
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Pope: Church Should Accept Gays 'With Respect'

Says Vatican has been 'small-minded,' can't be 'obsessed'

(Newser) - More unexpected comments about homosexuality from Pope Francis: In a new interview with a Jesuit journal, he says the church cannot "interfere spiritually" in the lives of gays and lesbians, CNN reports. He's gotten letters from gays and lesbians who felt "socially wounded" by the church, "...

NJ Ban: Therapists Can't Try to Turn Gay Teens Straight

Joins California as 2nd state to outlaw 'gay conversion therapy'

(Newser) - Chris Christie may not have done much bill-signing on Friday, but the same can't be said for today. The AP reports that the governor is set to sign a bill that will prevent licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teens straight. New Jersey will join California as the...

Pope Has Changed the Tone—if Not the Teaching

John Corvino: Pope Francis brings 'love' back to 'love the sinner'

(Newser) - Pope Francis once again made headlines this week when he asked, "Who am I to judge a gay person?" That's not because the Roman Catholic Church is changing its official stance on homosexuality, writes philosophy professor John Corvino in the New York Times , but it is changing its...

Pope Francis: Who Am I to Judge Gays?

Makes big statement on flight back from Latin America

(Newser) - Pope Francis continues to make news by making waves: for assuring the world that atheists can be good people , for blessing leather-clad Harley riders , and, now, for softening the church's position on gay priests. With the ink barely dry on yet another big news moment (he racked up the...

Jamaicans Rally to Keep Anti-Sodomy Law

1.5K take part in revival meetings led by pastors

(Newser) - About 1,500 Jamaicans rallied over a 149-year-old anti-sodomy law yesterday—and not to repeal it, as one might assume. The country's Supreme Court will hear a rare challenge to the 1864 law tomorrow, so pastors yesterday led two revival meetings to decry the growing acceptance of homosexuality. Attendees,...

Russia Passes Anti-Gay Bill, 436-0

Activists beaten, arrested as harsh bill sails through lower house

(Newser) - Today is not a great day to wake up gay in Russia: The country's lower house yesterday passed a bill that stigmatizes gay people and bans giving children any information about homosexuality. How it passed is nearly as notable as what it contains: By a vote of 436-0, with...

Francis: 'It's True,' Vatican Has Gay Lobby

Stunning admission in reported comments to private audience

(Newser) - Pope Francis has stunned Vatican-watchers by acknowledging that a "gay lobby" exists high up in the church hierarchy. "It is true, it is there ... We need to see what we can do," the pontiff told a key Latin American church group on June 6, according to a...

The Most Gay-Friendly Country in the World is...

Spain, followed by Germany, Czech Republic, and Canada, new study finds

(Newser) - The majority of Americans believe homosexuals should be accepted by society, but the US still lags well behind many other countries in western Europe and Latin America when it comes to gay-friendly attitudes, according to a new survey. Pew Research polled 39 countries on the acceptance of homosexuality, finding 60%...

In Secret Ballot, Boy Scouts Vote on Gays Today

It's expected to be close

(Newser) - Today's the day: More than 1,400 Boy Scout leaders are gathered in Grapevine, Texas, to vote on allowing openly gay scouts to participate in the organization. Emotions were already running high yesterday, the New York Times reports, as dozens of protesters picketed outside the conference center with "...

Obama Calls Jason Collins, Is 'Impressed'

But not all reactions to gay NBA player are so positive

(Newser) - After becoming the first active NBA player to come out as gay , Jason Collins got a phone call from the president himself. President Obama called Collins "to express his support and said he was impressed by his courage," a White House official tells CNN . Michelle Obama , Bill Clinton...

Boy Scouts Proposal: Allow Gay Scouts, Not Leaders

Proposal must still be voted on

(Newser) - It looks like the Boy Scouts of America may be ready to end its ban on openly gay scouts, but not on gay leaders. The organization today proposed doing away with the longstanding and controversial ban, which would mean that in the future, "no youth may be denied membership...

Texas A&M Bill Threatens Funds for Gay Group

Student senate passes measure allowing students to opt out on religious grounds

(Newser) - If the Texas A&M student senate has its way, the university's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Resource Center could soon find itself lacking funds. The senate last night passed the Religious Funding Exemption Bill, which allows students to opt out of paying student fees that fund university services...

Former Polish Prez Skirts Hate Crimes Charge

Lech Walesa sparked outrage with anti-gay words

(Newser) - Former Polish President Lech Walesa sparked outrage earlier this month when he said gays have no right to a prominent role in politics, adding that any gay lawmakers should sit in the back of Parliament or "even behind the wall." But, though an activist filed a formal complaint...

Boy Scouts Takes Poll, Asks About Bunking With Gays

Survey goes out to 1.1M scouts

(Newser) - As the Boy Scouts of America continues to wrestle with the question of whether to admit gay members and leaders, it's decided to take members' opinions into account. Some 1.1M scouts and their families received surveys recently, with questions like:
  • Should gay scouts be allowed to share tents

Carly Rae Jepsen, Train Cancel on Anti-Gay Boy Scouts

Both cite ban on gay scouts as their reason

(Newser) - Less than a month after the Boy Scouts declined to make a decision on its gay scout ban , some serious fallout: Train and Carly Rae Jepsen, both of whom were touted as headliners at the National Scout Jamboree in July, have bowed out of their concerts. Train did so Friday,...

Italian Paper: Benedict Quit Amid Crazy Scandal

Report says gay priests were blackmailed

(Newser) - Here's a conspiracy theory on Pope Benedict's sudden resignation that wasn't in the first rush of speculation —what if Benedict's decision was linked to a network of gay priests in the Vatican who were being blackmailed by outsiders? That's the premise of a report...

49er: We Don't Want Gays Playing

Chris Culliver: 'They gotta get up outta here'

(Newser) - San Francisco 49ers cornerback Chris Culliver says he doesn't want gay players on his team. "I don't do the gay guys, man," he told Artie Lange in an interview. "We don't got no gay people on the team; they gotta get up out of...

Boy Scouts Leaders in Talks to End Gay Ban

If board approves, change could be announced next week

(Newser) - After many years and much controversy, the Boy Scouts of America is close to ending its ban on gay members, scouting officials and other sources tell NBC News . The new policy being considered would dump the ban from the national organization's rules, but local chapters would still have the...

Russia Moves to Ban 'Homosexual Propaganda'

In a bid to clamp down on Western values

(Newser) - Kissing his boyfriend during a protest in front of Russia's parliament earned Pavel Samburov 30 hours of detention on a charge of "hooliganism." But if a bill that comes up for a vote later this month becomes law, such a kiss could be deemed illegal "homosexual...

Court Lets 'Gay Conversion' Therapy Continue, for Now

California law prohibiting it for minors won't take effect next month

(Newser) - Advocates of a practice to "cure" gay teens of their homosexuality through therapy won a court fight in California yesterday. A federal appeals court ruled that such "gay conversion" therapies can continue until the constitutionality of a state law blocking the practice is decided, reports the San Francisco ...

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