women's issues

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama's Golf Game Goes Coed
 Obama's Golf Game Goes Coed 
girls allowed

Obama's Golf Game Goes Coed

Presidential foursome includes a woman for the first time

(Newser) - Within hours of a New York Times story spotlighting the West Wing's alleged "boys' club" atmosphere, President Obama played golf with a woman today for the first time since being sworn in. Melody Barnes, the White House chief domestic policy adviser, hit the links as part of Obama's foursome...

Female Saudi Journalist Gets 60 Lashes for Sex Show

During episode, man boasted of conquests

(Newser) - A female Saudi journalist has been sentenced to 60 lashes for her involvement in a TV show that featured a man detailing his sexual conquests. The court also banned Rosanna Al-Yami from leaving the country for two years, sources tell CNN. She is believed to be the first Saudi journalist...

Cell Phones May Raise Risk of Tumors: WHO Study

Lead researcher says kids' use should be restricted

(Newser) - One of the most thorough reviews yet of the health risks of cell phones suggests that longtime users face a higher risk of brain tumors. The World Health Organization study is not definitive, but it bolsters the case that precautions make sense. The lead researcher tells the Telegraph she thinks...

Michelle Wants Prez to Lose (to Her, at Tennis)
 Michelle Wants Prez 
 to Lose (to Her, at Tennis) 
First Lady's 10 @ Ten

Michelle Wants Prez to Lose (to Her, at Tennis)

But won't spill girls' Halloween costumes to Jay Leno

(Newser) - What's President Barack Obama's most annoying habit? Practicing his speeches for hours in front of the bathroom mirror? Talking too much foreign policy at the dinner table? No—First Lady Michelle Obama said last night it's his tennis game. When they play, the president usually wins. "He beats me...

Broke Aussie Author Inspires Bidding Frenzy

Rebecca James' debut has publishers seeing next JK Rowling

(Newser) - The publishing world is in a frenzy over a debut novel whose Australian author is drawing comparisons to JK Rowling (Harry Potter? Perhaps you've heard of it.). “Beautiful Malice was one of the most extraordinary manuscripts I’ve read in a very long while,” one editor with...

Disney Offers Refunds for Failed Baby Einsteins

Videos may mesmerize kids, but they don't prompt development

(Newser) - Parents disappointed that junior isn't a prodigy can get now get a refund from Disney. Threatened with a class-action lawsuit, the makers of Baby Einstein products have withdrawn claims that the ubiquitous videos are beneficial to childhood development, and offered to refund the $15.99 parents shelled out if they...

Michelle Pushes for Health Reform
 Michelle Pushes 
 for Health Reform 
secret weapon

Michelle Pushes for Health Reform

First lady makes case for overhaul in personal terms

(Newser) - Michelle Obama rejoined the push for health care reform today, making the administration's case in an event at the White House and an online video message. Speaking with Jill Biden at a gathering for breast cancer survivors, Obama decried the fact that patients can’t get insurance because cancer in...

'White Wine With Seafood' Rule Is No Fish Story

High-iron reds make a poor accompaniment, scientists confirm

(Newser) - Researchers conducting intensely necessary studies have confirmed what connoisseurs have always told us: Red wine doesn’t go with fish. Tasters tried 38 red wines and 26 whites while noshing on scallops. They discovered that wines with higher iron content—meaning most reds—unpleasantly accentuated the seafood's “fishy” taste....

70-Year-Old Lobster Deserves Freedom
 70-Year-Old Lobster 
 Deserves Freedom 
food critic's lament

70-Year-Old Lobster Deserves Freedom

Larry's plight stirs conscience of restaurant writer

(Newser) - Restaurant writer Ryan Sutton has dined on his share of lobsters, but the plight of one venerable crustacean has left him without an appetite. "Larry" is a 70-year-old lobster at New York's Oceana restaurant awaiting its fate as a $275 entree. Sutton admits he's never given much thought to...

Michelle Sparks Hula Hoop Craze

 Michelle Sparks 
 Hula Hoop Craze 
WATCH The Copycats

Michelle Sparks Hula Hoop Craze

Newscasters can't resist getting in on the hip action

(Newser) - Michelle Obama has started a trend…at least among America's female newscasters. After the First Lady managed an impressive 142 rotations in a hula-hooping video that went viral, a score of “awkward female news anchors” just had to try it, notes Azaria Jagger on Gawker. Watch videos at left...

