unemployment rate

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Unemployment Falls to 9%
 Unemployment Falls to 9% 

Unemployment Falls to 9%

But that's partially because many have stopped looking

(Newser) - The unemployment rate dropped sharply last month to 9%, the lowest level in nearly two years. But the economy added only 36,000 new jobs, the fewest in four months. The unemployment rate has fallen by eight-tenths of a percentage point in the past two months; that's the steepest two-month...

CBO: Deficit to Hit Record $1.5T

Thanks to tax cut, unemployment extensions

(Newser) - New budget estimates released today predict the government's deficit will hit almost $1.5 trillion this year, a new record. The daunting numbers mean that the government will have to borrow 40 cents for every dollar it spends. The latest figures are up from previous estimates because of bipartisan legislation...

Unemployment Rate Falls to 9.4%
Unemployment Rate
Falls to 9.4%
breaking news

Unemployment Rate Falls to 9.4%

But that's party because some people stopped looking for jobs

(Newser) - The nation's unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% last month, its lowest level in 19 months. That was because more people found jobs, but also because some people gave up on their job searches. The Labor Department says employers added 103,000 jobs in December, an improvement from November's revised...

For Returning Troops, an Even Worse Job Reality

They're grappling with 10% employment; non-vets at 9.1%

(Newser) - The job market is obviously bleak—but it's even worse when it comes to troops returning from war. The Washington Post takes a look at the 2 million veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, who spent as much as 10 years, on and off, in desolate war zones, racking...

Unemployment Rate Climbs to 9.8%

Rate has topped 9% for 19 straight months, longest stretch on record

(Newser) - The nation's unemployment rate climbed to 9.8% in November, a seven-month high, as hiring slowed. The jobless rate has now topped 9% for 19 straight months, the longest stretch on record. Employers added only 39,000 jobs last month, a sharp decline from the 172,000 created in October....

At Current Rate All Jobs Won't Be Back Until 2020
 US Won't Get All 
 Jobs Back Until 2020 

US Won't Get All Jobs Back Until 2020

And we're likely to hit another recession before then

(Newser) - The US has in 2010 added 613,000 jobs as of September—a not-so-bad average of 68,111 per month. But at that rate, it will be 2020 before the US regains the 8.36 million total jobs lost in the Great Recession. That would break the post-WWII record of...

More Americans Becoming Day Laborers

Women, white-collar types hustling manual work

(Newser) - The high unemployment rate is making day labor in America the "occupation" of a far broader, more diverse population. While the informal nature of the sector makes it tough to compile accurate statistics, the number of people seeking casual work is rising across America, as is the number of...

Unemployment Climbs to 9.6%
 Unemployment Climbs to 9.6% 

Unemployment Climbs to 9.6%

It's the first rise in four months

(Newser) - The unemployment rate rose in August for the first time in four months, hitting 9.6% as weak hiring by private employers wasn't enough to keep pace with a large increase in the number of people looking for work. The Labor Department says companies added a net total of 67,...

Jobless Claims Hit 9-Month High

Reach 500K mark as employers again cut back

(Newser) - New applications for unemployment insurance reached the half-million mark last week for the first time since November, a sign that employers are likely cutting jobs again as the economy slows. The Labor Department said today that initial claims for jobless benefits rose by 12,000 last week to 500,000,...

New Hiring Is Weak: Jobless Rate Still 9.5%

Unemployment report has no happy surprises

(Newser) - Private employers added new workers at a weak pace for the third straight month, making it more likely economic growth will slow in the coming months. The jobless rate was unchanged at 9.5%. The Labor Department said companies added a net total of 71,000 jobs in July, far...

Top City for Working Moms: Minneapolis
 Top City for Working 
 Moms: Minneapolis  
no. 2: Washington, dc

Top City for Working Moms: Minneapolis

Forbes weighs women's salaries, safety, unemployment

(Newser) - With its low rates of unemployment and violent crime, combined with relatively high salaries for women, the Minneapolis/St. Paul area tops the Forbes list of best cities for working mothers. The magazine gave added weight in this year's rankings to women's income, and when the numbers were crunched, the Minnesota...

