women's issues

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Fibs Are Good for Marriage
 Fibs Are Good for Marriage 

Fibs Are Good for Marriage

(Newser) - Raina Kelley is not happy with this "new spate of advice talking about how lying is bad for a relationship," she writes in Newsweek. "That is my line in the sand. Marriages cannot exist without dishonesty." Now, she doesn't mean the big stuff, like adultery. She's...

Why Such Rage at Obesity? Start With 'Self-Loathing'

(Newser) - If so many people are fat in this country, why is there so much venom against the overweight? Part of it can be chalked up to "self-loathing," write Kate Dailey and Abby Ellin in Newsweek. We're conditioned to consider extra pounds unattractive, and we get ticked off when...

Ya-Ya Sisterhoods Stab You in the Back
 Ya-Ya Sisterhoods 
 Stab You in the Back 

Ya-Ya Sisterhoods Stab You in the Back

Author discusses the trials of adult female friendship

(Newser) - According to today’s “Sex and the City ethos,” friends are there when romance falters. But in truth, female friendships “are just as complicated as marriages,” author Lucinda Rosenfeld tells Salon. That’s particularly true when it comes to envy, a theme of Rosenfeld’s new...

Joan & Vicki Kennedy: The Liberal's Lionesses

(Newser) - Over the years, Ted Kennedy relied a lot on his wives, first Joan Bennett and then Vicki Reggie, and the two women couldn’t have been more different, writes Martha Moore of the USA Today. Joan, one of the celebrated Camelot-era Kennedy wives, was reserved and troubled, but it was...

Woman of the Year: Beyonce

(Newser) - How fierce: Beyoncé has been named Billboard's Woman of the Year. The magazine singled her out as the most inspirational female recording artist of the last 12 months. The honor comes on the heels of a world tour to promote I Am...Sasha Fierce that saw the singer's philanthropic alter...

Whitney 'Sublime' After 7 Years Away
 Whitney 'Sublime' 
 After 7 Years Away 
album review

Whitney 'Sublime' After 7 Years Away

'The Voice' is still there, with help from industry giants

(Newser) - It’s been seven years since Whitney Houston’s last album, and many younger listeners probably know her better for her recently-troubled life than for her series of huge hits. But her new album, I Look to You, marks a triumphant return, writes Jim DeRogatis in the Chicago Sun-Times. “...

Ted Kennedy: A Life in Pictures
 Ted Kennedy: A Life in Pictures 

Ted Kennedy: A Life in Pictures

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Kennedy's office wrote about 2,500 bills during his nearly half-century of service, points out the Boston Globe, more than 300 of which have become law. But when it comes to illustrating highlights, a picture speaks a thousand words. Click on the image box to the left for...

Ted Kennedy Dead at 77
 Ted Kennedy Dead at 77 

Ted Kennedy Dead at 77

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Kennedy, patriarch of one of the most powerful political dynasties in American history and long-time liberal lion of the Democratic Party, died late last night at his Massachusetts home in Hyannis Port, reports the New York Times. “We’ve lost the irreplaceable center of our family and...

Next Clunkers You Can Cash In On? Appliances

(Newser) - If you missed out on cashing in on that clunker in your driveway, your next chance may be no farther than the kitchen, USA Today reports. Stimulus funds that will give consumers rebates as high as $200 for replacing old, inefficient appliances with newer models are due to start flowing...

Things That Really, Really Bug Obama

Missing family time, overzealous make-up artists rankle the president

(Newser) - Staffers say that “No Drama Obama” largely deserves his nickname. Nonetheless, there are ways to tick the president off. Politico lists his biggest pet peeves:
  • When aides schedule events that conflict with dad/daughter time.
  • People who try to get him to wear baseball gear from teams other than the

Feminists Don't Get It: Motherhood's a Drug

(Newser) - For Katie Roiphe, the connection with her newborn child is like an “addiction," she writes on DoubleX. "There is an opium-den quality to maternity leave. The high of a love that obliterates everything.” Why, then, can’t feminists accept that motherhood is more than a “...

Forget Comfort Food: We Shun It in Turmoil

Studies suggest we don't seek solace in the familiar

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has it that when we face big changes, we look to the familiar to get us through—whether it’s comfort food or music we’ve loved for years. But new studies suggest the opposite is true, that “change begets change,” in the words of one...

Help—I'm Jealous of My Own Kid!

Dads wrestle with idea that youngsters have it better than they did

(Newser) - You’re trying to give your kids the best: karate lessons, top schools, the latest video games. “You couldn't be prouder, really,” writes Christopher Noxon in Details, until “it hits you: you’re jealous.” Your childhood was never this good, and now, as your kid expands...

The Healthiest Ways to Watch TV

Mehmet Oz gives his top 4 tips

(Newser) - Dr. Mehmet Oz is getting a new show starting Sept. 14, inspiring Esquire to ask Oprah’s favorite physician how to watch the tube in the healthiest way possible. His recommendations:
  1. Drink water—Take advantage of the opportunity: you won’t mind its blandness when your focus is elsewhere.
  2. Munch

Testosterone Linked to Women's Career Choice

(Newser) - Women with higher testosterone levels may be more likely to seek out riskier careers, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Chicago tested the testosterone levels of 500 graduate business students, then tracked their post-graduation career moves. Ultimately 36% of women went into high-risk financial careers, and...

Eat Way Less Added Sugar: Heart Docs

(Newser) - Americans eat more than twice as much added sugar as doctors recommend, and they should cut back to battle obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, researchers say. Added calories from processed sugar should total no more than 150 for men and 100 for women, the American Heart Association said today....

Hotels Woo New Cash Cow: Kids
 Hotels Woo New Cash Cow: Kids 

Hotels Woo New Cash Cow: Kids

(Newser) - Families are traveling more often, and recession-battered hotels are ramping up their kid-friendly offerings, the Boston Globe reports. Rooms occupied by families with children accounted for 27% of the total in 2008, up from 25% in 2004, and lodgings are watching the trend. Whether it's free Wii, a dog to...

Mag's Gutsy Photo Hits With Readers

(Newser) - In showing that it has the stomach to use plus-sized models in its pages, Glamour has provoked a torrent of positive reader reaction, blogger Margaret notes on Jezebel. A photo of a woman with a bit of a gut hanging over her underwear accompanied a story in the September issue,...

Cervical Cancer Vaccine Linked to 32 Deaths

Teen-targeted Gardasil also tied to blood clots, fainting in gov't study

(Newser) - Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine marketed to teen girls, has been linked to 32 deaths and other serious side effects including fainting and blood clots, according to a government report released yesterday. Since 2006, several complications of the vaccine have been reported, ABC News reports, ranging from neurological disorders to...

It's Time to Start Taking Hillary Seriously

She's still trivialized as she fights to empower women

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s trip to Congo was meant to help fulfill a promise to focus on women’s issues, but it seems to have turned on one woman's issues. Though “there could have been no more dramatic setting,” writes Judith Warner in the New York Times, “back...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>