customs declaration

6 Stories

This Breakfast Cost a Traveler Almost $2K

He was fined after a dog detected it in his backpack when he entered Australia

(Newser) - Move over, world's most expensive sandwich , here's the world's most expensive McDonald's breakfast. A man traveling to Darwin, Australia, from the Indonesian island of Bali was fined nearly $2,000 after a biosecurity dog detected two sausage and egg McMuffins and a ham croissant in his...

Traveler's Half-Eaten Subway Sandwich Costs Her $1.8K
Costly Mistake:
Not Declaring Her
Subway Sandwich
in case you missed it

Traveler's Costly Mistake: Not Declaring Her Subway Sandwich

Australia is strict when it comes to entering the country with meat and vegetables

(Newser) - A woman forgot to declare one half of a Subway sandwich after flying home to Australia and now has to pay a nearly $2,000 fine. Jessica Lee took to TikTok to describe what she calls "the most expensive sandwich ever," which is somewhat accurate considering Guinness World...

Buzz Aldrin's Moon Walk Cost Him $33

The former astronaut has been tweeting old documents

(Newser) - After the Apollo 11 crew got done taking their steps and leaps on the moon, they had a few hoops to jump through back on Earth—specifically, customs and a 21-day quarantine to be sure they weren't carrying any unknown pathogens. This and more is coming to light now...

78-Year-Old Busted at Airport With $41K in Bra, Girdle

She initially claimed to have only $200

(Newser) - A 78-year-old woman may lose nearly $41,000 earned from selling her home because she tried to smuggle it through Detroit Metro Airport—in her carry-on luggage, bra, and girdle, reports the Detroit Free Press . Customs officials became suspicious when Victoria Faren, traveling with her daughter in April, kept changing...

Aussie Anti-Porn Rule Has Honeymooners Baring All

Confused pair shows border officials nude shots

(Newser) - A controversial new rule requiring people entering Australia to declare any illegal porn they're carrying has confused many—especially one couple returning from their honeymoon. When border guards told them they had to hand over "anything explicit," they sheepishly showed them iPhone photos they had taken of themselves...

Apollo 11 Crew Cleared Customs After Splashdown

(Newser) - What do you do when you’re the first men back from the moon and you have a cargo of moon rocks and other lunar specimens? Make a customs declaration, of course. Well, not really, reports. A customs form, filed in Honolulu and released by NASA to commemorate...

6 Stories
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