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Bishops 'Shocked' at Word the Pope Used in a Meeting

Francis has apologized for using gay slur during private debate on gay individuals becoming priests

(Newser) - Pope Francis has been more publicly welcoming of the LGBTQ+ community than his predecessors, but according to Italian media, his language behind closed doors caused a stir that has the pontiff apologizing. Reuters cites newspapers La Repubblica and Corriere Della Sera in reporting that the 87-year-old pope used a slur...

There's Evolutionary Advantage to Homosexuality in Mammals

Researchers argue it's adaptive, aiding social cohesion and reducing conflict

(Newser) - The case has been made that sexual behavior between those of the same sex is "non-adaptive," meaning there is no evolutionary advantage. That's not true, according to new research that finds the behavior, witnessed across at least 1,500 animal species from crickets to dolphins to deer,...

Iraq Bans 'Gender,' 'Homosexuality' From Use in Media

'Sexual deviance' must be used in place of 'homosexuality'

(Newser) - Iraq says all media and social media companies operating within its borders are now barred from using the terms "homosexuality" and "gender." In place of "homosexuality," the term "sexual deviance" must be used instead, Reuters reports. The new edict was issued by the Iraqi...

Russia Threatens Payback After Drones Strike Moscow

No injuries are reported in attack near Defense Ministry

(Newser) - Ukraine demonstrated the range of its drones on Monday, launching strikes that damaged buildings in Moscow and saying more such attacks are ahead. No injuries were reported in the strikes, which hit two nonresidential buildings, one of which is near the Ministry of Defense headquarters, CNN reports. Russia called it...

This Country Now Has One of the Toughest Anti-LGBTQ Laws

Despite outcry over bill passed nearly unanimously in March, Uganda's president signs it into law

(Newser) - Uganda just became a decidedly hostile place for the LGBTQ+ community: As Reuters reports, President Yoweri Museveni just signed into law one of the globe's harshest anti-gay measures, and it includes the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality," serial offenders of the law, and those who transmit diseases...

'Gayness Is Built Into Batman'
'Gayness Is Built
Into Batman'

'Gayness Is Built Into Batman'

Glen Weldon digs into the subtext at Slate

(Newser) - Batman and Robin weren't gay, writes Glen Weldon at the start of his deep dive into the subject at Slate . After all, writers who penned the strips decades ago repeatedly said that wasn't their intent. The wrinkle, however, is that not all the writers agree on that. "...

Pope's Comments on Homosexuality Mark a First

Francis comes out against laws that criminalize it, saying it's 'not a crime'

(Newser) - Pope Francis says homosexuality is not a crime and Catholic bishops who support laws that criminalize homosexuality or otherwise discriminate against the LGBTQ community should apply "tenderness, please, as God has for each one of us." The comments came in a Tuesday interview with the AP , which notes...

Consequences for Church That Staged Altered Hamilton

Lines were rewritten to reference Jesus before sermon claiming homosexuality as sin

(Newser) - Update: The Texas church that staged two performances of what Deadline calls an unauthorized and "Christianized" version of the musical Hamilton will pay unspecified damages for doing so. The Door Christian Fellowship Ministries in McAllen confirmed in a statement that it "did not ask for, or receive, a...

Singapore to Decriminalize Sex Between Men

At the same time, prime minister worries activists with proposed amendment on marriage

(Newser) - In what LGBTQ activists called "a win for humanity" after a yearslong struggle, Singapore will repeal its law prohibiting sex between consenting men. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made the announcement Sunday in an annual policy speech on national TV, per the BBC . "The government will repeal Section...

China Shields Moviegoers From a Gay Dumbledore

Six seconds of dialogue are cut from 'Fantastic Beasts 3'

(Newser) - Viewers in China watching Fantastic Beasts 3 will see a slightly different film than everyone else. Warner Bros. agreed to cut six seconds of dialogue, reports Variety . Though just a tiny fraction of the two-hour-plus film, those six seconds are notable: They refer to a previous homosexual relationship between Dumbledore...

