Imelda Marcos

3 Stories

Missing Picasso Spotted on Imelda Marcos' Wall

Anti-corruption officials attempted to seize it in the past

(Newser) - It’s doubtful anyone was surprised, but the appearance of a long-missing Picasso painting in footage from a recent Marcos family gathering certainly raised some eyebrows, particularly those of Ruben Carranza, who served on the Presidential Commission on Good Government, according to the Guardian. The PCGG was established in 1986...

Imelda Marcos Threw a Party. It Did Not Go Well

261 people are hospitalized with suspected food poisoning

(Newser) - The 90th birthday celebration for former Philippines first lady Imelda Marcos wasn't much of a party for more than 260 people hospitalized with suspected food poisoning. Rice, boiled eggs, and chicken Adobo was prepared for 2,500 well-wishers at a sports complex in Manila on Wednesday before dozens reported...

Imelda Marcos Running for Philippine Congress

80-year-old widow a candidate in dictator hubby's stronghold

(Newser) - Former first lady Imelda Marcos filed her candidacy for next year's congressional elections in the Philippines, joining the country's boxing champion and the outgoing president in the star-studded race for the lower house. Strongman Ferdinand Marcos' flamboyant 80-year-old widow, who has successfully fought off more than 900 civil and criminal...

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