beauty pageant

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France Waited 60 Years for This Miss Universe Crown

Iris Mittenaere says she'll help underprivileged kids get an education

(Newser) - A 23-year-old dental student from France won the Miss Universe crown Monday in a pageant held in the Philippines, saying her triumph will make the beauty contest more popular in Europe and help her efforts to put more underprivileged children in school. Iris Mittenaere from Lille city in northern France...

Trump Accused of &#39;Creepy&#39; Behavior at Pageants
Allegations Against Trump
Begin to Snowball

Allegations Against Trump Begin to Snowball

Women come forward, and media outlets pounce

(Newser) - Sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump started to snowball Wednesday, with four women coming forward to say he had groped or forced himself on them—and teen beauty pageant contestants accusing him of what they call creepy behavior. Former Miss Vermont Teen USA Mariah Billado is one of several contestants...

Miss Florida Lost Her Crown, Now She Wants $15M

Pageant claims Genesis Davila used unsanctioned hair and makeup artists

(Newser) - A beauty queen who had her sash and crown stripped from her last month is seeking $15 million in damages, People reports. Genesis Davila was named Miss Florida USA 2017 on July 16. Her reign lasted all of six days. Pageant executive director Grant Gravitt tells the Miami Herald he...

Just-Crowned Miss Teen USA Sorry for Racial Slurs

Texas high school senior took to Twitter at 2am Sunday to do damage control

(Newser) - Miss Teen USA 2016 was supposed to take a step in the direction of feminism and equal rights as the contest ditched the swimsuits for athletic wear . But in the wee hours following the event that crowned Miss Texas Karlie Hay, the 18-year-old high school senior took to Twitter to...

This Is the Face of the 'World's Most Desirable Man'

Rohit Khandelwal first Asian, Indian to be named Mr. World

(Newser) - The "World's Most Desirable Man" is, for the first time, Asian. Rohit Khandelwal, a 26-year-old from Hyderabad, India, was last Tuesday crowned Mr. World, besting 45 other contestants in the process. The Wall Street Journal reports that three years ago he left a job providing technical support for...

Texas Beauty Queen Forced to Return Crown

Miss Corpus Christi Latina had checkered past

(Newser) - From scandal to lawsuits to a dethroning, it's safe to say that the inaugural year of the Corpus Christi Latina beauty pageant was not an unqualified success. Acirema Alayeto, Miss America Latina's national director, says Caitlin Cifuentes has had her crown revoked and has been replaced by runner-up...

Runners-Up Sue Beauty Pageant Over Winner

Say Caitlin Cifuentes should have been disqualified from Latina contest

(Newser) - Six of the contestants who lost the Miss Corpus Christi Latina Pageant not only think the pageant crowned the wrong winner, they're suing over it. Their lawsuit makes the case that Caitlin Cifuentes, 25, should not have received the crown on June 11 because of her criminal record and...

Trump's Miss USA Pageant Finds New Home

It will air July 12 on Reelz channel

(Newser) - NBC's loss is another channel's gain, apparently: Independent network Reelz has acquired the rights to the Miss USA pageant, which CEO Stan Hubbard hails as "an integral part of American tradition." He made no mention of the anti-Mexico comments that caused NBC, Univision , and a...

Univision Dumps Miss USA Over Trump

Given 'insulting remarks about Mexican immigrants,' breaking up not hard to do

(Newser) - Several things stood out when Donald Trump announced his presidential bid — liberal glee, conservative scorn , escalators, paid supporters —but what many in the Latino community heard was his proposal to build a "great, great wall" on the US-Mexico border to block Mexican drugs, crime, and rapists. Outrage...

Miss Universe Selfie Causes International Uproar

Miss Lebanon claims she was photobombed by Miss Israel

(Newser) - Politics haven't been left behind at this year's Miss Universe pageant, where a selfie taken by Miss Israel is becoming an international incident. After Doron Matalon posted the photo of herself with Miss Lebanon, Miss Slovenia, and Miss Japan on Instagram , Lebanese beauty queen Saly Greige faced calls...

