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Ensign May Have Busted Ethics Rules After Affair

Senator arranged lobbying work for senior aide after having affair with his wife

(Newser) - Sen. John Ensign says his affair with an aide was a strictly personal matter but he may have trampled on ethics rules and federal criminal law during his efforts at damage control, according to the New York Times. Ensign helped his mistress' husband, Doug Hampton—another senior aide— join a...

Sanford Flew to Hair Cut, Kids' Games on State Dime
Sanford Flew
to Hair Cut,
Kids' Games
on State Dime

Sanford Flew to Hair Cut, Kids' Games on State Dime

Gov racked up $400K in travel, some illegal

(Newser) - Mark Sanford has repeatedly violated South Carolina law by using state aircraft for personal trips, an AP investigation has found. Records reveal that the philandering governor has used state planes to travel to dental appointments, his children's sporting events, and political party gatherings. One one occasion, Sanford used a state...

Paulson Still Dogged by Ethics Queries
 Paulson Still Dogged 
 by Ethics Queries 

Paulson Still Dogged by Ethics Queries

Ex-Goldman exec coddled firm as Treasury sec, critics say

(Newser) - As a former Goldman Sachs exec, Henry Paulson vowed to avoid any potential conflicts of interest when he was appointed President Bush’s Treasury secretary. But seven months after he left office, the nagging questions surrounding Paulson’s tumultuous term in office suggest he may not have succeeded, Gretchen Morgenson...

Ethics Scandal Is No Waterloo for Palin
Ethics Scandal Is No Waterloo for Palin

Ethics Scandal Is No Waterloo for Palin

Gov will skate past latest allegations unscathed: Nate Silver

(Newser) - The latest ethics complaint against Sarah Palin—investigators believe she misused her position to solicit personal legal donations—won’t leave a scratch, writes Nate Silver of Here’s how to predict which scandals will make it big:
  • Can it be reduced to a sound bite? Nope. Heck,

Palin's Twitter Gems Take Forever, Still Incoherent

Thank goodness for Twitter time stamps

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s original thoughts take a while to produce. Five of yesterday's Twitter posts—caught in a screen grab and posted by Gawker—“are all conjoined, all part of the same dipshit-y thought, which was another one of her maniacal rants about the endless stream of ethics complaints...

Media Sucked Up to Sanford to Get Access, Emails Show

News outlets offered aides a 'friendly' ear

(Newser) - No surprise that a lot of media outlets tried to butter up Mark Sanford’s aides in order to win interviews with the governor when he was AWOL in Argentina. But their emails, obtained by the State, show the lengths they were willing to go to, some coming about as...

Pope Has Best Take on Financial Crisis
Pope Has
Best Take on Financial Crisis

Pope Has Best Take on Financial Crisis

Goldman exec touts Benedict's 6-point plan for global economy

(Newser) - All of Pope Benedict XVI's gaffes and controversies have obscured his principal appeal, writes Brian Griffiths in the Times of London: he's a scholar, with an uncommon command of theology and philosophy. For Griffiths, a vice-chairman of Goldman Sachs, the pope's recent encyclical on the economy is "without...

Palin's Figures on Ethics Complaints Don't Add Up

Report has lawyer costing $30K per hour

(Newser) - A spreadsheet from Sarah Palin's office detailing spending on ethics complaints and lawsuits is riddled with discrepancies, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The administrative director of Palin's office says accidental double-counting added $26,849 to the $1.9 million total. She plans to make inquiries about other parts of the...

Who Killed Dignity? Ask Sanford, Jacko, Palin ...

Today's celebs would make George Washington blush

(Newser) - Carrying himself with honor and restraint was of utmost importance to George Washington and Americans for generations afterward—but for today’s public figures, the premium on dignity has faded, says David Brooks in the New York Times. Washington’s conduct “during times of temptation” made him “a...

