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More Revelations: Feds Collected Bulk Email Data

Another 'Guardian' story hits, reveals more metadata collection

(Newser) - The revelations about the NSA's surveillance operations just keep coming. The Guardian has yet another piece revealing that the government spent a decade collecting bulk email data, in much the same way it collected bulk cellphone data . As with the cellphone data, the government collected metadata, meaning information on...

Obama Not 'Scrambling Jets' to Get Snowden

As old chat logs reveal his previous contempt for leaks

(Newser) - President Obama struck a dismissive tone about NSA leaker Edward Snowden today, saying that he hasn't spoken to the leaders of Russia or China personally and "won't be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker," reports NBC News . (Proof of dismissiveness: He missed the fact that...

US to Russia: Hand Over Snowden

 US to Russia: 
 Hand Over 

US to Russia: Hand Over Snowden

NSA leaker is supposed to be Cuba-bound

(Newser) - Edward Snowden spent the night in Moscow's airport and was expected to fly to Cuba today—but American authorities are making it clear that they'd prefer that the NSA whistleblower was enjoying their hospitality instead. In a statement, the National Security Council said it expects Moscow to look...

Plame: US Intelligence is 'Ripe for Abuse'

Snowden's leaks should come as no surprise, write Valerie Plame Wilson and Joe Wilson

(Newser) - If there's anyone who knows about intelligence leaks, it's former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson, and she tackles the Edward Snowden NSA leaks along with husband and former US ambassador Joe Wilson in the Guardian . Snowden's leaks shouldn't be treated as such a surprise, they write,...

Ecuador Envoy at Moscow Airport to Meet Snowden
 Snowden Seeking 
 Asylum in Ecuador 

Snowden Seeking Asylum in Ecuador

Foreign minister, WikiLeaks confirm the move

(Newser) - Edward Snowden will head to Ecuador to seek asylum, WikiLeaks is confirming. "He is bound for the Republic of Ecuador via a safe route for the purposes of asylum, and is being escorted by diplomats and legal advisers from WikiLeaks," the group said in a statement today. Ecuador'...

Schumer: Putin &#39;Aiding, Abetting&#39; Snowden
 Schumer: Putin 
 'Aiding, Abetting' 


Schumer: Putin 'Aiding, Abetting' Snowden

NSA director says whistleblower wasn't acting 'with noble intent'

(Newser) - Edward Snowden is reportedly on the ground in Moscow , and American lawmakers wasted no time in lobbing threats at Russia for allowing the stopover, reports Politico. Chuck Schumer led off, blasting Vladimir Putin for sticking "a finger in the eye of the United States," an action which is...

Snowden Lands in Moscow After Fleeing Hong Kong

Final destination is reportedly Venezuela

(Newser) - Edward Snowden left Hong Kong today "through a lawful and normal channel," and has now landed in Moscow, though that's not his final destination. WikiLeaks tweeted that it had helped the former NSA contractor flee, just after the United States filed extradition papers , securing him "political...

Where&#39;s Snowden? Still Lying Low
Where's Snowden?
Still Lying Low

Where's Snowden? Still Lying Low

Hong Kong hasn't acted on US request to detain him

(Newser) - Now that the Justice Department has accused Edward Snowden of espionage and theft and asked Hong Kong to detain him, what's the holdup? "No clear answer," says the Washington Post . In other words, the stuff that lawyers dream of—a byzantine tangle of legal complications surrounding Hong...

Chicago Teen May Be Test Case on US Surveillance

Accused bomb plotter might serve as constitutional challenge to expanded powers

(Newser) - Adel Daoud is a Chicago 19-year-old accused by the feds of trying to detonate a bomb outside a Chicago bar in 2012. His case, however, could serve as the first constitutional challenge to the government's sweeping surveillance techniques, reports the Washington Post . In a court filing yesterday, attorneys for...

