health care abortion

14 Stories

Don't 'Jailbreak' Your Meds to Make Your Own, Docs Warn

Patients are turning to DIY medicine for everything from weight loss to abortion

(Newser) - High prescription drug prices, long waits at doctor's offices, and other logjams that cause challenges for people with medical issues have led to a concerning phenomenon among that group: DIY medicine, reports NPR . What that means is that patients are cobbling together their own weight loss meds, wound ointments,...

Walmart Broadens Abortion Coverage for Employees

Retailer also expands benefits for fertility services, in vitro fertilization, adoptions

(Newser) - Walmart, the nation's largest employer, is expanding its abortion coverage for employees after staying largely mum on the issue following the Supreme Court ruling that scrapped a nationwide right to abortion. In a memo sent to employees on Friday, the AP reports, the company said its health care plans...

Oklahoma 4th State to Ban Abortions After 20 Weeks

Gov. Mary Fallin signs two laws restricting abortions

(Newser) - Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed a bill yesterday restricting abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy because, the bill presumes, at that point a fetus can experience pain. The "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act" makes performing such an abortion a felony, although exemptions are allowed when the mother is at...

Hunt on for Rep Who Yelled 'Baby Killer' at Stupak

 Hunt on for Rep 
 Who Yelled 
 'Baby Killer' 
 at Stupak 

Hunt on for Rep Who Yelled 'Baby Killer' at Stupak

Was likely a Texas Republican, rep says

(Newser) - Wonder if Joe Wilson has an alibi: The search continues for the person who hollered "baby killer" at pro-lifer Bart Stupak last night as he urged Democrats to vote down a bill-killing Republican amendment on the issue. The shout came from the GOP side of the aisle, reports the...

Anti-Abortion Dems, Pelosi Square Off
 Dems, Pelosi 
 Square Off 
216 In Sight

Anti-Abortion Dems, Pelosi Square Off

Speaker lacks votes, Stupak says, or she 'wouldn't be talking to me'

(Newser) - As Democrats picked up momentum in their march toward a health reform vote tomorrow, a few familiar anti-abortion reps led by Bart Stupak threatened to trip them up—and a bloc of pro-choice congresswomen warned of mutiny, calling Stupak's proposed language a "non-starter." But Nancy Pelosi is nearing...

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done
 Bishops to Congress: 
 Get Health Reform Done 

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done

Church's role in health debate becomes even more paradoxical

(Newser) - The US Catholic bishops, whose primary role in the health care debate until recently was to voice concern about abortion funding, have changed tack in the wake of Scott Brown's election and are now urging Congress not to abandon the "moral imperative" of universal health coverage. The appeal the...

The 3 Final Health Care Sticking Points

Abortion, taxes, and the public option continue to plague both sides

(Newser) - With the Senate and House health care bills expected to come together later this week, McClatchy Newspapers takes a look at the three biggest issues that have yet to be resolved:
  • Abortion: Both bills have placed limits on abortion, but neither side is happy, with abortion rights supporters feeling women

Nelson's Compromise Pays Off for Nebraska

Feds will pick up state's costs for Medicaid expansion

(Newser) - It pays to be stubborn sometimes. In addition to stricter language on abortion coverage in the health care bill, Ben Nelson wrung a concession from Harry Reid and company that will pay dividends for his home state of Nebraska. The federal government will pick up the state's cost for the...

Stupak Tried to Scuttle Deal on Abortion

Emails suggest he worked with GOP's McConnell against it

(Newser) - Bart Stupak is apparently unmoved by the compromise on abortion language included in the Senate bill, and the Democratic congressman seems willing to work with Republican leaders to make his case. One of his aides this morning sent urgent emails to Catholic bishops and various anti-abortion groups imploring them to...

To Anti-Abortion Pols, Berkeley Sends Hangers
 To Anti-Abortion Pols, 
 Berkeley Sends Hangers 

To Anti-Abortion Pols, Berkeley Sends Hangers

Lefty Calif. city aims to remind of pre-Roe v. Wade times

(Newser) - The notably liberal outpost of Berkeley, Calif., today sent wire hangers—a reminder of pre-Roe v. Wade, back-alley times—to members of Congress who voted for an amendment that bans abortion for anyone receiving federally funded health insurance. The city council approved the measure last night, and some 20 House...

Reid Rolls Out Senate Health Bill for Sat. Showdown

Public option weaker than House's, abortion restriction less severe

(Newser) - Harry Reid rolled out the Senate’s combined health care reform bill last night, earning oohs and ahhs from fellow Democrats, particularly over the price tag, and setting the stage for a cloture vote Saturday. The bill would cost a svelte $849 billion over 10 years while reducing the deficit...

Steele Orders End to RNC Abortion Coverage

'Money from our loyal donors should not be used for this purpose'

(Newser) - An embarrassed Michael Steele has ordered elective abortion to be stripped from services covered by medical insurance offered to RNC employees. The ban, prompted by a Politico report yesterday that abortion coverage has been included in RNC policies since 1991, brings the RNC in line with what the Republican Party...

RNC Insurance Plan Covers Employees' Abortions

A Steele spokesman says it's going to be changed

(Newser) - With abortion emerging as a sticking point in the health care debate, Politico has dug up a zinger on the Republican National Committee: Its own employee insurance policy covers elective abortions. "We are taking steps to address the issue," says an RNC spokeswoman, adding that the policy goes...

Dems Threaten to Kill Health Care Bill Over Abortion

Bart Stupak says he's got the votes to derail it

(Newser) - The House is barreling towards a health care vote, hoping to pass its bill by the end of the week, but there’s a potential stumbling block ahead: abortion. A group of socially conservative Democrats are threatening to vote against the bill because the subsidies it offers to help people...

14 Stories