Ross' Wife Is Gay? China's Censors Won't Hear of It

Fans of 'Friends' cry foul after detail is cut from episode

(Newser) - China's censors are back in the news , this time over an episode of Friends. When Ross explains to his parents that his wife has left him, the part in which he explains why—she's lesbian and has found a female partner—was cut from a recently aired rerun,...

Pro Soccer Team Shares 'Josh's Truth' Video

Top-level Australian player comes out as gay

(Newser) - Adelaide United Football Club, an Australian soccer team, says it is proud of midfielder Josh Cavallo for coming out as gay. In a video released by the team titled "Josh's Truth," the 21-year-old says all he wants to do is play the sport and be treated equally,...

Guys, Have an Older Brother? It May Play a Part in Your Sexuality
Guys, Have an Older
Brother? It May Play a
Part in Your Sexuality
in case you missed it

Guys, Have an Older Brother? It May Play a Part in Your Sexuality

Researchers find men with older brother have 38% higher chance of being gay than those without

(Newser) - Past research has suggested that men with at least one older brother are more likely to be gay—a phenomenon called the fraternal birth order effect. Now, a new study by Canadian and German scientists adds more evidence to that theory, and it points to possible antibodies produced by the...

Aaron Hernandez's Sexuality Was a Huge Struggle: Ex-Teammate

College teammate talks about NFL star ahead of 2 upcoming documentaries

(Newser) - A teammate of Aaron Hernandez's at the University of Florida tells People the football star, who went from the Florida Gators to the NFL before ultimately killing himself in prison in 2017 at age 27, was dealing with a lot. "Everything about Aaron was a struggle," the...

Miley Cyrus' Comments on Homosexuality Don't Go Over Well

She tells women they 'don't have to be gay' because 'there are good men out there'

(Newser) - Miley Cyrus has a new boyfriend , and while doing a livestream with him on her Instagram feed Sunday, she had this to say to her female fans, per E! : "Guys, I was being a little too, like ... hardcore feminist vibes and, just like, I don't know, not allowing...

Chick-fil-A Just Opened First UK Restaurant. It's Already Closing

The Chick-fil-A in Reading is shutting down after protests related to LGBTQ+ issues

(Newser) - On Oct. 10, the first-ever Chick-fil-A in the UK opened its doors. On Oct. 18 , the announcement was made that it would not be staying there. After the US fast food chain opened a branch in the English town of Reading, the LGBTQ+ advocacy group Reading Pride started organizing protests...

Nation's Law Would Bring Death Penalty for Gay Sex

Critics say revived bill in Uganda will 'fire up more hatred'

(Newser) - Africa is known for having some of the most rigid laws against homosexuality in the world, with Uganda now vying for one of the top spots on that front. Reuters reports a bill is in the works there that would resurrect a long-dormant one, with a dire punishment for gay...

Do Humans Have a 'Gay Gene?' Big New Study Thinks Not

Sexual orientation is instead a complex stew of genetics and environment, say researchers

(Newser) - Humans do not have a "gay gene" that determines their sexual orientation, according to the largest study (by far) ever conducted on the issue. Researchers studied the genomes of 470,000 people, hunting for a pattern to explain human sexuality, reports Live Science . They found five genetic markers deemed...

Clooney Calls for Boycott of 2 Luxury Hotels in US

They're owned by Brunei, which is imposing draconian penalties for adultery, gay sex

(Newser) - The news was jarring: The small nation of Brunei plans to start stoning to death people who have gay sex or commit adultery. Now, George Clooney hopes to inflict some economic pain in the hope of getting sultan Hassanal Bolkiah to rescind the Sharia law punishments, reports the BBC . In...

New Penalty for Gay Sex, Adultery: Death by Stoning

Brunei will put sharia law punishments into effect next week

(Newser) - The small kingdom of Brunei is taking its Sharia law to a whole new level next week: Beginning April 3, anyone convicted of having gay sex or cheating on their spouse will be stoned to death, reports the Guardian . The nation in Southeast Asia adopted the strict Islamic code nearly...

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