Feds Charge Snowden With Spying

Criminal complaint cites espionage, asks Hong Kong to hold him

(Newser) - The US government has taken its first legal step against NSA leaker Edward Snowden , filing a criminal complaint that accuses him of espionage and theft of government property, reports the Washington Post . ( ABC News notes the complaint was unsealed today, but filed June 14.) The complaint asks Hong...

NSA Gets to Decide Who&#39;s Foreign
NSA Gets to Decide Who's Foreign

NSA Gets to Decide Who's Foreign

New documents reveal rules on surveillance targets

(Newser) - For weeks, President Obama and other senior officials have touted the special FISA court as a safeguard on NSA surveillance. Well, the Guardian and Washington Post have obtained top-secret documents submitted to and approved by that court that outline the rules and limits placed on the program. How reassuring they...

Google Fighting Gag Order on Surveillance Data

Company wants secret FISA court to let it disclose more details

(Newser) - Google is going to court to try to bring more transparency to the government's surveillance program—and maybe to beef up its public image on privacy along the way. The company will file a petition with the top-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court demanding that it be allowed to provide...

NSA: Spying Foiled Stock Exchange Bomb Plot

Agency defends itself in congressional hearing

(Newser) - The NSA's controversial spying activities have prevented more than 50 terror attacks since 9/11, the agency's director told the House Intelligence Committee today, including attempted bombings of the New York Stock Exchange and, as previously disclosed , the New York City Subway. Gen. Keith Alexander said he'd go...

Snowden: I&#39;m No Spy
 Snowden: I'm No Spy 
Q&A Session

Snowden: I'm No Spy

'I could be in China petting a Phoenix by now'

(Newser) - Edward Snowden held an online Q&A today over at the Guardian , to answer the public's burning questions about his NSA leaks. Here are some of the highlights that caught our eye:
  • Are you a Chinese spy ? "If I were a Chinese spy, why wouldn't I

Snowden's Dad: 'Come Home and Face This'

Lon Snowden calls on son not to commit treason

(Newser) - Edward Snowden 's dad has a message for his son, via Fox News : It's time to come home. In the meantime, "I hope, I pray and I ask that you will not release any secrets that could constitute treason," Lon Snowden says. Some would like...

Apple: Feds Made 5K Data Requests Since December

Plus: China urges US to open up on surveillance

(Newser) - After revelations from Facebook and Microsoft , Apple is offering the public some details on government information requests. The US made between 4,000 and 5,000 requests to Apple for user data from December through May, the firm says; the requests were tied to between 9,000 and 10,000...

UK Spied on Foreign Politicians at G20 Summit: Leaked Docs

And the NSA was spying on Dmitry Medvedev

(Newser) - Looks like it isn't just the US government snooping on phone calls: The Guardian says it has leaked documents that show the British government monitored the computers and intercepted phone calls of foreign politicians and officials who attended the 2009 G20 summit in London. According to the documents, the...

NSA: We Only Scrutinized 300 Numbers

But that helped break up 'dozens' of terror plots

(Newser) - The NSA would like you to know that, while it may have data on millions of phone calls from US carriers, it only sought detailed information on less than 300 phone numbers. That's according to an (unclassified) government memo making the rounds, reports Reuters , in an apparent attempt to...

Forget Prism: NSA Is Tapped Straight Into the Internet Pipeline

Prism is just part of a much broader spying program, says the AP

(Newser) - The existence of Prism has shocked many Americans, but perhaps it shouldn't have, because the program is a direct result of two things we already knew about, the AP says in an extensive new report. Firstly, the NSA is tapped straight into the fiber optic cables that carry a...

Half of Senate Skips NSA Briefing

Took a long weekend instead

(Newser) - Remember when Obama assured us last week that the government's surveillance programs are safeguarded and members of Congress " have been consistently informed on exactly what we’re doing"? Perhaps he should have added "... so long as they show up." Only 47 out of 100 senators...

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