Eugene Robinson

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Dick Cheney's a Liar
 Dick Cheney's a Liar 
Eugene Robinson

Dick Cheney's a Liar

'Rottweiler in Winter' tries to use terror attack to score political points

(Newser) - It’s not even 2010, and Eugene Robinson is already breaking his resolution to ignore Dick Cheney, to treat his ramblings like “the pearls of wisdom one hears from homeless people sitting in bus shelters.” But his latest outburst against President Obama was so shrill, so full of...

System to Protect Air Travelers Is Broken
 System to Protect 
 Air Travelers Is Broken 

System to Protect Air Travelers Is Broken

Latest attempt reveals fundamental flaws, Eugene Robinson writes

(Newser) - The attempted Christmas Day airliner attack reveals deep flaws in the security systems meant to prevent such incidents, Eugene Robinson writes in the Washington Post . We're "under the impression that removing our shoes at the airport and limiting ourselves to those tiny, trial-size containers of toothpaste…are enough,"...

If Harry Reid Could Only Find His Inner Pelosi
If Harry Reid Could Only
Find His Inner Pelosi
eugene robinson

If Harry Reid Could Only Find His Inner Pelosi

Some of the players in the health care game have stumbled badly

(Newser) - As the health care bill stumbles towards the finish line, it's painfully obvious that some lawmakers just play the game much better than others, writes Eugene Robinson. Nancy Pelosi's a master, having delivered a House bill with nearly everything the president wanted despite the Republicans and Blue Dogs. and Joe...

Tiger's Penchant for Barbie Dolls Is Depressing

Woods' taste in women is so narrow it's sad, says Eugene Robinson

(Newser) - They look so much like Barbies, “Mattel could sue for trademark infringement,” writes Eugene Robinson, who finds Tiger's taste in women the saddest of the sad facts of his serial philandering. It points to the deep insecurity of a man who "appears to have bought into an...

Episcopal Church Names Second Openly Gay Bishop

Mary Glasspool will head to LA Diocese

(Newser) - The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles yesterday elected the Rev. Mary Glasspool as its second openly gay bishop, underscoring Episcopal commitment to accepting same-sex relationships despite enormous pressure from other Anglicans. "Any group of people who have been oppressed because of any one, isolated aspect of their persons yearns...

Obama Plan Won't Make America Safer

Afghan surge can't defeat terrorist ideology

(Newser) - President Obama should have used his speech to declare victory and announce the start of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan instead of an escalation, writes Eugene Robinson. Even if the surge achieves its immediate mission—at huge cost—the operation won't achieve its ultimate goal of making the US safer...

Climate Emails Don't Prove Warming Is a Fraud
Climate Emails Don't Prove Warming
Is a Fraud

Climate Emails Don't Prove Warming Is a Fraud

But they do damage credibility of scientists

(Newser) - The leaked climate change emails are “damning” and dangerous to the deadly serious inquiry into the state of our planet, Eugene Robinson writes. It’s not that the science is bad—“If I'm wrong, somebody ought to tell the polar ice caps that they're free to stop melting”...

We Must Reduce Health Care Costs*
We Must
Reduce Health Care Costs*
Eugene Robinson

We Must Reduce Health Care Costs*

*But please don't touch mine, no matter how wasteful

(Newser) - The brouhaha over mammograms proves that we’ll never corral health care costs for one simple reason: no one wants to give up any care. Intellectually, women may understand that life-threatening breast cancer is pretty rare before age 50, but rare doesn’t mean non-existent. “Many women would rather...

Obama's Had Year We Can Believe In
 Obama's Had Year
We Can Believe In

Obama's Had Year We Can Believe In

Prez has already changed the world

(Newser) - There's been plenty to quibble about over the last year, but a look at the big picture shows that President Obama has been changing the world just as he was elected to do, writes Eugene Robinson. Obama's biggest accomplishment has been averting another Great Depression, Robinson notes in the Washington ...

Hey, Right Wingers: You're Hanoi Jane Now
Hey, Right Wingers: You're Hanoi Jane Now

Hey, Right Wingers: You're Hanoi Jane Now

Folks attacking Obama over Peace Prize are the America haters

(Newser) - “Why, oh why, do conservatives hate America so?” One might get that idea, Eugene Robinson writes, when the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and the RNC rush to join the Taliban in denouncing President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize. These people are “exhibiting what they, in a...

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