Reasons to Bet Against a Double-Dip Recession
Reasons to Bet Against
a Double-Dip Recession

Reasons to Bet Against a Double-Dip Recession

Data don't support hysterical headlines

(Newser) - Fears of a double-dip recession is running high, but economic data suggest that they are unfounded. Writing in the Wall Street Journal , Milton Ezrati of the money management firm Lord Abbett explains:
  1. The consumer is regaining strength: A 1.4% decline in retail sales for May gave rise to double-dip

US Sheds Jobs for First Time This Year
 US Sheds Jobs for 
 First Time This Year 
rate is 9.5%

US Sheds Jobs for First Time This Year

It's the first monthly decline in 2010

(Newser) - Today's unemployment numbers from June delivered generally bleak news and suggest that the economic recovery is slowing, reports the Wall Street Journal . The unemployment rate actually dipped from 9.7% to 9.5%, but the US economy lost jobs (125,000, mostly because census workers' temporary positions were cut) for...

Job Creation Up, but So Is Jobless Rate

Unemployment at 9.9% as job seekers re-enter market

(Newser) - Employers stepped up job creation in April, expanding payrolls by 290,000, the most in four years, the AP reports. The jobless rate also rose, to 9.9%, as people resumed their searches for work. The hiring of 66,000 temporary government workers to conduct the census helped overall payroll...

New Jobs Bring Out New Job Seekers— and Boost Unemployment

Administration says trend is positive, if counterintuitive

(Newser) - As the economy generates more jobs, giving hope to previously “discouraged” workers, the jobless rate could actually spike instead of declining, the Washington Post reports. Still, what's happening in the economy is good, the White House says, laying the groundwork for the likelihood that job creation will lag behind...

Employers Add Jobs in March
 Employers Add Jobs in March 

Employers Add Jobs in March

Increase of 162K keeps unemployment rate at 9.7%

(Newser) - The Labor Department delivered expected good news on the jobs front this morning: Employers added 162,000 jobs in March, the biggest monthly increase in 3 years. The gain, however, wasn't big enough to change the unemployment rate, which remained at 9.7% for the third straight month.

Dow Up 122 on Jobs Report
 Dow Up 122 on Jobs Report 

Dow Up 122 on Jobs Report

Unemployment rate holds at 9.7%

(Newser) - A better-than-expected jobs report fueled a rally in stocks to close out the week. Nonfarm payrolls fell by 36,000 in February, far less than the predicted level of 75,000, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow gained 122.06 points to close at 10,566.20.
  • The Nasdaq

Jobless Will Stay That Way—for Years

Recovery robust enough to pull 15M off unemployment rolls unlikely

(Newser) - "Jobless recovery" is no mere catchphrase to the millions of Americans that the middle class has shed from its ranks. Many have been out of work for so long that they've exhausted unemployment benefits as the systems strains under what one expert says is "the reality of long-term...

Dow Up 12 as Stocks Claw Back From Abyss

Dow off 170 midday on European credit woes

(Newser) - Stocks regained their opening levels after severe losses that saw the Dow off 170 points at midday today. Despite better-than-expected US employment figures, worries about the creditworthiness of some troubled European nations exerted downward pressure on stocks, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow Jones closed up 10.05 points

Unemployment Falls to 9.7%
 Unemployment Falls to 9.7% 

Unemployment Falls to 9.7%

It's the first time it's been under 10% in 4 months

(Newser) - The nation's unemployment rate fell unexpectedly to 9.7% in January, the Labor Department said today. The drop from 10% comes even as US employers cut another 20,000 jobs. The rate dropped because a survey of households found the number of employed Americans rose by 541,000. Overall, however,...

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