tae kwon do

2 Stories

Sheriff: Dojo Family Saved Woman From Sexual Assault

Taekwondo instructors rushed to help after hearing screams from business next door

(Newser) - A family of taekwondo instructors became a family of crimefighters when they heard screams from a business next to their Texas dojo. The Harris County Sheriff's Office says the An family rescued a woman from an attempted sexual assault and subdued the attacker until police arrived. All five family...

Latest Undeserved Honor: Black Belt
 Latest Undeserved 
 Honor: Black Belt 

Latest Undeserved Honor: Black Belt

Obama is now a master of tae kwon do, with 0 years practice

(Newser) - This has gone too far. First President Obama gets the Nobel Peace Prize “without actually producing any peace,” writes Andrew Malcolm. Now the South Korean president has awarded him a black belt in tae kwon do “after zero long years of study. What would Chuck Norris do?”...

2 Stories