2012 Presidential Candidates

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Poll: Obama&#39;s Bin Laden Bounce So Over

 bin Laden 
 Is Over 
says poll

Obama's bin Laden Bounce Is Over

President's approval fades, Mitt sitting pretty: Poll

(Newser) - The raid that killed Osama bin Laden bought President Obama barely a month of higher approval ratings, according to the latest Washington Post / ABCNews poll. The president's approval rating, which stood at 47% in April, surged to 57% in May, but has now dropped right back down to...

Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz Hits Back at Jon Huntsman
 Iowa Hits Back at Huntsman 

Iowa Hits Back at Huntsman

Secretary of State Matt Schultz responds in long statement

(Newser) - It didn't take long for Iowa to hit back at Jon Huntsman. In a long statement obtained by Politico , Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz, himself a Republican and a Mormon, mocks Huntsman's explanation for why he's skipping the state , noting that his "excuse" (he opposes...

Jon Huntsman: I'm Skipping Iowa

He's not a big fan of ethanol, writing of Buckeye State

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman won't be taking his toys to the sandbox in Iowa: The possible presidential candidate says that he's definitely not going to compete in the Hawkeye State, reports ABC News. “I'm not competing in Iowa for a reason. I don't believe in subsidies that...

Howard Dean: Don't Dismiss Sarah Palin

High unemployment makes any GOP candidate dangerous, says Dean

(Newser) - Don't be so fast to write off Sarah Palin's chances at winning the presidency, warns former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, who tut-tuts Washington insiders for dismissing her out of hand. “Any time you have a contest—particularly when unemployment is as high as it is...

Top GOP Hopefuls Prep for First Big Debate

First 2012 debate for Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich

(Newser) - Seven top Republican presidential hopefuls will gather this month for the first New Hampshire 2012 debate. Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum will meet at Saint Anselm College for the face-off, hosted by CNN ’s John King. It's the...

Romney Launches, Faults Obama's 'European' Ways

He says Obama has 'failed America'

(Newser) - Surprise, surprise: Mitt Romney is officially a candidate for president in 2012. He launched his campaign this afternoon with a speech that went after President Obama on the economy, reports the Boston Globe . The big line getting play: “When Barack Obama came to office, we wished him well and...

Obama, Dems Want $60M by End of June

One major donor says most has already been raised

(Newser) - President Obama wants to raise $60 million by the end of June, sources tell the AP —and one major donor says most of that amount has already been raised. Key fundraisers were asked yesterday to help with the push, which will benefit Obama's re-election campaign and the Democratic...

Huntsman: Hate Ryan Plan? Think of Something Better

Critics have a 'moral obligation' to do so

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman continues his not-quite-official candidacy with an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today, with an eye toward tackling the $14 trillion national debt. "Unless we make hard decisions now, in less than a decade every dollar of federal revenue will go to covering the costs of Medicare,...

Christie Takes State Chopper to Son's Baseball Game...

...so he can take it back and meet with Iowa GOP

(Newser) - Chris Christie, known for his aversion to government waste, used a New Jersey State Police helicopter yesterday afternoon to attend son Andrew's high school baseball game. Christie and first lady Mary Pat Christie were met at the adjacent football field, reports the Star-Ledger, and driven the remaining 100 yards...

Sarah Palin to Greta Van Susteren: The Bus Tour Isn't 'About Me'

 Sarah Palin: 
 This Bus Tour Is 
 'Not About Me' 
on-the-bus interview

Sarah Palin: This Bus Tour Is 'Not About Me'

It's about our charters of liberty, she tells Greta Van Susteren

(Newser) - Greta Van Susteren, who gets to go along for the ride on Sarah Palin’s bus tour, sat down with the potential 2012 presidential contender last night . Highlights:
  • The bus tour was Todd’s idea: “He texted me … and said, You know, we need to remind America about

Daniels: I Coulda Won Vs. Obama

But stands by decision not to run, says daughters needed privacy

(Newser) - Mitch Daniels thinks his chances of unseating President Obama would have been pretty good, had he decided to enter the 2012 race: "Yeah, I think so," he replied when asked if he could have won. "I mean no one can know.” But he emphasized that his...