Leibovitz Shoots First Family
 Leibovitz Shoots First Family 

Leibovitz Shoots First Family

Sasha, Malia throw arms around parents in White House portrait

(Newser) - New screen saver, anyone? The White House released a new Obama family portrait taken by celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz. The First Family sat in the White House’s Green Room for the picture, at left.

This Amelia Never Takes Off
 This Amelia Never Takes Off 

This Amelia Never Takes Off

Swank shines as Earhart in largely forgettable biopic

(Newser) - Hilary Swank is superlative as Amelia Earhart, say critics, but the too-conventional movie around her never really engages in what made the aviatrix tick and stays earthbound as a result.
  • Swank is "strangely mesmerizing as Earhart," writes Connie Ogle in the Miami Herald , but director Mira Nair's biopic

Andrews Pins Hopes on New Voice Surgery

Mary Poppins may sing again with pioneering technique

(Newser) - Julie Andrews hopes to be one of the first to undergo cutting edge surgery in a bid to resurrect vocal chords savaged in a botched operation. The actress hasn't been able to sing since her 1997 surgery to remove non-cancerous nodules on her larynx. She won nearly a million dollars...

Worst Food Trends of the Decade
 Worst Food Trends 
 of the Decade 
check, please

Worst Food Trends of the Decade

From onion blossoms to overhyped chefs, these things need to go away

(Newser) - Asked to name the decade's worst dining trends, chefs and other food experts couldn't shut up. There were too many (including "mache, water sommeliers, organ-meat entrees, unisex bathrooms, bacon tattoos on chefs, over-flaunted kitchen burns, chefs tables") for Christopher Borrelli to list them all, but he...

Scientists Move Closer to Womb Transplant

Successful rabbit test means human test could be 2 years away

(Newser) - British doctors have performed successful uterus transplants in rabbits, meaning they could try the procedure on a human woman in as little as two years. Researchers say they’ve solved the blood supply problems that have until now bedeviled uterus transplants; a Saudi woman tried the procedure in 2000, but...

Ann Taylor Finally Gets Good
 Ann Taylor Finally Gets Good 

Ann Taylor Finally Gets Good

Cintra Wilson finds the retailer infused with sophisticated details, for less

(Newser) - After a game of fashion musical chairs brought Ann Taylor a new designer, Cintra Wilson decided it was time to reexamine the label—long a "corporate office submissive" look designed to "attract a nice tax attorney husband." She ate her words after checking out the new line...

Insurers Drop Rape Victims Who Take HIV Meds
Insurers Drop Rape Victims Who Take HIV Meds

Insurers Drop Rape Victims Who Take HIV Meds

Assaulted women locked out of health care

(Newser) - Sexual assault victims prescribed precautionary HIV/AIDS meds risk being denied health insurance—because they have a pre-existing condition. The vast majority never develop the disease, but many have lost their insurance altogether, the Huffington Post reports. Others have been denied mental health care for PTSD that arose after they were...

Kidman: Hollywood Hurting Women

It contributes to violence by portraying them as weak sex objects

(Newser) - Violence against women can "probably" be blamed in part on Hollywood's depiction of them as weak sex objects, Nicole Kidman says. The actress—and goodwill ambassador for the UN Development Fund for Women—testified before a House subcommittee to promote humanitarian efforts to relieve such violence overseas. She was...

Boyle Breaks Pre-Order Record
 Boyle Breaks Pre-Order Record 

Boyle Breaks Pre-Order Record

Debut album for Britain's Got Talent star is selling fast

(Newser) - Susan Boyle's popularity shows no signs of dying down: The Britain's Got Talent runner-up is releasing her first album Nov. 23, and it has already broken Amazon's record for most pre-orders, the New York Daily News reports. "Although it's normal to see early enthusiasm for artists who have come...

Obama Owns Up: Michelle Made More Sacrifices

Many men 'still a little obtuse' about imbalance in household dynamics

(Newser) - The men in many families need to be "knocked across the head every once in a while" to realize how much more work their partners are putting into child-raising, President Obama says, and the Obamas are no exception. "There's no doubt that our family, like a lot of...

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