Khufu pyramid

7 Stories

Great Pyramid's Hidden Corridor Is Revealed
Great Pyramid's Hidden
Corridor Is Revealed
in case you missed it

Great Pyramid's Hidden Corridor Is Revealed

Vaulted space could sit above an unknown chamber: experts

(Newser) - Experts have taken a look inside a hidden space in the Great Pyramid of Giza, last seen 4,500 years ago. It's a vaulted corridor found behind the north face of Khufu's Pyramid and has archaeologists wondering whether an undiscovered chamber remains concealed beneath it, per Reuters . About...

2-Year Streak of Tourists Safe in Egypt Has Ended

Roadside bomb hits tour bus near Giza pyramids, killing 2 and injuring 12

(Newser) - A roadside bomb hit a tourist bus on Friday in an area near the Giza pyramids, killing two Vietnamese tourists and wounding 12 other people, Egypt's Interior Ministry said in a statement. It said the bus was traveling in the Marioutiyah area near the pyramids when the crude roadside...

Still Mad About Pyramid Climb, Egypt Arrests 2

But it's not the 2 who were in the nude photo shoot at the top of Giza's famous landmark

(Newser) - Egyptian authorities weren't happy last week when a viral video seemed to show a couple getting busy atop the Great Pyramid of Giza. They're still not happy this week, and they're making arrests to express their continued displeasure. The Guardian and Egypt Today report that two people...

Viral Vid Seems to Show Couple Getting Busy Atop Great Pyramid

Egyptian authorities aren't happy

(Newser) - It's one of the Seven Wonders of the World, but some aren't filled with wonder at a video that appears to show a salacious undertaking at the landmark. CNN reports that three minutes of nighttime footage , originally uploaded Wednesday by Danish photographer Andreas Hvid, have been making the...

First Major Find in Great Pyramid Since 19th Century

It's a huge cavity, and it's raising a lot of questions

(Newser) - It's not every day that what is essentially nothingness would be major news, but today is that day: Scientists announced in Nature that after two years of study, they've identified a roughly 100-foot-long void in Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza—built around 2500 BC, it's the...

Robot to Explore Secret Pyramid Passageway

 Robot to Explore 
 Secret Pyramid 
in case you missed it

Robot to Explore Secret Pyramid Passageway

'Djedi Rover' aims to find out where mysterious tunnel leads

(Newser) - A high-tech robot is setting out to solve one of the Great Pyramid of Giza’s long-standing puzzles. Armed with a drill, a snaking camera, and other state-of-the-art bells and whistles, the “Djedi Rover” will scamper up the mysterious 8-inch tunnels in the Pyramid of Khufu’s so-called “...

Pyramids Not Built by Slaves: Scientists

Tombs found near king's suggest laborers were free workers

(Newser) - The Great Pyramids of Egypt were built not by slaves, as is commonly believed, but by free workers of such high status that their tombs lie near the king's. The laborers built the Khufu and Khafre pyramids, and the research made public today sheds new light on graffiti describing the...

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