
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Jaws Drop Over December Jobs Report

Unemployment rate down to 6.7%, but meager 74K jobs were added

(Newser) - A pretty dismal number on today's jobs report: Just 74,000 jobs were created in December, the smallest monthly increase in three years; economists had expected 200,000. And while the unemployment rate fell to 6.7% from 7.0%, it was "for all the wrong reasons,"...

Unemployment Down to 7%
 Unemployment Down to 7% 

Unemployment Down to 7%

203K new jobs added in November

(Newser) - Today's jobs report beat expectations, with 203,000 new jobs added in November and the unemployment rate sliding to 7.0%. Economists had expected 180,000 new jobs and an unemployment rate of 7.2%, down from October's 7.3%, the Wall Street Journal reports. The unemployment rate...

More Women Working Now Than Before Recession

Record 67.5M women in US workforce

(Newser) - The number of women in the US workforce has hit a record 67.5 million—meaning more women are working now than were before the recession, the Wall Street Journal reports. The previous record for women was 67.4 million in 2008, Labor Department figures say; meanwhile, men haven't...

Unemployment Drops to 7.2%
 Unemployment Drops to 7.2% 

Unemployment Drops to 7.2%

148K new jobs added in September, though hiring slowed

(Newser) - The September jobs report is out today, delayed thanks to the government shutdown, and it reveals that the unemployment rate ticked down to 7.2% last month, while 148,000 jobs were added. Economists had expected the rate to hold steady at 7.3%, the Wall Street Journal notes, but...

Today's Jobs Report 'Pretty Meh'

Unemployment rate ticks down to 7.3%, 169K new jobs added

(Newser) - The unemployment rate fell to 7.3% in August, and 169,000 jobs were added, today's jobs report reveals. The rate had been expected to hold steady at 7.4%, but 175,000 new jobs were expected. On the decidedly bad-news front, the number of new jobs added in...

Poll: 70% Hate Their Jobs

 Poll: 70% Hate 
 Their Jobs 

Poll: 70% Hate Their Jobs

And that ping-pong table isn't helping

(Newser) - If you're reading this at a job you hate, you're in good company: Some 70% of Americans either hate or are totally uninterested in their jobs, a Gallup study of 150,000 people finds. While some 18% are "actively disengaged"—for instance, actually looking for jobs...

Unemployment Ticks Up to 7.6%

175K jobs were added in May

(Newser) - The unemployment rate ticked up a notch in May: It had been expected to remain at 7.5% , but instead went up to 7.6%, the Wall Street Journal reports. But, the AP notes, that's because more people are looking for work, which is a good thing. And while...

No One Cares About Your College Degree Anymore
No One Cares About Your College Degree Anymore

No One Cares About Your College Degree Anymore

Thomas Friedman: Employers care only about whether you can add value

(Newser) - Thomas Friedman makes the case today that employers don't much care anymore about what kind of degree a person has or where it's from. Online university? Ivy League? Self-taught? It doesn't matter, writes Friedman in the New York Times , as long as applicants can answer affirmatively the...

Unemployment Hits 4-Year Low: 7.5%

As 165K jobs are added in April

(Newser) - Today's jobs report beat expectations: The unemployment rate fell to 7.5%, a four-year low, in April, and 165,000 jobs were created. Economists had expected 148,000 new jobs and an unemployment rate holding steady at 7.6%, the Wall Street Journal reports. More good news from the...

Help Wanted: Polar Bear Spotter

Remote Norway region needs someone to warn scientists

(Newser) - If you passed on the job posting for a manager at Stonehenge , the AP has another weird help-wanted ad to consider. It seems Norway's remote Svalbard region needs an official polar bear spotter this summer. The idea is to keep your eyes peeled for bears, then yell like crazy...

Just 88K Jobs Added in March
 Just 88K Jobs Added in March 

Just 88K Jobs Added in March

Unemployment falls to 7.6%, but even that's not good news

(Newser) - Unemployment fell to 7.6% in March, but just 88,000 jobs were added—which the Wall Street Journal calls a "very bad number." Economists weren't expecting much from today's jobs report—according to NPR , they were forecasting "slow and steady" growth—but they had...

Unemployment Drops to 7.7%
 Unemployment Drops to 7.7% 

Unemployment Drops to 7.7%

236K jobs were added in February, many more than expected

(Newser) - The February jobs report is out, and it's way better than economists expected: The unemployment rate dropped to 7.7% from January's 7.9% ; economists polled by Dow Jones Newswires had expected it to drop to 7.8%. That's the lowest rate since December 2008. And the...

Unemployment Inches Up to 7.9%

157K jobs added

(Newser) - The unemployment rate ticked up from 7.8% to 7.9% in January, according to a jobs report the Wall Street Journal calls "disappointing." The economy added 157,000 jobs, slightly below expectations of 166,000. But here's some news that got a "Whoa, mama!"...

Unemployment Holds at 7.8%
 Unemployment Holds at 7.8% 
jobs report

Unemployment Holds at 7.8%

Average hiring in 2012 unchanged from 2011 numbers

(Newser) - Today's jobs numbers fell just slightly below the expectations of economists: 155,000 jobs were added last month, when 160,000 had been expected, the Wall Street Journal reports. The unemployment rate held steady at 7.8%; last month's initial rate of 7.7% was revised upward. Some...

Ford: We'll Add 12K Jobs Over 3 Years

2,350 jobs in 2013 for Michigan alone

(Newser) - Ford announced a three-year, $6.2 billion expansion plan today, which includes adding 12,000 jobs nationally—2,350 of those in Michigan in the next year, reports the Detroit News . A variety of Michigan car and part plants will see a $773 million infusion next year, which aims to...

Unemployment Falls to 7.7%
 Unemployment Falls to 7.7% 

Unemployment Falls to 7.7%

But 'WSJ' calls report the least important in last 60 months

(Newser) - The unemployment rate fell from 7.9% to 7.7% in November, and the Wall Street Journal gives you permission to care a little less than usual. It calls today's report "the least important look at the labor market in about five years." That's because 1)...

Survey: November Hiring Slumps Due to Sandy

Only 118K jobs last month: ADP

(Newser) - A private survey shows that US businesses added fewer workers in November, in part because Superstorm Sandy shut down factories, retail stores, and other companies. Payroll processor ADP says employers added 118,000 jobs last month. That's below October's total of 157,000, which was revised lower. Moody'...

On Eve of Big Jobs Report, a Solid Number

Initial jobless claims drop to 363K

(Newser) - US companies added a better-than-expected 158,000 jobs last month, finds a private report released today. The ADP survey, which has been pinged in the past for its swings-and-misses, was created using a methodology that was overhauled for the first time since 2001, reports Bloomberg . It was based on payroll...

GM to Add 1,500 Tech Jobs
 GM to Add 1,500 Tech Jobs 

GM to Add 1,500 Tech Jobs

Automaker has decided to stop outsourcing IT work

(Newser) - General Motors released a bit of positive jobs news today, announcing that it will be hiring 1,500 people for a new software development center in Michigan, as it reverses its longstanding trend of outsourcing its IT work overseas. The Michigan plant will be the second of four planned new...

Ex-GE Boss: Obama Must Be Tweaking Jobs Figures

Slew of tweets jump in on conspiracy theory

(Newser) - And a new conspiracy theory is born. The only explanation for the latest jobs data is that President Obama has been meddling with the numbers, says former GE CEO Jack Welch. "Unbelievable jobs numbers," he tweeted. "These Chicago guys will do anything... can't debate so change...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>