A Look at Rick Perry, the GOP's New Knight in Shining Armor: Gail Collins
 Rick Perry: GOP's 
 New White Knight 

Rick Perry: GOP's New White Knight

Conservatives love him, coyotes fear him: Gail Collins

(Newser) - Fresh off her epic spat with Donald Trump, Gail Collins today turns her pen on "the latest Republican Party crush," Rick Perry. The Texas governor is, "in his own words," writes Collins in the New York Times , “'the kind of guy who goes jogging...

Will He or Won't He? Rick Perry Rumors Won't Die

Governor says he'll 'think about it,' but spokesman later backtracks

(Newser) - The Rick-Perry-for-president buzz whipped up again today when the Texas governor said, "I'm going to think about it," reports the Dallas Morning News . It was a marked departure from his previous denials, though he qualified it by adding, "I think about a lot of things."...

Romney Sends Obama Team Leftover Pizza

Generous of him, yeah?

(Newser) - After a long day of fundraising yesterday in Chicago, Mitt Romney was ready for some of the city’s famous deep-dish pizza. But what to do with the leftovers? Seeing as how Chicago is also the home of President Obama’s reelection headquarters, the GOP hopeful decided to be generous...

Romney, Palin Lead New Gallup Poll

Recent dropouts put familiar names on top

(Newser) - Gallup has crunched some new numbers given the spate of GOP candidates who have dropped out, with Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin leading the new poll . (Unless you count candidate "no opinion" at 22%.) Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump led the last month's. Of note: Newcomer Herman...

Rick Santorum Will Launch His Presidential Campaign June 6: Politico

 Rick Santorum 
 Launches 2012 
 Run June 6 

Rick Santorum Launches 2012 Run June 6

He will formally declare from Pennsylvania: Politico

(Newser) - He's been heading toward a presidential run for two years now, and Rick Santorum will make it official next month, reports Politico . The conservative former senator is set announce his 2012 candidacy from his home state of Pennsylvania on June 6. Then he heads for Iowa, where Mike Huckabee'...

Signs Mount That Palin Will Run

 Signs Mount That Palin Will Run 
Buys $1.7M Arizona Home

Signs Mount That Palin Will Run

New home could serve as perfect campaign base

(Newser) - It's official . Sarah Palin has purchased a home in Arizona, the Wall Street Journal reports. And that's boosting expectations that she's inching closer to announcing a race for the presidency, notes AP . The conservative state—where daughter Bristol also bought a house —could serve as...

Paul Ryan Should Rescue Republicans by Running in 2012: Jonah Goldberg
Run, Paul Ryan:
This Is Your Moment

Run, Paul Ryan: This Is Your Moment

Jonah Goldberg: Who better to defend his Medicare proposal in 2012 race?

(Newser) - With Mitch Daniels out, the GOP needs a "wonk on a white horse" to save the day and defend the party's vision on entitlement reform and spending cuts, writes Jonah Goldberg. The likeliest candidate should have been Newt Gingrich, but he first attacked Paul Ryan's Medicare plan...

Election 2012: Eric Cantor Says Paul Ryan Should Run, GOP Unsure Whether Field Is Set
 Eric Cantor: 
 Paul Ryan 
 Should Run 


Eric Cantor: Paul Ryan Should Run

Top Republicans argue about whether field is set

(Newser) - Paul Ryan has his highest profile fan for his non-existent presidential race yet, reports Politico. The House's No. 2 Republican, and Ryan's fellow self-styled "Young Gun," Eric Cantor thinks the Budget Committee chair should make a run for the White House. "Sure," he replied...

Obama Team Digs Up Dirt on Christie ... Just in Case

If NJ governor decides to run, reelection campaign wants to be ready

(Newser) - Despite the fact that Chris Christie has joked that committing suicide might be the only way to convince supporters he’s not running in 2012, President Obama’s campaign is still trying to get the dirt on the New Jersey governor. Sources tell the New York Post that Obama operatives...

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