women's issues

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Ivanka Had Secret Meeting With Planned Parenthood

Her relationship with Cecile Richards has since soured: Politico

(Newser) - Not long before explaining that "lack of public denouncement" does not equal silence , Ivanka Trump secretly met with the head of Planned Parenthood, reports Politico . After indicating she wanted to know more about the organization, Trump sat down with Cecile Richards in the weeks following her father's inauguration,...

Female Workers Should Check Out These Countries

Get thee to the Nordic nations

(Newser) - International Women's Day means global protests , "defiant" statues , and examining which countries are the best ones to work in if you're female. The Economist looks at the latter via its "glass ceiling index," which merges data on higher education, child care expenses, and salary, among...

'Real Women?' Many Aren't Happy With This NC Billboard

Protest organizer says it slams gender equality

(Newser) - Women are planning this weekend to protest a North Carolina billboard with a message they say is a slam on gender equality, according to media reports. A billboard on a highway between Winston-Salem and Greensboro reads, "Real men provide. Real women appreciate it." It's on Business 40,...

Lady Gaga Is Not Having It With Body Shamers

'I'm proud of my body,' she writes after Super Bowl performance

(Newser) - Whether Lady Gaga made a political statement was one big topic of conversation following her Super Bowl performance . Another? How she looked. "I heard my body is a topic of conversation so I wanted to say, I'm proud of my body and you should be proud of yours...

Women&#39;s Marches Will Be Held on All 7 Continents
Women's Marches Will Be
Held on All 7 Continents

Women's Marches Will Be Held on All 7 Continents

'Sister marches' planned in Kenya, New Zealand

(Newser) - On his first full-day in office, President Trump will get the message that "women's rights are human rights"—or that's the hope of some 400,000 people expected to attend the Women's March in Washington on Saturday. Here's what to know about the event:...

Lena Dunham to Glamour: Thanks for Not Photoshopping

'Girls' creator talks body image

(Newser) - Lena Dunham appears on the cover of Glamour magazine's February issue with her Girls co-stars, wearing booty shorts, and she has something to say to the magazine for not Photoshopping her thighs to smooth perfection: thanks. "Here goes: throughout my teens I was told, in no uncertain terms,...

Women's Rights Advocates: Get Your IUDs Now, Before Trump

Amid fears of stripped reproductive rights, ObamaCare repeal, women look for long-term birth control

(Newser) - Donald Trump's statements on abortion caused no small outcry, and now some women worried about what reproductive health rights look like under a Trump administration are looking toward long-term contraception. The Washington Post reports there's been a recent uptick in various media—including Jezebel and Elle —and...

Finally, Equal Pay for Women ... in the Year 2186

WEF report shows progress on gender wage gap is slowing—or even reversing

(Newser) - Women may now be equal with men in terms of their drinking , but it could take another 170 years for them to achieve pay parity, Reuters reports. The World Economic Forum said Tuesday that even though last year's guesstimate put gender paycheck equality at around the year 2133, that...

She Served 10 Years Because Her Boyfriend Killed Her Son
She Served 10 Years Because
Her Boyfriend Killed Her Son
in case you missed it

She Served 10 Years Because Her Boyfriend Killed Her Son

Arlena Lindley got out 35 years early: BuzzFeed

(Newser) - The crime itself is unthinkable: A decade ago, Arlena Lindley's boyfriend beat her 3-year-old son to death. But for Lindley, the aftermath managed to get worse: She was convicted of failing to protect her child, and after prosecutors asked for a sentence of 10 years, the judge gave her...

Saudi Women Move to Dump Male Guardians

More than 14K women have signed petition so far

(Newser) - In Saudi Arabia, women are hamstrung from doing certain tasks many of us take for granted—including marrying and vacationing abroad—without permission from their male guardians. Now, more than 14,000 Saudi women are trying to change that with a petition to the government that they hope will put...

Best, Worst US States for Women
Best, Worst
US States
for Women

Best, Worst US States for Women

Hawaii comes in at No. 1

(Newser) - WalletHub set out to find which states do best when it comes to providing equality for women, and the results are good news for Hawaii and bad for Utah. They are at the top and bottom of the list, which uses factors from the workplace (including the pay gap...

Egypt State TV to Female Hosts: Lose Weight or Lose Job

Women's rights groups are calling mandate sexist

(Newser) - Eight female TV hosts in Egypt have been suspended, and they've been given one month to win their jobs back—if they come back a few pounds lighter. Via the BBC , the Al-Yawm al-Sabi website reports the state-run Egyptian Radio and Television Union issued the slim-down mandate, though the...

Ivanka: Trump Will Fight for Equal Pay for Equal Work

She hails 'people's nominee' in introduction speech

(Newser) - Ivanka—the penultimate Trump to speak at the GOP convention—hailed her father as "the people's nominee" and the "single most qualified person to serve as chief executive of an $18 trillion economy" in an introduction speech clearly aimed at winning back women voters. In the Trump...

Sheryl Sandberg: Stop Saying Women Are Catty

This 'myth' is a dangerous one, Facebook COO writes

(Newser) - Women are very familiar with the concept of teenage "mean girls" and adult "catty" women who don't support other women. It's a popular idea, but in the real world, women help each other, "professionally and personally," writes Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg in a New ...

Senate: Women Must Register for Draft

Whether it will survive negotiations with House is unclear

(Newser) - The House and Senate will soon begin wrangling over their versions of the annual defense bill, and one component in particular is generating lots of heat: whether young women must register for the military draft. The Senate bill that passed on Tuesday requires them to do so, but the House...

London Axes Body-Shaming Ads on Tube, Bus

Mayor Sadiq Khan tells Transport for London to stop running them

(Newser) - Londoners sick of being bombarded by pictures of the supposedly ideal "beach body" every time they jump on the tube may soon be vindicated. The city's mayor, Sadiq Khan, says he's banning body-shaming ads from London's mass transit system, the Guardian reports. An example of such...

Why Rose McGowan, Others Are Outraged Over X-Men Billboard

Using violence against women to market movie is not OK, critics say

(Newser) - Billboards advertising X-Men: Apocalypse are raising hackles because they depict a scene in the superhero movie in which the villain, Apocalypse, played by Oscar Isaac, chokes the character Mystique, played by Jennifer Lawrence. "There is a major problem when the men and women at 20th Century Fox think casual...

For Minorities, 'Equal Pay Day' Is Months Away

August for some, November for others

(Newser) - Tuesday is Equal Pay Day, which represents how far into the year a woman must work to earn the same as a man in the previous year for a comparable job. Some related coverage:
  • On average, a woman makes 79 cents for every dollar a man makes, but Fast Company

Woman Sues Airline After Being Asked to Move Seats for Man

He said the Torah wouldn't allow him to sit next to a woman

(Newser) - An 81-year-old woman who escaped the Nazis in her youth is suing Israel's national airline after she was asked to switch seats because of her gender, the New York Times reports. "I’ve been around the world, and some guy can decide that I shouldn’t sit next...

Seismic Shift in US Politics: Single Women
Seismic Shift in US Politics: Single Women

Seismic Shift in US Politics: Single Women

New Yorker piece looks at this ever-growing population

(Newser) - Candidates of the present and future might take note of a New Yorker story anointing single women "the most powerful voter this year." And writer Rebecca Traister makes the case that because the number of women opting to skip a walk down the aisle is only growing, the...

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