Miss World Banishes the Bikini

'I don't need to see women walking up and down in bikinis,' contest chairwoman says

(Newser) - Just days after South Africa's Rolene Strauss won this year's crown , Miss World organizers have announced it will no longer feature the swimsuit portion of the contest, reports the New York Daily News . Next year's competition will be the first year in the event's 63-year history...

Source: Sorority Expelled Miss America for Hazing

Kira Kazantsev says she was wrongly accused

(Newser) - Kira Kazantsev was kicked out of the Alpha Phi sorority at Hofstra University last year, and it wasn't for banging plastic cups around , a source tells Jezebel . According to the source, the future Miss America and a friend were expelled from the sorority for hazing pledges, who were "...

New Miss America's Talent Involves Red Plastic Cup

Kira Kazantsev wins after non-traditional talent performance

(Newser) - Miss New York Kira Kazantsev didn't exactly showcase a traditional talent last night in Atlantic City—but she was still crowned Miss America, despite what the AP calls a social media "furor" over her performance. Kazantsev sang Pharrell Williams' hit "Happy" ... while sitting on the floor banging...

Pageant: Beauty Queen Stole $100K Crown

May Myat Noe is accused of lying and cheating

(Newser) - Organizers of an Asian beauty pageant say their now-deposed queen is a rude liar who stole their $100,000 bejewelled crown, Australia's News Network reports. In a statement, the Asia Pacific World pageant accuse May Myat Noe of disrespecting the organization and turning a planned 10-day trip to Seoul...

'Too Old' Beauty Queen Sues Miss America Pageant

Longacre seeks $500K, return of Miss Delaware crown

(Newser) - The 24-year-old beauty queen stripped of her Miss Delaware title for being too old is suing national and local pageant organizers to get her crown back. Amanda Longacre will still be 24 when the Miss America pageant is held in September, but she turns 25 the next month and says...

Miss Florida Pageant Crowns Wrong Winner

Elizabeth Fechtel loses title after less than a week thanks to tabulation error

(Newser) - Florida has just one-upped Delaware in the beauty-pageant gaffe department: The Miss Florida pageant crowned the wrong winner last Saturday because of a vote-counting error and has had to make an embarrassing about-face, reports the Miami Herald . The pageant initially named Elizabeth Fechtel its winner, and the 20-year-old University of...

At 24, Miss Delaware Is Too Old, Say Officials

Amanda Longacre stripped of crown over age mistake

(Newser) - Yet another beauty pageant scandal: Less than two weeks after Amanda Longacre was crowned Miss Delaware, she's been stripped of the title because pageant officials say she's too old. Longacre is 24, and will still be 24 when the Miss America pageant is held in September—and she...

5 Beauty Pageant Scandals
 5 Beauty Pageant Scandals 

5 Beauty Pageant Scandals

Miss USA Nia Sanchez is the latest to mess up

(Newser) - Miss USA doesn't know the capital of her own state —and some are claiming that's because Nia Sanchez didn't actually live in Nevada before being crowned Miss Nevada. Fox News rounds up more beauty pageant scandals:
  • In 2006, Miss USA Tara Connor was revealed to be

Black Belt Crowned Miss USA
 Black Belt Crowned Miss USA 

Black Belt Crowned Miss USA

Self-defense is important, says Nevada's Nia Sanchez

(Newser) - Miss Nevada Nia Sanchez, a fourth-degree black belt in the Korean martial art of taekwondo, was crowned Miss USA 2014 last night. The 24-year-old from Las Vegas beat out 50 other contestants from all the states and the District of Columbia for the title of 63rd Miss USA. First runner-up...

France Wants to Ban 'Hypersexual' Kid Beauty Pageants

France Senate votes to ban them, measure goes to lower house

(Newser) - In what the non-tiara-wearing crowd would call a pretty awesome move, France's Senate has voted to ban child beauty pageants. Under the measure, which must still be approved by the lower house of parliament, organizing such competitions is prohibited, and anyone who enters a child under the age of...

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