Iran nuclear facilities

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Kerry: Iran Nuclear Deal &#39;Not Built on Trust&#39;
 Kerry: Iran 
 Nuclear Deal 
 'Not Built on Trust' 

talk show roundup

Kerry: Iran Nuclear Deal 'Not Built on Trust'

It's 'based on verification,' he says

(Newser) - If you're finding yourself a bit wary of the nuclear deal struck with Iran last night because, hey, why are we suddenly trusting these guys? ... John Kerry would like to reassure you: The deal is "not based on trust. It's based on verification," he said on...

Iran Nuclear Deal Is &#39;a Triumph&#39;
 Iran Nuclear Deal Is 'a Triumph' 

Iran Nuclear Deal Is 'a Triumph'

Dueling columnists weigh in on nuclear deal

(Newser) - The nuclear deal struck with Iran last night is either "a triumph," or something we shouldn't be all that excited about just yet. Dueling columnists weigh in:
  • Guess what: The deal is exactly what President Obama was going for, an agreement that—when details were leaked a

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal a 'Historic Mistake'

As Iraq, Syria praise deal

(Newser) - Israel's prime minister harshly condemned the international community's nuclear deal with Iran today, calling it a "historic mistake" and saying he was not bound by the agreement. Speaking to his Cabinet, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the world had become a "more dangerous place" as a...

As Iran Talks Falter, Rouhani Calls Enrichment 'Red Line'

Talks end with progress but no deal; will resume Nov. 20

(Newser) - Iranian officials said today it made progress with world powers during "serious" talks over Tehran's nuclear program, but insisted the nation cannot be pushed to give up uranium enrichment as negotiations move into tougher ground. The remarks on enrichment repeat past declarations on the country's "right"...

Iran May Be Building a Different Kind of Bomb

US and European officials fear switch to plutonium

(Newser) - There's more than one way to skin an atom, and apparently Iran is trying them all. The rogue state may have weapons grade plutonium by next summer, US and European officials tell the Wall Street Journal , which is something of a surprise, given that until now the international community...

US Makes 'Bunker Buster' Bomb Even Bigger

Hopes to send message to Iran and Israel

(Newser) - The Pentagon has been doing a little showing off for Israel. US officials have been playing Israeli military and civilian leaders footage of the Pentagon's new and improved "bunker buster" bomb, which it says can now take out Iran's most secure nuclear enrichment facility, Fordow. The goal...

Iran's Nuclear 'Plan B': Plutonium

Until now, international powers have been focusing on uranium

(Newser) - The Telegraph has details today of what it calls Iran's "Plan B," a second path to creating a nuclear bomb: New satellite images show that Iran has activated its Arak heavy-water production plant; heavy water could eventually power a nuclear reactor that would produce plutonium for bomb-making....

Iran Attempted Shopping Spree, Fueling Nuke Fears

Tehran tries to buy 100K banned magnets

(Newser) - Iran has tried to buy huge quantities of banned nuclear-linked magnets amid announced plans for thousands more centrifuges. The news has experts concerned that the country could be ready to give its nuclear program a major boost, the Washington Post reports. A year ago, Tehran attempted to order some 100,...

Ayatollah Nixes Direct US-Iran Talks

Foreign minister had offered some support

(Newser) - Iran's supreme leader has rejected proposals for direct talks with United States, apparently quashing suggestions for a breakthrough dialogue on the nuclear standoff and other issues. Today's statement posted on Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's website marks his first reaction to the proposals for the one-on-one talks, which received...

Iran on Restarting Nuke Probe: No

IAEA negotiators had hoped to make progress before six-nations talks

(Newser) - The International Atomic Energy Agency's latest round of negotiations with Iran ended today without any real progress made toward restarting investigations into Iran's nuclear program, reports the AP . The United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany head to Tehran later this month for direct talks, and those...

