William and his Kate. Some people camped out for days in the cold for a prime viewing...

What's Kate Got That Diana Didn't?

She's got an easy confidence—and a better groom

(Newser) - We've seen it all before: the pomp, the circumstance, the beautiful bride marrying her prince. Then it all went horribly wrong. Why should we expect anything different this time? Royal watchers say it all comes down to Kate and her confidence. Kate's older, more sophisticated, already more press-savvy...

UK Arrests Anti-Monarchists, Seizes Guillotine

Activists planned to mark royal wedding with mock execution

(Newser) - London police have arrested three people who were planning a very different kind of royal wedding celebration. The trio of anti-monarchy activists—one of whom was dressed as an executioner—had planned to mark today's ceremony with a mock execution of a royal, reports the Guardian . Police seized a...

Westminster Abbey Will Block Tweets at Wedding

Royal nuptials will have signal-blocking technology in place

(Newser) - If you happen to be one of the nearly 2,000 invitees to tomorrow's royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, don’t expect to be sending any tweets from Westminster Abbey. To keep guests from spilling intimate details ahead of the nuptials, event organizers will implement a...

Good Luck, Kate: Being a Princess Kinda Sucks
Good Luck, Kate: Being a Princess Kinda Sucks

Good Luck, Kate: Being a Princess Kinda Sucks

But Middleton's no Diana, and that could save her

(Newser) - Regardless of your enthusiasm (or lack thereof) for the royal wedding, it's hard not to feel sorry for Kate Middleton. After all, being a princess isn't what it used to be—partially because of Middleton's would-have-been mother-in-law, Princess Diana. "Once the embodiment of beauty and glamor,...

Royal Wedding News: Syrian Ambassador Disinvited, Kate Middleton's Vows Possibly Leaked, New Photo and 'Official Programme' Released
Guess Whose Royal Wedding Invite Was Yanked?

Guess Whose Royal Wedding Invite Was Yanked?

Plus: vows and programs and new pictures, oh my!

(Newser) - The big day is nearly upon us, so it's even easier to get your fix of news about tomorrow's royal wedding. Highlights:
  • Some people were a bit miffed to learn that Syrian ambassador Dr. Sami Khiyami was on the guest list, considering how many pro-democracy demonstrators have recently

Islamists Warn of Royal Wedding Terror Attack

UK foreign policy makes wedding a legitimate target, extremists warn

(Newser) - The royal wedding is a "legitimate target" for terrorists and Muslims should stay out of central London tomorrow, warns a radical Muslim group in Britain. The leader of Muslims Against Crusades—whose application to protest outside the wedding was rejected—says he doesn't have any inside knowledge of...

If You Watch the Royal Wedding, You’re a Traitor

We're supposed to hate the monarchy, not worship it: Mark Oppenheimer

(Newser) - America is supposed to be a place where everyone is equal—so why are so many of us glued to coverage of the royal wedding? Have we forgotten, Mark Oppenheimer wonders, that we "fought a bloody war for the privilege to ignore the king of England"? Now, many...

Why We're Fascinated by the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton: Anne Applebaum
 Why Wills and 
 Kate Fascinate Us 

Why Wills and Kate Fascinate Us

They're victims of an inescapable fate—but they seem happy anyway

(Newser) - Even to those of us with no plans to sit through the royal wedding, Prince William and Kate Middleton are intriguing. “My friend is not a royal watcher or a tabloid reader. Neither am I,” writes Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post . Yet both were familiar with Kate’...

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