Corey Feldman

14 Stories

Corey Feldman Struggles to Make Doc on 'Hollywood Pedophiles'

The former child star also reassesses his friendship with Michael Jackson

(Newser) - Corey Feldman is still waging a war against what he calls widespread Hollywood pedophilia—which has earned him online enemies and led him to see an old friend in a new light, Rolling Stone reports. "It caused me to have concerns," he says of Finding Neverland , the HBO...

Paris Jackson Speaks Out on Leaving Neverland

'Chillax my dudes,' she tweets, as Corey Feldman says he can no longer defend MJ

(Newser) - Michael Jackson's daughter has broken her silence on the Leaving Neverland documentary, and she seems largely untroubled by allegations that her father sexually abused two boys. "Smoke some weed n think about the bigger picture. chillax my dudes," Paris Jackson advised followers in a tweet Thursday. When...

Surprise Corey Feldman Tweet: 'I Was Attacked 2nite!'

Actor says man opened his car door and stabbed him in attempted murder

(Newser) - Corey Feldman has said he wants to blow Hollywood open and expose the pedophilia that lies within, and he has also said he's been targeted for these allegations. Early Wednesday, a new development: a series of all-caps tweets from the actor showing him in what appears to be a...

Corey Feldman Has Begun Naming Names

Ex child star calls out a former actor as one of his molesters

(Newser) - Corey Feldman last week promised to expose pedophilia in Hollywood, and he's just named a man he accuses of being one of his own molesters. Feldman went on the Dr. Oz Show Thursday and called out former actor Jon Grissom, reports E! Online . (The first name is often spelled...

Corey Feldman Vows to Expose Hollywood Pedophilia

Former child actor raising money to produce documentary

(Newser) - Corey Feldman has been talking about pedophilia in Hollywood for years , and now he's pledged to make a documentary exposing the problem. In the wake of the sexual assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein, Feldman—who has discussed the sexual abuse he says he and late friend Corey Haim suffered...

15 More Celeb Marriages You Forgot All About

Wait, she was once married to him?!

(Newser) - So you remembered that Heather Locklear was married to Richie Sambora for a long time, and you recalled that Tommy Lee had a rocky marriage to Pamela Anderson ... but did you forget that Heather and Tommy were also once married, from 1986 to 1993? Wonderwall rounds up 15 more celebrity...

11 Child Stars Who Sought Emancipation

Some just wanted to skirt child labor laws

(Newser) - Turns out Jaden Smith doesn't really want to be emancipated from his parents —but these 10 child stars, rounded up by the Huffington Post , did:
  • Drew Barrymore petitioned for emancipation in 1991, when she was 15, in order to skirt child labor laws that were restricting the hours

Corey Feldman to Bare Hollywood Pedophiles

Actor will name those who 'abused me'

(Newser) - A vampire hunter on The Lost Boys is now after Hollywood pedophiles. Former child actor Corey Feldman, a star of Stand By Me and The Goonies, has vowed to reveal the names of two Hollywood figures who abused him when he was 14. "These older men were leching around...

Goonies Diehards Flood Oregon for 25th Anniversary
 Goonies Diehards 
 Flood Oregon for 
 25th Anniversary 

Goonies Diehards Flood Oregon for 25th Anniversary

'It's our time down here,' fans say

(Newser) - The Goonies came out 25 years ago this month and thousands of fans of the '80s favorite have flocked to the Oregon town where it was filmed to visit sites from the film, meet the cast, and maybe do a Truffle Shuffle or two. The mayor of Astoria—who was...

Corey to Corey: I Tried to Save You
 Corey to Corey: 
 I Tried to Save You 
his farewell letter

Corey to Corey: I Tried to Save You

Feldman writes a farewell letter to Haim on his blog

(Newser) - Corey Feldman didn’t attend Corey Haim’s funeral yesterday; instead he posted an open letter on his blog commemorating their brotherhood. “Nobody will ever need me the way you did,” he writes. “My mission in life became saving yours. I never gave up, I tried. I...

The Curse of the Child Star
 The Curse of 
 the Child Star 

The Curse of the Child Star

Haim latest among many 80s teen celebs to meet bad ends

(Newser) - When Corey Haim died of a suspected overdose yesterday, he joined a long line of child stars with tragic adult lives. Eighties TV seems especially cursed: Andrew Koenig from Growing Pains killed himself last month, Diff'rent Strokes' Dana Plato robbed a video store at gunpoint and later ODed on Vicodin,...

Corey Feldman Mourns 'My Brother Corey Haim'

Actor calls longtime friend 'a wonderful, beautiful, tormented soul'

(Newser) - Corey Feldman, the surviving half of "the two Coreys," spoke out this afternoon about the "tragic loss of a wonderful, beautiful, tormented soul"—Corey Haim, who died today of a drug overdose today at 38. The '80s child actors were friends and co-stars, most recently in...

Corey Haim Dies of Overdose
 Corey Haim Dies of Overdose 

Corey Haim Dies of Overdose

'80s teen idol found unresponsive; mother was home

(Newser) - Former teen heartthrob Corey Haim has died of what appears to be an accidental overdose. The 38-year-old was found unresponsive in his Burbank apartment, and rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 3:30 this morning. Police tell KTLA News that his mother was home at the...

Jackson Laid to Rest
 Jackson Laid to Rest 

Jackson Laid to Rest

Elizabeth Taylor, ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley among invitees

(Newser) - Paris Jackson wept as she stepped into the Forest Lawn mausoleum where her father, Michael, was to be entombed. Katherine Jackson, overcome by sorrow, turned back when she was faced with her son's final resting place. On a sultry evening, amid a sea of white flowers and with a bejeweled...

14 Stories
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