
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Corzine-MF Global Debacle Reeks of Cronyism

Peter Schweizer thinks Eric Holder needs to recuse himself

(Newser) - If there's one issue that seems to unite people of all political persuasions, it's "the Justice Department's unwillingness or inability to charge, prosecute, and seek conviction of a single Wall Street executive in the wake of the largest financial collapse in US history," writes Peter...

Crooked Corporate America Is Killing Capitalism
Crooked Corporate America
Is Killing Capitalism

Crooked Corporate America Is Killing Capitalism

Scandals destroying trust, which markets need to function

(Newser) - With Britain's Libor scandal piling on top of an endless parade of stories of crooked finances—hundreds of billions of dollars in lousy mortgages and securities, entire towns going bankrupt , Wall Street execs saying they need to break the law to be successful, and more—Americans' trust in banks,...

24% of Wall Street Execs: We Need to Break the Law
24% of Wall Street Execs:
We Need to Break the Law
survey says

24% of Wall Street Execs: We Need to Break the Law

New survey finds many consider illegal or unethical behavior necessary

(Newser) - Well, this explains a lot: A new survey of 500 senior Wall Street executives found that 24% said that unethical or illegal behavior was not only acceptable, but even necessary in order to achieve success in their business. Other highlights from the survey, conducted by whistleblower law firm Labaton Sucharow,...

Secret Service Memo: No Booze 10 Hours Before Work

New rules also bar visits to 'non-reputable establishments'

(Newser) - Memo to Secret Service agents: no more drinking alcohol within 10 hours of working; no bringing foreigners to your hotel rooms; and, no going to "non-reputable" establishments. Those are just three items in a 10-point list of rules handed out to agency employees yesterday, as the Secret Service tries...

Majority of Lawmakers Funnel Money to Families
Majority of Lawmakers
Funnel Money to Families
watchdog report

Majority of Lawmakers Funnel Money to Families

Watchdog group issues report detailing litany of financial benefits

(Newser) - Having an uncle in Congress is apparently a pretty sweet gig. More than half of the lawmakers in Congress have bestowed some kind of financial boon on their families, according to the Citizens for Responsibilities and Ethics in Washington, which has released a 346-page report that the New York Times...

Worst Liars and Cheaters: Rich People
 Worst Liars 
 and Cheaters: 
 Rich People 
in case you missed it

Worst Liars and Cheaters: Rich People

And they'll cut you off in traffic, for that matter

(Newser) - You might think that people who are comparatively well off would be less likely to lie and cheat to make a buck, but you'd be wrong. A series of experiments from UC Berkeley doctoral student Paul Piff found that time and again upper-class people were willing to do shady...

Ethicists: Killing Babies Should Be Legal

Authors get death threats for controversial opinion

(Newser) - Two Oxford bioethicists are taking heat for their assertion that there is nothing morally wrong with infanticide—or, as they call it, "after-birth abortion." In an article published in the Journal of Medical Ethics , Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva argue that babies, like fetuses, are only "potential...

Santorum Ethics Questions Resurface

But Iowa near-winner raises $1M overnight

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's rise to the top tier of the GOP race has triggered a search for skeletons in his closet. Ethics questions from Santorum's time as a US senator have resurfaced, including allegations that he received a mortgage at a preferred rate from a bank run by a...

Study Uncovers Big, Fat (Faced) Liars

Broad faces linked to unethical behavior, finds researchers

(Newser) - Wide-faced men tend to be a lot trickier than their narrow-faced counterparts, according to researchers who measured the faces of hundreds of business school students before running them through assorted behavioral tests. The study found that broad-faced men are three times more likely to lie and nine times more likely...

Ohio State Football Coach Jim Tressel Tied to Series of NCAA Scandals
Series of Scandals Led to
Fall of Ohio State's Tressel

Series of Scandals Led to Fall of Ohio State's Tressel

Resigned Jim Tressel been applauded for 'integrity'

(Newser) - Ohio State’s vaunted football coach Jim Tressel resigned suddenly yesterday , and a new Sports Illustrated story may explain why. The piece on Tressel details a “pattern” of broken rules under his coaching, all amid much praise from other football heavyweights for his “steadiness” and “integrity.”...