Palin Strikes Back Over Costly Ethics Complaints

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says she's drowning in a rising tide of frivolous ethics complaints, the AP reports. Most of the 18 complaints have been dismissed, but Palin's office says she's $500,000 in legal debt and facing accusations that "have been politically or personally motivated." Rallying to her side,...

Business Grads Promise a More Ethical Future

MBA Class of '09 pledges to remember that greed isn't good

(Newser) - The next generation of business school grads may change the face of finance for the better, the New York Times reports. MBA programs across the country are seeing an explosion of interest in ethics courses, and at Harvard Business School a full 20% of this year's grads have signed a...

Pinning Burris for Perjury Difficult: Experts

Senator says he was just placating Blago brother in taped calls

(Newser) - Controversy surrounding Roland Burris' appointment to the Senate has heated up after the release of his conversations with Rod Blagojevich’s brother, taped by the FBI, but a criminal case against him is still iffy, Politico reports. The possibility of perjury charges over inconsistencies in Burris’ statements is slim, experts...

Monkeys Pass Altered Traits to Offspring

Genetic breakthrough will aid disease study, but troubles some

(Newser) - Japanese scientists have produced the first genetically modified monkeys that can pass on their new traits to offspring, a research breakthrough mired in ethical quandaries. The technique is meant to be used to infect monkeys with diseases like Parkinson’s and then test treatments on them, but could eventually be...

Murtha Aide Threatened Me: GOP Opponent

Army vet says staffer warned about a possible court-martial

(Newser) - John Murtha's 2008 Republican challenger has accused an aide to the Pennsylvania congressman of threatening to recall him to active military service so the Army could court-martial him, Politico reports. Participating in elective politics while on active duty is against military policy. Russell, who retired from the Army Reserves during...

Palin Besieged by Ethics Complaints
Palin Besieged by Ethics Complaints

Palin Besieged by Ethics Complaints

Alaska's GOP chief: number of grievances 'unprecedented'

(Newser) - The world’s most famous hockey mom is skating on thin ice with some of her constituents, Politico reports. Sarah Palin has fielded more than a dozen complaints from Alaskan citizens in the last 7 months, concerning everything from the governor’s use of state funds, her political action committee,...

Palin Accused of Conflict of Interest
Palin Accused
of Conflict of Interest

Palin Accused of Conflict of Interest

Alaska resident says governor's PAC leads to neglect of duties

(Newser) - Yet another ethics complaint was filed against Sarah Palin yesterday, alleging that the governor’s extracurricular excursions on behalf of SarahPAC pose a conflict of interest. The complaint, filed by an Anchorage mother and advocate for children with disabilities, says Palin left the state at a crucial time—the end...

Animal Rights No Longer for Vegetarians Only

(Newser) - Electing a black man president wasn’t the only historic thing voters did last November, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times. California voted, by nearly a 2-1 margin, for an animal-rights initiative that bars farms from keeping calves, pregnant hogs, or hens in cages too small for them....

Holder Changes Ethics Boss at Justice Dept.

Move comes one day after judge's criticism over Stevens case

(Newser) - Attorney General Eric Holder says he's shifting some office heads at the Justice Department and putting a career Washington prosecutor in charge of the internal ethics unit. Mary Patrice Brown will lead the Office of Professional Responsibility, which drew criticism from a federal judge this week for the handling of...

House Ethics Watchdog Investigating Jackson Jr.

(Newser) - A House ethics panel has launched a “preliminary review” of Illinois Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr's bid for President Obama’s vacant Senate seat, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The Office of Congressional Ethics, formed last year as an “investigative entity” of private citizens, will look at communications between Jackson’...

Palin Gets Ethics Complaint for Wearing Sponsor's Gear

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has been accused of another ethics violation, this time for wearing gear made by the company that sponsors her husband’s snow-machine adventure, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The governor supported Todd at the annual Iron Dog race in an outfit from Arctic Cat, which gave the snowmobiler...

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