David Cross

7 Stories

David Cross Will Perform at Utah School Despite Row

The comedian tweeted what appeared to be a joke about holy undergarments

(Newser) - The University of Utah says a tweet from comedian David Cross showing him wearing undergarments sacred to the Mormon faith was "deeply offensive" but the college won't consider calls for the cancellation of his performance on campus Wednesday. College president Ruth Watkins criticized the tweet in a statement...

Amber Tamblyn Believes 'Racist' Claims Against Husband

Charlyne Yi says David Cross made racist comments to her 10 years ago

(Newser) - Actress Amber Tamblyn says she believes the accusations of racism made against her husband, David Cross, by fellow actress Charlyne Yi. Last week Yi tweeted that Cross mocked her when they met 10 year ago by saying, "You don't speak English?? Ching-chong-ching-chong." He then asked her in...

7 Celeb Couples You Didn't Know Were Married

Including a 'Mad Men' couple together in real life

(Newser) - Some celebrity couples are so famous they get a couple nickname—anyone remember Bennifer?—but the 14 rounded up by YourTango are so below the radar, you may not even have realized they were married (or practically married). A sampling:
  • Vincent Kartheiser and Alexis Bledel: They played doomed lovers in

Arrested Development Lives Up to the Hype
 Arrested Development 
 Lives Up to the Hype 
TV review

Arrested Development Lives Up to the Hype

Netflix unveils new Bluth adventures

(Newser) - The long wait is over: Arrested Development is back, with the entire fourth season available on Netflix. But does it live up to the hype? Plenty of critics say yes, though not all agree. Still, if you're not enamored with the show's new style, give it time and...

Chipmunks Actor on Mission to Trash His Own Movie

And David Cross makes offensive Jewish comment while doing so

(Newser) - It's not often that actors go on late night shows to specifically instruct the audience not to see their latest films, but David Cross did just that last night on Conan. Making Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked "was the most miserable experience I've ever had in my...

David Cross: Arrested Development Movie Is Dead

Comedian says it'd be too hard to reunite cast

(Newser) - Sorry, Arrested Development fans, David Cross has some bad news. Asked about the much-hoped-for movie version of the cult sitcom, Cross, who played Tobias Finke, tells TV Squad , “It’s not going to happen. Way too much time it’s been. I mean, there’s so many people involved....

I Snorted Coke 40 Feet From Obama at DC Dinner: Actor
I Snorted Coke 40 Feet From Obama at DC Dinner: Actor

I Snorted Coke 40 Feet From Obama at DC Dinner: Actor

David Cross, of Arrested Development fame, says he did it on a dare

(Newser) - We’ve all done silly stuff on a dare, but probably not on the level of actor/author/comic/crazy guy David Cross, who says he snorted cocaine not 40 feet from President Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner (not, for the record, held at the White House). With cabinet secretaries, Supreme...

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