IMF Has Many Ethics Rules ... for the Little Guys Only

Guidelines really don't apply to top brass

(Newser) - The IMF has gotten tough on ethics over the last four years—well, ethics as they apply to the little guys. In a look at its ethics policy in the wake of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest, the New York Times reports that the fund has tightened the internal methods it...

Evolution: Survival of the ... Nicest?
 Survival of  
 the ... Nicest? 
david brooks

Evolution: Survival of the ... Nicest?

New research suggests that selfishness is a bad strategy: David Brooks

(Newser) - Our notion of "survival of the fittest" has long held that self-centered aggressors dominate the world and that being an ethical do-gooder is a losing evolutionary bet, writes David Brooks in the New York Times . But that notion is shifting, he argues, and he rounds up a spate of...

Blackwater Hires John Ashcroft as Ethics Head

Move shows they're still hungry for government contracts

(Newser) - Xe Services, the artist formerly known as Blackwater, has hired none other than John Ashcroft to be its guiding light on ethics. Ashcroft has been named an “independent director” in charge of Xe’s new subcommittee on governance. His job? To “promote the highest degrees of ethics and...

John Ensign Gives Farewell Speech—to Empty Room

Senator apologizes to (absent) family and colleagues

(Newser) - John Ensign took the Senate floor one last time yesterday and delivered a contrite farewell speech—to a whole lot of empty chairs. Not one of Ensign's senate colleagues showed up to hear the address; Democrat Chris Coons sat in the presiding officer's chair, but opened a folder...

In Buffett Heir Apparent's Past: More Shadiness

Critics come out of the woodwork for ousted Berkshire exec

(Newser) - David Sokol’s sudden resignation —and the scandal that accompanied it—shocked the business world last week, but this isn’t the first time Warren Buffett’s ex-heir apparent's ethics have been questioned. Just last year, a judge rebuked Sokol for accounting irregularities at MidAmerican Energy, the company he...

America's Ethicist: Sex Columnist Dan Savage

Profile: He's gone beyond how-to columns into modern morality

(Newser) - Dan Savage has been writing his Savage Love sex column for 20 years now, much to the horror of chaste readers who stumble upon it at its original home at Seattle weekly the Stranger or one of its many syndicated sites. Given his ever-widening media reach—an MTV show is...

Supreme Court Judges Need Ethics Code: Professors

They ask Congress to clarify when justices should recuse themselves

(Newser) - More than 100 law professors want Congress to write a code of ethics for the Supreme Court to spell out for the first time when justices should recuse themselves from cases. The effort follows appearances by Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia at political events sponsored by the billionaire conservative...

Tea Party to Boehner: Hands Off the Ethics Office

Speaker-elect opposed office's creation

(Newser) - Three Tea Party groups are teaming up with a number of watchdog groups to send a message to Republicans: Don’t mess with the Office of Congressional Ethics. Speaker-elect John Boehner was an ardent opponent of the OCE’s creation, as was cohort Eric Cantor, and many have speculated that...

7 Awful Medical Experiments
 7 Cruel Medical 

7 Cruel Medical Experiments

Guatemala STD testing is only the latest to come to light

(Newser) - The US scheme to infect Guatemalans with STDs in the 1940s is far from the only ethically challenged experiment in medical annals. LiveScience rounds up 6 more of the worst:
  • Tuskegee: The granddaddy of such lapses. The US studied the progression of syphilis in 399 black men from 1932 to

Rangel Wins in NY
 Rangel Wins in NY 

Rangel Wins in NY

20-term congressman prevails despite ethics charges

(Newser) - Rep. Charles Rangel has fought off five challengers to prevail in his Democratic primary. The victory—likely to assure the 80-year-old of another 2 years in Congress—comes despite multiple ethics charges pending against him, the AP notes. (More Rangel news here .) Democrats, including President Obama, had urged Rangel...

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