Casey Anthony trial

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Casey Anthony's Brother Testifies About Her Lies

He recalls trying to find her when she stopped answering phone

(Newser) - Casey Anthony’s brother took the stand for the first time today as her murder trial continues. Lee Anthony testified that after several days without seeing his sister or her daughter Caylee, he called but she wouldn’t answer the phone or return text messages. Ultimately, he and his girlfriend...

Casey Anthony Trial: Cindy Anthony Says Caylee Could Not Have Reached Pool on Her Own
 Cindy Anthony: Caylee 
 Couldn't Reach Pool 
casey anthony trial

Cindy Anthony: Caylee Couldn't Reach Pool

Emotional grandmother casts doubt on defense claims

(Newser) - Casey Anthony's mother had an emotional day on the witness stand today, crying throughout her testimony and at one point asking the judge to remove a photo of Caylee from her view, reports ABC News . She recounted the lies her daughter told to explain the girl's disappearance, with...

Tow Yard Worker: Car Smelled of Human Decomposition

Manager says Casey Anthony's vehicle reeked

(Newser) - Casey Anthony's murder trial went into day four today. Some highlights from the Orlando Sentinel :
  • The manager of the tow yard where Anthony's car went said it stunk of human decomposition. "It's a very, very unique and distinctive smell," he said. The vehicle had been

Witness: Anthony Called Herself 'Good Liar'

Also: Ex scored $4K selling photos of Casey to mag

(Newser) - Casey Anthony told an acquaintance she was a great liar when they spent time together in July 2008, the woman told the court today in Anthony’s murder trial . After talking to someone on the phone, Anthony tossed it aside and said, “Oh my God, I am such a...

Neighbor: Casey Anthony Borrowed Shovel

... just two days after Caylee was last seen

(Newser) - Chilling detail from the Casey Anthony trial today: A neighbor testified that Anthony borrowed a shovel to "dig up a bamboo root" two days after Caylee was last seen alive, reports AP . The testimony came after prosecutors grilled a string of Anthony's friends to drive home a point:...

Casey Anthony Trial: Caylee Drowned in Pool, Says Defense
 Caylee Drowned 
 in Pool: Defense 

casey anthony trial

Caylee Drowned in Pool: Defense

'This is not a murder case,' says lawyer

(Newser) - Casey Anthony didn’t kill her daughter—nor was Caylee murdered at all, Casey’s lawyer said today. Instead, the 2-year-old drowned in her grandparents’ swimming pool, Jose Baez said in his opening statement, reports CNN . “This is a tragedy that snowballed out of control,” the attorney said....

Casey Anthony Trial: In Opening Statement, Caylee's Mother Painted as a Liar
In Opening Statement,
State Paints Anthony as Liar
casey anthony trial

In Opening Statement, State Paints Anthony as Liar

Casey Anthony, accused of killing daughter Caylee, cries at times

(Newser) - Opening statements began today in Casey Anthony’s murder trial, as Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane Burdick painted a picture of a lying mother who refused to answer the question on her family’s minds for the 31 days before her daughter was reported missing: “Where is Caylee Marie?”...

State Wants Anthony Jurors to Smell Car 'Death' Odor

Prosecutors say can smells of Caylee's decomposed remains

(Newser) - In a 911 call after her granddaughter disappeared, Casey Anthony's mother described her daughter's car as smelling like death. Jurors may be asked to take a whiff of that scent if prosecutors get their way, WTSP reports. Prosecutors have a can they say contains the odor of Caylee...

Casey Anthony Trial: Jury Selection Begins

And it's happening 100 miles away from Orlando, due to media coverage

(Newser) - And so it begins: Jury selection started today in the trial of Casey Anthony, who is charged with killing daughter Caylee. The trial of 25-year-old Anthony will take place in Orlando, but jurors are being selected at a courthouse about 100 miles away because of intense media coverage. The first...

Casey Anthony: No Sex Questions at My Trial

Lawyers say Anthony Rusciano's sex testimony is irrelevant

(Newser) - Casey Anthony wants to keep her sex life out of her trial. While investigating daughter Caylee Anthony’s death, detectives asked Anthony Rusciano whether he used protection with Casey and whether he had any STDs, the AP reports. One also asked, "How was she when she had sex? Was...

Casey Anthony Judge Quits, Blasting Defense Team

Stan Strickland recuses himself, mocks lawyers for argument

(Newser) - The judge in the Casey Anthony murder case has recused himself and unloaded on the accused child murderer's lawyers on his way out the door. The defense team forced the move by accusing Stan Strickland of bias, the Orlando Sentinel reports. "At its core, defense counsel's motion accuses the...

Jailhouse Letters Could Hurt Casey Anthony

She knew details about crime scene

(Newser) - Letters written by Casey Anthony to another inmate may become evidence in support of prosecutors' claim that the young mother murdered her 2-year-old daughter. In one, Anthony wrote that Zenaida Gonzalez, the supposed babysitter Anthony said kidnapped Caylee, did not exist. In another, Anthony cites details about the crime that...

Defense Accuses Man Who Found Caylee's Body
Defense Accuses Man Who Found Caylee's Body

Defense Accuses Man Who Found Caylee's Body

Cops have already cleared utility worker

(Newser) - Lawyers representing Casey Anthony, accused of murdering her daughter, Caylee, are attempting to cast suspicion on another suspect who has been cleared by police. Roy Kronk, a meter reader, found the Florida toddler’s body and notified police. After interviews with ex-wives and family, Anthony's defense team has concluded Kronk...

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