summer solstice

10 Stories

Washington Was President Last Time the Solstice Came So Early

Thursday is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere

(Newser) - What does everyone in the Northern Hemisphere have in common on Thursday? We're all marking the longest day of the year, aka the summer solstice, which officially takes place at 4:51pm ET when the sun reaches its highest annual point in the sky, as the Earth's axis...

Solstice Crowds Reject Advice to Stay Away From Stonehenge

Live feed was interrupted after people entered restricted area

(Newser) - Dozens of people have ignored advice not to travel to Stonehenge for the annual summer solstice celebrations, which were cancelled Monday due to coronavirus concerns. English Heritage, which looks after the Neolithic monument, had planned a live feed of the sunrise at Stonehenge for the second year in a row....

Stonehenge Adapts, Livestreams Solstice

Site is closed to tourists, but millions watch online

(Newser) - The coronavirus pandemic has prevented druids, pagans and party-goers from watching the sun rise at Stonehenge to mark the summer solstice this year. The ancient stone circle in southwestern England usually draws about 10,000 people to mark the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. But Britain...

The 'Ring of Fire' Eclipse Is Coming This Weekend

Here's how to see it, weather permitting

(Newser) - Star-lovers will get a rare treat this weekend when an annual solar eclipse accompanies the summer solstice—and this one will be a "ring of fire" in which the sun is visible around the moon's edges, CNN reports. It can be seen Saturday and Sunday in parts of...

Summer Gets Rare Welcome: Strawberry Moon

A couple of cosmic events collide for the first time in a half-century

(Newser) - On Monday, everyone in the Northern Hemisphere can finally say "Welcome, summer!"—and also lift their eyes up to witness a different cosmic phenomenon that only happens in tandem with the summer solstice every half-century or so, ScienceAlert notes. The strawberry moon, a full moon in June...

'Missing Piece' Emerges in Stonehenge Mystery

Landmark's location tied to solstices, not sun-worship

(Newser) - New digging at Stonehenge sheds some light on the ancient site's mysterious ties with the summer and winter solstices. Contrary to what some have speculated, the landmark wasn't built for some sort of sun-worshipping ritual, says a researcher, nor was it "some kind of calendar or astronomical...

Pagans, Hippies Celebrate Solstice at Stonehenge

Thousands gather to witness traditional ceremonies

(Newser) - More than 18,000 people gathered at Stonehenge to celebrate summer solstice, witnessing sunrise on the longest day of the year. The Telegraph ’s article on the event is full of fun little tidbits: The revelers are described as “an eclectic mix of sun worshippers, hippies, and pagans,...

Pagans Flock to Stonehenge Solstice

Welcome to the longest day of the year

(Newser) - Thousands of New Agers and neo-pagans danced and whooped in delight this morning as a bright early morning sun rose above the ancient stone circle Stonehenge, marking the summer solstice. About 20,000 alternative-minded revelers crowded the prehistoric site in southern England to see the 4:52am (11:52pm ET)...

Crowds Throng Cloudy Solstice at Stonehenge

Revelers amassed at Stonehenge for sunup on the year's longest day

(Newser) - Normally fences keep the public from brushing up against Stonehenge's mossy monoliths, the Times of London reports, but for today's summer solstice, a record crowd was allowed to pack the British monument site. Druids, drinkers, and curious early risers filled the area to capacity well before sunrise, and the only...

Naked Hikers Enjoy Solstice Au Naturel

(Newser) - The summer solstice is upon us, but for certain enthusiasts, today bears a different name: Naked Hiking Day. “No way to explain it until you experience it,” one fan told the AP. “Traditional” hikers might feel the same upon encountering backpackers in the buff. “It’s...

10 Stories