Iran: OK, We&#39;ll Talk Nukes Again
 Iran: OK, We'll Talk Nukes Again

Iran: OK, We'll Talk Nukes Again

No date, details set, but Saeed Jalili says talks should continue this month

(Newser) - The latest Iran/six-nation talks over the country's nuclear program failed in June , leading to tough sanctions. But Iran is now ready to resume talks once more, says Saeed Jalili, Iran's top nuclear negotiator, reports the AP . No date was suggested in today's announcement, but talks should occur...

US Steps up Spying on Iran Nuke Reactor

Concerned about safety at Bushehr

(Newser) - Concerned over fuel rods that were unexpectedly discharged in October, the US has increased spying on Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor, officials tell the Wall Street Journal . Spent fuel from Bushehr was supposed to be returned to Russia, which commissioned and built the reactor, so the US was surprised when...

Netanyahu Made 2010 Request to Prep Iran Attack
Netanyahu Made 2010 Request to Prep Iran Attack
TV report

Netanyahu Made 2010 Request to Prep Iran Attack

Procedural questions halted order: TV report

(Newser) - Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak in 2010 requested that the military position itself to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, according to an Israeli TV report. But the order was dropped over questions of officials' authority to call for such an action—and the military's ability...

US, Iran Agree to 1st Direct Nuclear Talks

But negotiations are fraught with election-year politics

(Newser) - Tehran and Washington have agreed to the first-ever direct talks about Iran's nuclear program, but only after Nov. 6—because Iran insists on meeting with a newly elected president, the New York Times reports. The plan could easily fall through, however—either because Iran is bluffing to ease international...

Ahmadinejad: In 'New Order,' We'll All Be Equal

And that whole nuclear program thing is a non-issue

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continued his media blitz yesterday, giving the AP an interview in which he touched on all the usual topics: Israel, Iran's nuclear ambitions, Syria. The subject closest to his heart, however, was the "new order" he envisions—in which, surprise, surprise, the US plays a lesser...

Official: Blasts Targeted Iran Nuclear Sites

Abbasi says Atomic Energy Agency has been infiltrated by 'terrorists'

(Newser) - Two explosions targeted power supplies to Iran's main uranium enrichment sites, according to an Iranian official who indicated the blasts were the work of Western "terrorists." One of the explosions occurred last month, a day before international inspectors arrived at one of the sites, Fordow, says scientist...

Attacking Iran Would Take How Many Planes?
Attacking Iran Would Take
How Many Planes?
study says

Attacking Iran Would Take How Many Planes?

Defense analyst Anthony Cordesman lays out the numbers

(Newser) - If Washington does bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, we're not talking about a few fighter jets speeding by for quick sorties, reports Wired . The mission would require more than 100 planes and ships—plus drones and tanker aircraft—to complete a complex mission involving electronic warfare, attacks on air...

Israel PM 'Blew Up' at US Ambassador Over Iran

Netanyahu furious at US lack of clarity, congressman says

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clashed angrily with the American ambassador to Israel over US policy on Iran, according to a lawmaker who was present at the late August meeting. "It was very, very clear that the Israelis had lost their patience with the administration" over its failure to...

Angered by Egypt, Syrians Storm Out of Summit

Mohamed Morsi praises Syrian uprising at Nonaligned Movement Summit

(Newser) - Egypt's new president arrived in Iran today for a historic visit, the AP reports—and he promptly sparked a walkout at the Nonaligned Movement Summit. Mohamed Morsi, the first Egyptian leader to visit Iran since Tehran cut diplomatic relations with Egypt in 1979 over its peace treaty with Israel,...

4 in Germany Accused of Sending Iran Nuclear Parts

Men accused of breaking embargo

(Newser) - Iran may have been getting some help with its nuclear reactor plans from four guys in Germany. The men have been arrested and are accused of breaking the embargo prohibiting Germans from trading nuclear-related items with Iran. They allegedly supplied Iran with millions of euros worth of specialty valves for...

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