July 7, 2007

3 Stories

'Osama Bin London' Planned Several Attacks

Accused in terror trial set up combat training camps, court is told

(Newser) - An alleged terrorist organizer planned "six or seven" attacks leading up to the 2012 London Olympics, according to an undercover police who infiltrated his organization, the Guardian reports. Mohammed Hamid, who reportedly called himself "Osama bin London," is accused of establishing military-style Islamist training camps all over...

7 + 7 + 7 = Wedded Bliss
7 + 7 + 7 = Wedded Bliss

7 + 7 + 7 = Wedded Bliss

Brides and grooms around the world meet at the altar on triply lucky day

(Newser) - Taking advantage of the most auspicious date the numerologically inclined may ever see, couples around the world flocked to marry today, inundating houses of worship, catering halls, hotels, amusement parks, and at least one Las Vegas fish tank. Divers dressed as mermaids attended the underwater couple, the AP reports, and...

Lucky 7s Capture Calendar
Lucky 7s Capture Calendar

Lucky 7s Capture Calendar

Saturday's a big event for those who believe

(Newser) - Saturday will be a big day for the superstitious—it's 7-7-07, and fans of numerology are out in force. About three times the normal number of couples will tie the knot, including Tony Parker and Eva Longoria. Casinos, amusement parks, and houses of worship are preparing for the big...

3 Stories
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